<< Bromtravels Literature List (1519 publications on Bromeliaceae) <<

by Leo Dijkgraaf and Eric Gouda, updated: 2023-02-05 23:55:24
Index: - A- B- C- D- E- F- G- H- I- J- K- L- M- N- O- P- Q- R- S- T- U- V- W- X- Y- Z

Acebey, A. et al. 2006Aráceas y bromeliáceas de Bolivia.

– Botánica Económica de los Andes Centrales 2006:434-448

Acevedo-Rodríguez, P. 1996Bromeliaceae, In: Flora of St.John, U.S.Virgin Islands.

– Memoirs of the New York Botanical Garden Vol.78, USA
– (page 467-472; total 581 pages, 27 cm, ISBN 0-89327-402-X).

Acevedo-Rodríguez, P. & M. Strong 2012Bromeliaceae, In: Catalogue of seed plants of the West Indies.

– Smithsonian Contributions to Botany no.98, Smithsonian Institution Scholarly Press, Washington USA
– (page 178-187; total 1217 pages).

Adams, W.W. & C.E. Martin 1986Heterophylly and its relevance to evolution within the Tillandsioideae.

– Selbyana 9:121-125

Aguilar Melo, C. 2016Filogeografia de cinco espécies de Dyckia (Bromeliaceae) endêmicas de uma região do centro-oeste Brasileiro.

– Thesis, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil
– (32 pages).

Aguilar Rodríguez, P.A. 2013Biología floral y reproductiva de Tillandsia heterophylla y Tillandsia macropetala (Bromeliaceae), en al Municipio de San Andrés Tlalnelhuayocan, en la región central de Veracruz, México.

– Thesis, Universidad Veracruzana, Xalapa Veracruz, México
– (131 pages).

Aguilar Rodríguez, P.A. et al. 2014First record of bat-pollination in the species-rich genus Tillandsia (Bromeliaceae) (in T. macropetala).

– Annals of Botany 113(6):1047-1055

Aguilar-Rodríguez, P.A. et al. 2020A new Werauhia (Tillandsioidea, Bromeliaceae) from Mexico with observations about its reproductive biology (W. maculata).

– Phytotaxa 446(2):128-134

Aguilar-Rodríguez, P.A. et al. 2021Intraspecific variability of nectar attracts differen bats: the case of Pseudalcantarea viridiflora, a bromeliad with crepuscular anthesis.

– Acta Botanica Brasilica 35(4):597-611

Aguirre-Santoro, J. 2009Filogenia e delimitação do gênero Ronnbergia E.Morren & André (Bromeliaceae: Bromelioideae).

– Thesis, Museu Nacional, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
– (88 pages).

Aguirre-Santoro, J. 2015Is Ronnbergia (Bromeliaceae: Bromelioideae) a geographically disjunct genus ? Evidence from morphology and chloroplast DNA sequence data.

– Phytotaxa 219(3):261-275

Aguirre-Santoro, J. 2017Taxonomy of the Ronnbergia alliance (Bromeliaceae: Bromelioideae): new combinations, synopsis and new circumscriptions of Ronnbergia and the resurrected genus Wittmackia.

– Plant Systematics and Evolution 303(5):615-640

Aguirre-Santoro, J. 2018Taxonomic revision of the Caribbean-endemic species of Wittmackia (Bromeliaceae).

– Phytotaxa 336(2):101-147

Aguirre-Santoro, J. & F. Michelangeli 2015Two new species of Disteganthus (Bromeliaceae) from Suriname and French Guiana.

– Brittonia 67(3):233-242

Aguirre-Santoro, J. & J. Betancur 2008Sinopsis del género Aechmea (Bromeliaceae) para Colombia.

– Caldasia 30(2):265-288

Aguirre-Santoro, J. & J. Betancur 2011Cinco especies nuevas de Aechmea (Bromeliaceae: Bromelioideae) para Colombia.

– Brittonia 63(2):300-313

Aguirre-Santoro, J. & J. Betancur 2019Taxonomic novelties in the subfamily Bromelioideae (Bromeliaceae) for the Colombian Amazon.

– Brittonia 71(1):15-24

Aguirre-Santoro, J. & J. Betancur 2022Taxonomic novelties of Ronnbergia (Bromeliaceae: Bromelioideae) from Colombia.

– Brittonia 74(1):30-42 [e-publ. 2021]

Aguirre-Santoro, J., F.A. Michelangeli & D.W. Stevenson 2016Molecular phylogenetics of the Ronnbergia alliance (Bromeliaceae, Bromelioideae) and insights into their morphological evolution.

– Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 100:1-20

Aguirre-Santoro, J., J. Betancur & B.K. Holst 2015Three new additions to the Guayana Shield-endemic Steyerbromelia (Bromeliaceae) for Colombia with comments on the problematic generic delimitation within the subfamily Navioidae.

– Systematic Botany 40(3):737-745

Aguirre-Santoro, J., J.C. Ordóñez-Blanco & J. Betancur 2021A new rupicolous species of Puya (Bromeliaceae) with pendulous inflorescence from the Eastern Cordillera of Colombia.

– Nordic Journal of Botany [e-publ.]
– (6 pages).

Aguirre-Santoro, J., K.C. Campbell & G.R. Proctor 2016A new species of Hohenbergia endemic to the Dolphin Head Mountains in western Jamaica (H. rohan-estyi).

– Phytotaxa 247(2):133-137

Aguirre-Santoro, J., N.R. Salinas & F.A. Michelangeli 2020The influence of floral variation and geographic disjunction on the evolutionary dynamics of Ronnbergia and Wittmackia (Bromeliaceae: Bromelioideae).

– Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 192(4):609-624

Albert, B., Z. Toghranegar & S. Nadot 2014Diversity and evolution of microsporogenesis in Bromeliaceae.

– Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 176(1):36-45

ALCJR Enterprises (Tillandsia Plants Division) 2003The beginners guide to succesfully growing Tillandsias.

– ALCJR Enterprises, Midlothian Virginia USA
– (10 pages, 35 small colorphotos, 21x14 cm).

Alfonso-Go, J.M. 2002Northern Mindanao Bromeliad Collections.

– Northern Mindanao Ornamental Horticulture Foundation Inc., Philippines
– (38 pages, 400 small colorphotos, 30x22,5 cm).

Almeida, E.D.S. 2018Taxonomia e Ecologia de Cryptanthus na Caatinga, Bahia.

– Thesis, Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana, Brasil
– (74 pages, 8 figures).

Almeida, E.D.S., J.A.S. Filho & E.M.C. Leme 2022Cryptanthus euglossinii (Bromeliaceae: Bromelioideae), a new species from Chapada Diamantina, Bahia.

– Rodriguésia 73:e02092020
– (7 pages).

Almeida, J.R.M. et al. 2010Mechanical. morphological and structural characteristics of caroa Neoglaziovia variegata fibres.

– Polymers and Polymer Composites 16(9):589-595

Almeida, V.R. et al. 2009Morphological phylogenetics of Quesnelia (Bromeliaceae, Bromelioideae).

– Systematic Botany 34:660-672

Alvarado-Fajardo, V.M. et al. 2013Bromeliaceae en algos municipios de Boyacá y Casanare, Colombia.

– Revista de la Academia Colombiana de Ciencias 37(142):5-18

Alves, G. 2013Filogenia molecular, evolução e biogeografia do gênero Cryptanthus Otto & Dietrich (Bromeliaceae).

– Thesis, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Recife Brazil
– (156 pages).

Alves, M. & R. Marcucci 2015Nomenclatural correction in Cryptanhus Otto & A. Dietrich (Bromeliaceae - Bromelioideae).

– Rodriguésia 66(2):661-664

Amorim, A.M. & E.M.C. Leme 2009Two new species of Quesnelia (Bromeliaceae: Bromelioideae) from the Atlantic Rainforest of Bahia, Brazil.

– Brittonia 61(1):14-21

Ancona, J.J. et al. 2021Botanical history and typification in the Tillandsia ionantha complex.

– Taxon 70(6):1317-1326

André, E. 1888Enumération des Broméliacées récoltées en 1875-76 par Ed. André dans l\'Amerique du Sud (Vénézuéla, Colombie, Ecuador) et diagnoses des espèces nouvelles.

– Revue Horticole 60:563-568

André, E. 1889Bromeliaceae Andreanae. Description et Histoire des Bromeliacées, récoltées dans la Colombie, l\'Ecuador et la Venezuela.

– Librairie Agricole, Paris France
– (118 pages, 40 b&w-plates).

André, E. 1983Bromeliaceae Andreanae.

– Translation from French in English, with annotations by M.Rothenberg. Big Bridge / Twowindows Press, Berkeley USA
– (211 pages, 40 b&w-plates, 31x24 cm).
note: information about E. André in Journal of the Bromeliad Society 33(2):56-65 (1983) and 45(1):27-29 (1995., specieslist).

Antar, G.M. et al. 2021Novelties in Dyckia (Pitcairnioideae - Bromeliaceae) from the South America dry diagonal: two new species, a new combination and a new name.

– Feddes Repertorium 132:269-278

Antoine, F. 1882Schlumbergeria roezli Mrrn. (Bromeliaceae).

– Oesterreichische Botanische Zeitschrift 32(9):277-279

Antoine, F. 1884Phyto-Iconographie der Bromeliaceen des kaiserlichen königlichen Hofburg-Gartens in Wien.

– Gerold & Comp., Vienna Austria
– (35 illustrations, 54 pages).

Aoyama, E.M. 2002Estrutura foliar de Aechmea subgênero Lamprococcus e espécies relacionadas (Bromeliaceae).

– Thesis, Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho, Rio Claro, São Paulo Brazil
– Note: also E.M. Aoyama & M.G. Sajo (2003, same title) Revista Brasileira de Botânica 26(4):461-473.

Apodaca, M.J. & E.L. Guerrero 2019Por qué se expande hacia el sur la distribución geográphica de Tillandsia recurvata (Bromeliaceae) ?

– Boletin de la Sociedad Argentina de Botanica 54(2):255-261

Araujo, A.C., E. Fischer & M. Sazima 2004As bromélias na região do Rio Verde.

– Estação Ecológica Jurélia-Italins: ambiente fisico, flora e fauna 14:162-171

Araujo, C.C. & M.G.L. Wanderley 2019An amendment to the original description for Pitcairnia ulei (Pitcairnioideae - Bromeliaceae).

– Rodriguésia 70:-
– (4 pages).

Arellano, M.J.J. 2002Las Bromeliaceae del Estado de Oaxaca: Riqueza florística y potencial ornamental.

– Thesis, Universidad Autónoma Chapingo, Centro Universitario del Sureste, San José, Tabasco México
– (135 pages).

Arenas, P. & S.C. Arroyo 1988Les especies comestibles del género Bromelia (Bromeliaceae) del Gran Chaco.

– Candollea 43(2):645-660

Argent, G. 1988Three interesting bromeliads from South America.

– Kew Magazine 8:63-71

Arrais, M. 1989Aspectos anatômicos de espécies de Bromeliaceae da Serra do Cipó - Minas Gerais, com especial referência à vascularizaçâo floral.

– Thesis, São Paulo Brazil

Arruda. R.C.O. & A.F. Costa 2003Foliar anatomy of five Vriesea sect. Xiphion (Bromeliaceae) species.

– Selbyana 24(2):180-189

Ayarde, H. & E. Bulacio 2016Tillandsia mollis var. reptans (Bromeliaceae), una novedad del noroeste de Argentina.

– Boletin de la Sociedad Argentina de Botanica 51(2):367-372

Ayasta, J. & A. Juarez 2020El género Tillandsia (Bromeliaceae) en el departamento de Lambayeque, Perú.

– Revista Peruana de Biología 27(2):189-204

Ayasta, J., A. Juarez & J. Escurra 2022Pitcairnia y Deuterocohnia (Bromeliaceae: Pitcairnioideae) del departamento de Lambayeque, Peru .

– Revista Peruana de Biología 29(3):e22835
– (12 pages).


Baensch, U. & U. Baensch 1994Blühende Bromelien.

– Tropic Beauty Publishers (Nassau, Bahamas) & Tetra Verlag (Melle, Germany)
– (272 pages, 1000 colorphotos , 5 maps, 28x22 cm, ISBN 1-56465-148-7).
note: also published in English (\"Blooming Bromeliads\") and in Spanish (\"Bromeliaceas en Flor\").

Baillon, H. 1895Bromeliaceae, In: Histoire des plantes Vol.XIII. Monographie des Amarylidacées, Broméliacées, Iridacées etc.

– Librairie Hachette, Paris France
– (page 86-118, 21 drawings; volume has 523 pages, 327 drawings; total of 13 volumes published 1867-1895, 28x18 cm).

Baines, Mr. 1885Aechmeas.

– The Garden 27:53-55

Baker, J.G. 1878A synopsis of the species of Diaphoranthema.

– Journal of botany, British and foreign 16:236-241

Baker, J.G. 1879A synopsis of the genus Aechmea R. & P.

– Journal of botany, British and foreign 17:129-135, 161-168, 226-236

Baker, J.G. 1881A synopsis of the genus Pitcairnia.

– Journal of botany, British and foreign 19:225-233, 265-273, 303-308

Baker, J.G. 1882On four new bromeliads and a new Stegolepis from British Guiana.

– Journal of botany, British and foreign 20:329-331

Baker, J.G. 1886A new Aechmea (A. chiriquensis).

– Journal of botany, British and foreign 24:243

Baker, J.G. 1887-1888A synopsis of Tillandsieae.

– Journal of botany, British and foreign 25:52-55, 115-118, 171-177, 211-215, 234-246, 277-281, 303-306, 344-347; 26:12-17, 39-50, 79-82, 104-111, 137-144, 167-172

Baker, J.G. 1889Handbook of the Bromeliaceae.

– George Bell & Sons, London UK ; reprinted as Plant Monograph Reprint Vol.8 by J. Cramer Verlag, Lehre Germany (1972, ISBN 3 7682 0752 8)
– (243 pages, not illustrated, 20x14 cm).

Baker, J.G. 1892Bromeliaceae, In: An enumeration of the plants collected by Dr. Thomas Morong in Paraguay, 1888-1890.

– Editors: T. Morong & N.L. Britton. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 7:235-238

Baksh-Comeau, Y.S. et al. 2016Bromeliaceae, In: An annotated checklist of the vascular plants of Trinidad and Tobago with analysis of vegetation types and botanical \'hotspots\'.

– Phytotaxa 250(1):131-139 (article total pages 1-431)

Balick, M.J., M.H.Nee & D.E. Atha 2000Bromeliaceae, In: Checklist of the vascular plants of Belize.

– Memoirs of the New York Botanical Garden Vol.85
– (page 174 - 176; total 246 pages, ISBN 0-89327-434-8).

Baracho, G.S. 2004Revisão taxonômica de Hohenbergia Schult. & Schult.f. subgenus Hohenbergia (Bromeliaceae).

– Thesis, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Recife Brazil
– (172 pages).

Barbará, T. et al. 2007Population differentiation and species cohesion in two closely related plants adapted to neotropical high-altitude \'inselbergs\', Alcantarea imperialis and A. geniculata (Bromeliaceae).

– Molecular Ecology 16(5):1981-1992

Barbará, T. et al. 2009Genetic relationships and variation in reproductive strategies in four closely related bromeliads adapted to neotropical inselbergs: Alcantarea glaziouana, A. regina, A. geniculata and A. imperialis (Bromeliaceae).

– Annals of Botany 103:65-77

Barbosa-Silva, R.G. et al. 2018Up on the table mountains in Brazil: new Bromeliaceae and Eriocaulaceae (Poales) from the Pantepui in the Guayana Shield.

– Plant Ecology and Evolution 151(1):130-141

Barfuss, M.H.J. 2012Molecular studies in Bromeliaceae: implications of plastid and nuclear DNA markers for phylogeny, biogeography, and character evolution with emphasis on a new classification of Tillandsioideae.

– Thesis, Universität Wien, Austria
– (244 pages).

Barfuss, M.H.J. & W. Till et al. 2016Taxonomic revision of Bromeliaceae subfam. Tillandsioideae based on a multi-locus DNA sequence phylogeny and morphology.

– Phytotaxa 279(1):1-97

Barfuss, M.H.J., R. Samuel, W. Till & T.F. Stuessy 2005Phylogenetic relationships in subfamily Tillandsioideae (Bromeliaceae) based on DNA sequence data from seven plastid regions.

– American Journal of Botany 92:337-351

Barker, H.D. & W.S. Dardeau 1930Bromeliaceae, In: La Flore d\'Haiti.

– Departement de l\'Agriculture, Port-au-Prince Haiti
– (page 47-49; total 456 pages, not illustrated, 24x15 cm).

Barros, J.V. 2006O gênero Billbergia Thunb.(Bromeliaceae, Bromelioideae) no Estado do Rio de Janeiro.

– Thesis, Museu Nacional, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
– (132 pages).
note: also J.V. Barros & A.F. Costa (2008, same title) Acta Botânica Brasilica 22(4):1172-1192.

Bartholomew, D.P. et al. 2003The pineapple: botany, production and uses.

– Editors: D.P.Bartholomew, R.E. Paull & K.G. Rohrbach. CABI Publishing, Wallingford UK and New York USA
– (multi authored publication, 301 pages, 8 pages with 42 small colorphotos, map, 25x16 cm, ISBN 0-85199-503-9).

Bastos, M.J.S.M. et al. 2017Floral and reproductive biology of Alcantarea nahoumii (Bromeliaceae), a vulnerable endemic species of the Atlantic forest.

– Acta Botanica Brasilica 31(4):665-676

Bastos, M.J.S.M. et al. 2018Spatial distribution and associated flora of Alcantarea nahoumii, a vulnerable endemic species to rocky outcrops of the Serra da Jibóia, Bahia, Brazil.

– Rodriguésia 69(2):503-514

Beadle, D. 1991A preliminary listing of all known cultivar and grex names for Bromeliaceae.

– Bromeliad Society Inc., USA
– (249 pages).
note: update by E.Baskerville (1997, 14 pages).

Beadle, D. 1998Bromeliad Cultivar Registry.

– Bromeliad Society Inc., USA

Beaman, R.S. 1989Systematics of Tillandsia subgenus Pseudalcantarea (Bromeliaceae) and cladistic relationships of Bromelioideae, Pitcairnioideae and Tillandsioideae.

– Thesis, University of Florida, Gainesville USA

Beaman, R.S. & W.S. Judd 1996Systematics of Tillandsia subgenus Pseudalcantarea (Bromeliaceae).

– Brittonia 48(1):1-19

Beauman, F. 2005The pineapple, king of fruits.

– Chatto & Windus, London UK
– (315 pages, 21,5x13 cm, ISBN 0701176997).

Beer, J.G. 1857Die Familie der Bromeliaceen - Nach ihrem habituellen Charakter bearbeitet mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Ananassa.

– Tendler & Comp., Wien Austria
– (272 pages, 6 drawings, 22x14 cm).
note: first book dedicated to bromeliads.

Bennett, B.C. 1988A comparison of life history traits in selected epiphytic and saxicolous species of Tillandsia (Bromeliaceae) from Florida and Peru.

– Thesis, University of North Carolina, Chapell Hill USA

Bentham, G. & J.D. Hooker 1883Bromeliaceae, In: Genera Plantarum Vol.3.

– London (1862-1883 Vol.1-3) ; reprinted (annotated by W.T. Stearn) by J. Cramer Verlag, Weinheim Germany (1965)
– (pages 657-670, Vol.3 1258 pages, not illustrated, 23x16 cm).

Benzing, D.H. 1976Bromeliad trichomes: structure and function.

– Selbyana 1:330-348; reprinted in Journal of the Bromeliad Society 27(3):122-128 and 27(4):170-179 (1977)

Benzing, D.H. 1980The biology of the bromeliads.

– Mad River Press, Eureka California USA
– (305 pages, 26 colorphotos, 21x18 cm, ISBN 0-916422-21-6).

Benzing, D.H. 1994How much is known about Bromeliaceae in 1994 ?

– Selbyana 15:1-7

Benzing, D.H. 2000Bromeliaceae. Profile of an adaptive radiation.

– Cambridge University Press, UK
– (690 pages, b&w-photos, drawings, tables, 24x18 cm, ISBN 0 521 43031 3).
note: includes chapters on Neoregelia subgen Hylaeaicum (I. Ramírez), Tillandsia and Racinaea (W. Till), ethnobotany (B. Bennett), endangered species (M. Dimmitt).

Benzing, D.H. 2012Air plants: epiphytes and aerial gardens.

– Cornell University Press, Ithaca USA
– (256 pages, 105 illustrations - photos, drawings and tables, 23x15 cm, ISBN 978-0-8014-5043-3).

Benzing, D.H. & D. Bermudes 1991Epiphytic bromeliads as air quality monitors in South Florida.

– Selbyana 12:46-53

Benzing, D.H. & W.E. Friedman 1981Patterns of foliar pigmentation and their adaptive significance (Bromeliaceae).

– Selbyana 5(3-4):224-240

Bernardello, L.M., L. Galetto & H.R. Juliani 1991Floral nectar, nectary structure and pollinators in some Argentinian Bromeliaceae.

– Annals of Botany 67:401-411

Bessler, B. 1993Vegetative Vermehrung - Behandlung mit dem Cytokinin BAP.

– Die Bromelie 1993(3):71-77 ; English translation in Journal of the Bromeliad Society 44(6):247-253 1994

Betancur, J. 1991Contribución al conocimiento de las bromeliáceas del departamento de Antioquia.

– Thesis, Universidad de Antioquia, Medellín Colombia
– (264 pages).

Betancur, J. 1991Hohenbergia andina (Bromeliaceae) nueva especie del noroccidente de Colombia.

– Caldasia 16(79):425-428

Betancur, J. 1992Streptocalyx poeppigii en Colombia.

– Caldasia 17(1):179

Betancur, J. 1995Bromelias de Colombia: una especie nueva de Pitcairnia (P. lindae).

– Caldasia 17(82-85):379-382

Betancur, J. 2001Navias nuevas de la Sierra de Chiribiquete.

– Caldasia 23(1):139-146

Betancur, J. 2001Guía de las bromelias de Bogotá y sus alrededores.

– Departamento Técnico Administrativo del Medio Ambiente (DAMA), Bogotá Colombia
– (151 pages, color ill., 19x11 cm, ISBN 9589387306, plastic comb binding).

Betancur, J. 2011Bromeliaceae, In: Flora de Antioquia - Catálogo de las plantas vasculares (Colombia).

– Editors: A. Idárraga, R. del C. Ortiz, R. Callejas & M. Merello. Missouri Botanical Press, St. Louis USA
– (vol.1: 326 pages, vol.2: 939 pages incl. list of Bromeliaceae p.360-377, 28 cm, vol.2 ISBN 978-958-8709-61-1).

Betancur, J. 2016Bromeliaceae, In: Catálogo de plantas y de líquenes de Colombia Vol.1

– Editors: R. Bernal, S.R. Gradstein & M. Celis. Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Instituto de Ciencias Naturalis
– (vol.1: 1500 pages, Bromeliaceae p.944-990, ISBN 978-958-775-727-9).

Betancur, J. & D.R. Miranda-Esquivel 1999¿ Existe Sodiroa ?

– Revista de la Academia Colombiana de Ciencias 23(87):189-194

Betancur, J. & M.A. Jaramillo 1998Distribucion de la familia Bromeliaceae en dos vertientes Andinas del sur de Colombia.

– Selbyana 19(1):52-65

Betancur, J. & M.V. Arbeláez 1995Una especie nueva de Navia (Bromeliaceae) de Araracuara, Colombia (N. ebracteata).

– Mutisia 74:1-5

Betancur, J. & N. García 2006Las bromelias, In: Libro Rojo de plantas de Colombia Vol.3: las bromelias, las labiadas y las pasifloras.

– Editors: N. García & G. Galeano. Instituto Alexander von Humboldt - Instituto de Ciencias Naturalis de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia - Ministerio de ambiente, vivienda y desarollo territorial, Bogotá Colombia
– (page 51-384).

Betancur, J. & N.D. Jiménez-Escobar 2015Pitcairnia huilensis: una atractiva Bromeliácea nueva de Colombia.

– Caldasia 37(1):91-98

Betancur, J. & N.R. Salinas 2003Una especie nueva de Guzmania (Bromeliaceae) de la Amazonia Colombiana y notas sobre las especies relacionadas (G. morreniana-complex).

– Revista de la Academia Colombiana de Ciencias 27(102):15-24

Betancur, J. & N.R. Salinas 2006El ocaso de Pseudaechmea (Bromeliaceae: Bromelioideae).

– Caldasia 28(2):157-164

Betancur, J. & R. Callejas 1997Sinopsis del genero Puya en el departamento de Antioquia, Colombia.

– Caldasia 19(1-2):71-82

Beutelspacher, C.R. 1999Bromeliáceas como ecosistemas.

– Plaza y Valdés Editores, Madrid Spain
– (126 pages, ISBN 968-856-671-3).

Beutelspacher, C.R. & G. López 2008Una nueva especie de Pitcairnia L\'Her. de Chiapas, México (Bromeliaceae; Pitcairnioideae) (P. ocotensis).

– Lacandonia 2(2):29-31

Beutelspacher, C.R. & R. García-Martínez 2019Pitcairnia espejoi (Bromeliaceae: Pitcairnioideae), una nueva especie de la Sierra Madre de Chiapas, México.

– Lacandonia 13(1):47-52

Beutelspacher, G.L. & C.R. 1974Adiciones a la Bromeliáceas de Chiapas.

– Cactaceas y Suculentas Mexicanas 19:64-69

Billings, F.H. 1904A study of Tillandsia usneoides.

– Botanical Gazette 38:99-121

Boisselier-Dubayle, M.C. et al. 2009Genetic structure of the xerphylous bromeliad Pitcairnia geyskesii on inselbergs in French Guiana - a test of the forest refuge hypothesis.

– Ecography 32:1-10

Boldingh, I. 1909, 1914Bromeliaceae, In: The flora of the Dutch West Indian Islands Vol.1 (St.Eustatius, Saba, St.Maarten) and Vol.2 (Curacao, Aruba, Bonaire).

– Thesis, Rijksuniversiteit Utrecht, E.J.Brill, Leiden Netherlands
– (Vol.1: page 31-34; total 321 pages; Vol.2: page 15-16; total 197 pages, 9 b&w-photos, 1 map; 25x17 cm).

Boldingh, I. 1913Bromeliaceae, In: Flora voor de Nederlands West-Indische Eilanden (Aruba, Bonaire, Curaçao, St.Eustatius, Saba, St.Maarten).

– J.H.de Bussy, Amsterdam Netherlands
– (page 141-145; total 450 pages, not illustrated, 23x15 cm).

Bono, G. 1996Bromeliaceae, In: Flora y Vegetación del Estado Tachira, Venezuela.

– Monografie 20, Museao Regionale di Scienze Naturali, Torino Italy
– (page 433-446, 6 colorphotos; total 951 pages, 208 colorphotos, 24x17 cm, ISBN 88-86041-15-2).

Böhme, S. 1988Vergleichende Untersuchungen zu Bau, Lage und systematischer Verwertbarkeit der Septalnektarien von Bromeliaceen.Bromelienstudien III, Tropische und Subtropische Pflanzenwelt 62.

– Akademie der Wissenschaften und Literatur Mainz, Steiner Verlag, Wiesbaden Germany
– (page 125-274, 10 drawings).

Braga, I.F. 2008Bromeliaceae na Reserva Particular do Patrimônio Natural Luis Carlos Jurovsky Tamassia, Ouro Branco, Minas Gerais.

– Thesis, Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Brazil
– (39 pages).

Braga, M.M.N. 1977Anatomia foliar de Bromeliaceae da Campina.

– Thesis, Universidade do Amazonas, Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimiento Científico e Tecnológico, Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia. Acta amazônica vol.7(3) suplemento, Manaus Brazil
– (74 pages, illustrated, 30 cm).

Braga, R. & D. Sucre 1969Uma nova Bromeliaceae da Flórula Fluminense (Tillandsia nuptialis).

– Loefgrenia 35:1-2

Braga, R. & D. Sucre 1971Uma nova Pitcairnia (Bromeliaceae) da Flórula Espírito-Santense (P. burle-marxii).

– Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências 43(1):221-225

Braga, R. & D. Sucre 1974Uma nova Neoregelia (Bromeliaceae) da Serra dos Órgãos(N. lymaniana).

– Revista Brasileira de Biologia 34(4):491-494

Brako, L. & J.L. Zarucchi 1993Bromeliaceae, In: Catalogue of the flowering plants and Gymnosperms of Peru.

– Monograph in Systematic Botany Vol.45, Missouri Botanical Garden, Saint Louis USA
– (page 233-261; total 1286 pages, not illustrated, 28x21 cm, ISBN 0-915279-19-3).

Braun, P.J. & E. Esteves Pereira 2005-2010Succulent and xeromorphic bromeliads of Brazil part 1-7.

– Cactus and Succulent Journal 77(6):284-292 2005, 78(1):31-35 2006, 78(4):160-164 2006, 80(6):319-324 2008, 81(2):59-63 2009, 81(6):301-304 2009, 82(2):60-63 2010

Brighigna, L. & A. Victoria 1990Observations on some Mexican species of the genus Tillandsia L. (Bromeliaceae).

– Webbia 44(1):107-119

Brighigna, L. et al. 1992Essential aspects of the epiphytic strategy of Tillandsia & Reproductive aspects in Tillandsia (Bromeliaceae), In: Atti del primo contributo dell\'Università di Firenze allo studio delle realtà ambientale dell\'America Latina : convegno internazionale interdisciplinare.

– Congress paper. Dipartimento di biologia vegetale, Dipartimento di scienze della terra, Museo di storia naturale dell\'Università di Firenze, Italy
– (2 articles in a paper of 186 pages in total, illustrated, maps, 25 cm).

Brito Berhouet, A.M. & L. Llano Riaño 2008Bromelias del Uruguay (Biodiversidad Botánica 1).

– Librería Linardi y Rosso, Montevideo Uruguay
– (217 pages, colorphotos, 27 cm, ISBN 9789974675094).

Brito, A. et al. 2016Morfoanatomía foliar de dos ecotipes de Ananas comosus (L.) Mer. del Amazonas Venezolano: amarilla y yärä känä.

– Acta Botanica Venezuelica 39(2):158-179

Britton, N.L. & C.F. Millspaugh 1920Bromeliaceae, In: The Bahama Flora.

– Published by the authors, New York USA
– (page 63-66; total 695 pages, not illustrated, 23x15 cm).

Britton, N.L. & P. Wilson 1924Bromeliaceae, In: A scientific survey of Porto Rico and the Virgin Islands.I.Spermatophyta, Vol.5 (Pandanales to Thymeleales).

– New York Academy of Sciences, USA
– (page 133-144; total 626 pages, not illustrated, 23x14 cm).
note: updates by H.A. Liogier in Rhodora 67:315-361 (1965) and Rhodora 69:372-376 (1967).

Broadway, W.E. & L.B. Smith 1933The Bromeliaceae of Trinidad and Tobago.

– Contributions of the Gray Herbarium 102:152-188, Harvard University, USA

Bromeliad Society Inc. 1977Bromeliads - a cultural handbook.

– Bromeliad Society Inc.USA 1953; third revised edition in 1977
– (104 pages, 28 b&w-photos, 5 drawings, 23x15 cm).

Bromeliad Society Inc. 1992Bromeliads - a cultural manual.

– Editor: M. Dimmitt. Bromeliad Society Inc., USA
– (44 pages, 58 small colorphotos, 23x10 cm).

Bromeliad Society International 2004Bromeliads - a cultural manual.

– Editors: H. Plever & J.L. Brehm. Bromeliad Society International, USA
– (38 pages, 75 small colorphotos, 22x14 cm).

Bromeliad Society of Australia 1988, 1990/1992, 2006Growing bromeliads.

– Bromeliad Society of Australia, Kangaroo Press, Simon & Schuster (Australia) Pty.Ltd. First edition by B. & J. Williams, third ed. by D. & C. Cornale
– (3rd ed.:135 textpages + 16 photopages, 107 colorphotos, 10 drawings, 25x20 cm, ISBN 0731812506).

Bromeliad Society of New South Wales 1986Bromeliads in Australia.

– Bromeliad Society of New South Wales
– (15 pages, 21 cm).

Bromeliad Society of New South Wales 1989Tillandsias, a growing guide.

– Editors: K. & V. Tintner. Bromeliad Society of New South Wales, Australia
– (30 pages, 21 cm).

Bromeliad Society of Queensland 2007Starting with bromeliads - a guide to the growing of bromeliads.

– Bromeliad Society of Queensland Inc., Australia
– (100 pages incl.36 pages with colorphotos).

Brongniart, A. 1864Note sur un nouveau genre de la famille des Broméliacées (Pogospermum).

– Annales des Sciences Naturelles 5e série Botanique vol.1:325-329

Brown, G.K. & A.J. Gilmartin 1984Stigma structure and variation in Bromeliaceae.

– Brittonia 36(4):364-374

Brown, G.K. & A.J. Gilmartin 1986Chromosomes of the Bromeliaceae.

– Selbyana 9:88-91

Brown, G.K. & A.J. Gilmartin 1987Bromeliales, related monocots and resolution of relationships among Bromeliaceae subfamilies.

– Systematic Botany 12:493-500

Brown, G.K. & A.J. Gilmartin 1988Comparative ontogeny of bromeliaceous stigmas, In: P. Leins, S.C. Tucker & P.K. Endress (editors): Aspects of floral development (p.191-204).

– J. Cramer Verlag, Berlin

Brown, G.K. & A.J. Gilmartin 1989Stigma types in Bromeliaceae - a systematic survey.

– Systematic Botany 14(1):110-132

Brown, G.K. & E.M.C. Leme 2005The re-establishment of Andrea (Bromeliaceae: Bromelioideae), a monotypic genus from Southeastern Brazil threatened with extinction.

– Taxon 54(1):63-70

Brown, G.K. & R.G. Terry 1992Petal appendages in Bromeliaceae.

– American Journal of Botany 79(9):1051-1071

Brown, G.K. & R.G. Terry 1996A study of evolutionary relationships in Bromeliaceae based on comparison of DNA sequences from the chloroplast gene ndhF.

– Journal of the Bromeliad Society 46(3):107-112

Brown, G.K., R.G. Terry & R.G. Olmstead 1997Examination of subfamilial phylogeny in Bromeliaceae using comparative sequencing of the plastid locus ndhF.

– American Journal of Botany 84:664-670

Brown, N.E. 1901Bromeliaceae, In: Report on two botanical collections made by Messrs. F.V. McConnell and J.J. Quelch at Mount Roraima in British Guiana.

– Transactions of the Linnean Society ser.2 v.6:66-68

Bulacio, E. & H. Ayarde 2014Sobre la presencia de T. schreiterii y T. sphaerocephala (Bromeliaceae) en Argentina.

– Boletin de la Sociedad Argentina de Botanica 49(1):79-83

Butcher, D. 1982, 1986, 1991Hybridist\'s handbook and checklist of Australian bromeliad hybrids and cultivars.

– Bromeliad Society of Australia
– (102 pages).

Butcher, D. 1994An amateurs guide to the greyish leaved Tillandsioideae, 3rd edition.

– Bromeliad Society of Australia
– (70 pages, 12 drawings, 30x21 cm, ISBN 0-646-19866-1).
note: update in 1996.

Butcher, D. 2000Key to the genera of Bromeliaceae.

– Journal of the Bromeliad Society 50:105-112

Butcher, D. 2007Bromeliaceae: names and synonyms.

– Bromeliad Society of South Australia
– (187 pages, 28x21 cm, plastic comb binding).

Butcher, D. & E. Gouda 2014Most Ananas are cultivars.

– Bromeliaceae 48:14-16

Butcher, D. & E. Gouda 2015The new bromeliad taxon list.

– Brom-L Society
– Internet at Brom-L.

Büneker, H.M. & J.E.A. Mariath 2022Dyckia pseudodelicata, a new species of the D. selloa complex (Bromeliaceae, Pitcairnioideae) from Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.

– Phytotaxa 550(1):59-70

Büneker, H.M. et al. 2013Uma nova espécie reófita de Dyckia (Bromeliaceae, Pitcairnioideae) para a flora do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil (D. strehliana).

– Revista Brasileira de Biociências 11(3):284-289

Büneker, H.M. et al. 2015Tillandsia leucopetala, a new species of Bromeliaceae from Rio Grande do Sul, southern Brazil.

– Phytotaxa 202(2):143-148

Büneker, H.M., K.P. Soares & L. Witeck-Neto 2015Novos registros em Tillandsia L. (Bromeliaceae, Tillandsioideae) para o Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil.

– Rodriguésia 66(2):493-498

Büneker, H.M., K.P. Soares & L. Witeck-Neto 2015Dyckia pontesii (Bromeliaceae, Pitcairnioideae), uma nova espécie do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil.

– Rodriguésia 66(2):499-504

Büneker, H.M., K.P. Soares & L. Witeck-Neto 2018Dyckia pampeana, a new species of Bromeliaceae (Pitcairnioideae) from Pampa grasslands of Brazil and Uruguay.

– Phytotaxa 362(1):97-104

Büneker, H.M., K.P. Soares & L.C. Assis 2016The Dyckia sordida complex (Bromeliaceae, Pitcairnioideae) and a new species from Minas Gerais, Brazil.

– Phytotaxa 244(1):57-68

Büneker, H.M., R.C. Pontes & K.P. Soares 2014Duas novas espécies de Tillandsia L. subgênero Anoplophytum (Beer) Baker (Bromeliaceae, Tillandsioideae) para a flora sul brasileira.

– Iheringia Série Botânica 69(1):89-96


Cabrera, A.L. 1968Bromeliaceae, In: Flora de la Provincia de Buenos Aires, Parte 1: Pteridófitas, Gimnospermas y Monocotiledóneas.

– Coleccion Cientifica del INTA Tomo IV, Buenos Aires Argentina
– (page 448-459; total 623 pages, many drawings, 24x16 cm).

Cach Pérez, M.J. 2008Influencia ambiental sobre la fisiología y anatomía foliar de Tillandsia heterophylla, bromelia endémica de México.

– Thesis, Instituto de Ecología A.C., Xalapa, México
– (80 pages).

Cach Pérez, M.J. 2013Bromeliáceas epífitas de la Peninsula de Yucatán como indicadoras de los posibles efectos del cambio climático regional.

– Thesis, Centro de Investigación Cientifica de Yucatán, Mérida México
– (184 pages).

Cach Pérez, M.J. et al. 2016Environmental influence on the inter- and intraspecific variation in the density and morphology of stomata and trichomes of epiphytic bromeliads of the Yucatan Peninsula.

– Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 181(3):441-458

Cach Pérez, M.J., J.L. Andrade & C. Reyes-García 2014La susceptibilidad de las Bromeliáceas epífytas al cambio climático.

– Botanical Sciences 92(2):157-168

Calderón-Hernández, M. & L.V. Pérez-Mártinez 2018Seed desiccation tolerance and germination of four Puya (Bromeliaceae) high-andean tropical species from Colombia.

– Caldasia 40(1):177-188

Camargo, F.C. 1939Ananás e abacaxy.

– Revista de Agricultura (Piracicaba) 14(7-8):321-337

Camargo, F.C. 1943Vida e utilidade das Bromeliáceas.

– Ministério da Agricultura, Centro Nacional de Ensino e Pesquisas Agronômicas, Serviço Nacional de Pesquisas Agronômicas. Boletim técnico do Instituto Agronômico do Norte no.1, Belém Brasil
– (31 pages, 8 with plates, 23 cm).

Camargo, F.C. & L.B. Smith 1968A new species of Ananas from Venezuela (A. parguazensis).

– Phytologia 16(6):464-465

Canela, M.B.F., N.P.L. Paz & T. Wendt 2003Revision of the Aechmea multiflora complex (Bromeliaceae).

– Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 143:189-196

Carabia, J.P. 1940Las Bromeliaceae de Cuba.

– Memorias de la Sociedad Cubana de Historia Natural vol.15(4):329-374

Cardozo López, A. 2012Lista de familias, géneros y especies presentes en la cumbre y laderas del Pico Guacamaya, P.N. Henri Pittier, Estado Aragua, Venezuela.

– Ernstia 22(2):79-99 (Bromeliaceae p.79-80)

Carvalho, J.D.T. et al. 2016Stamen morphoanatomy of Dyckia Schultes f. (Bromeliaceae, Pitcairnioideae) species: new data for taxonomic use.

– Acta Botanica Brasilica 30(3):389-400

Carvalho, J.D.T. et al. 2017Flower and floral trichome morphology of species of Dyckia Schultes f. (Bromeliaceae, Pitcairnioideae) and their importance to species characterization and genus taxonomy.

– Acta Botanica Brasilica 31(1):29-41

Cascante-Marín, A. & J.F. Morales 2021A new species of Werauhia (Bromeliaceae, Tillandsioideae) from the highlands of southern Central America.

– Phytotaxa 523(3):254-258

Cascante-Marín, A. et al. 2020Genetic diversity and reproductive biology of the dioeceous and epiphytic bromeliad Aechmea mariae-reginae (Bromeliaceae) in Costa Rica: implications for its conservation.

– Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 192(4):773-786

Castaño-Meneses, G. et al. 2003Spatial distribution patterns of Tillandsia violacea (Bromeliaceae) and support trees in an altitudinal gradient from a temperate forest in Central Mexico.

– Selbyana 24(1):71-77

Castellanos, A. 1925Bromeliaceas criticas de la Argentinae.

– Comunicaciones del Museo Nacional de Historia Natural de Buenos Aires 2:135-147

Castellanos, A. 1929-1933Bromeliaceae Argentinae novae vel criticae 2-4.

– Anales del Museo Nacional de Historia Natural Bernardino Rivadavia, Buenos Aires 36:49-57 1929(2), 36:369-375 1931(3) and 37:495-510 1933(4)

Castellanos, A. 1938Species Novae Bromeliacearum in Herbario Tucumano Servatae.

– Lilloa 2:13-15

Castellanos, A. 1944-1945Bromeliaceae Argentinae novae vel criticae 5-6.

– Lilloa 10:445-467 1944 (5) and 11:135-151 1945 (6)

Castellanos, A. 1945Bromeliaceae, In: Genera et Species Plantarum Argentinarum. Tomus III: Farinosae, Centrolepidac., Mayacac., Xyridac., Eriocaulac., Bromeliaceae.

– Editor: H.R. Descole. Universitas Nationalis Tucumanensis. Guillermo Kraft, Buenos Aires Argentina
– (pages 105-378, plates 22-133 (57 col.draw., 44 draw., 8 with 54 habitat b&w-photos, 3 with 7 maps); total Vol.3 378 pages,133 plates, 50x34 cm ; total work 5 volumes in 7 books).

Castello, L.V. & L. Galetto 2013How many taxa can be recognized within the complex Tillandsia capillaris (Bromeliaceae, Tillandsioideae) ?

– PhytoKeys 23:25-39

Castello, L.V. et al. 2016Disentangling the Tillandsia capillaris complex: phylogenetic relationships and taxon boundaries in Andean populations.

– Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 181(3):391-414

Castello, L.V. et al. 2020Comparative phylogeography, morphological boundaries and climate envelopes of two sympatric widespread Bromeliaceae from the southern Andes.

– Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 192(4):726-743

Catlan, J. 2009Bromeliads under the mango tree.

– J. Catlan, Australia
– (64 pages, 21x16 cm).

Cavalcante, B.P. & M.F. Silva 2021Hohenbergia densa (Bromeliaceae), a new species from Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil.

– Phytotaxa 520(2):203-208

Cavalcante, B.P. et al. 2017Checklist de Bromeliaceae na Mata do Pilão, um fragmento de Mata Atlântica no Rio Grande do Norte.

– Carpe Diem: Revista Cultural e Cientifica do Unifacex 15(1):91-104

Cavalcante, B.P. et al. 2018The bromeliads of Parque Natural Municipal Dom Nivaldo Monte.

– UNISANTA Bioscience 7(1):73-77

Cavalcante, B.P. et al. 2020Hohenbergia ituberaensis (Bromeliaceae): a new white-flowered species from Bahia, Brazil.

– Phytotaxa 439(2):119-126

Cavalcante, B.P. et al. 2020Reproductive systems and post-pollination barriers between two closely related eu-bromelioids (Bromeliaceae) in the Atlantic Forest of Brazil.

– Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 192(4):828-839

Cavalcante, B.P. et al. 2021Establishment of the Hohenbergia capitata complex (Bromeliaceae) with notes on leaf anatomy and description of a new endangered species.

– Phytotaxa 518(3):196-208

Cavalcante, B.P., L.Y.S. Aona & E.H. Souza 2022Hohenbergia ymboreorum (Bromeliaceae): a new green-flowered bromeliad from Bahia, Brazil.

– Phytotaxa 567(3):278-286

Cavalcanti Ferreira, D.M. 2020Population genetic structure and species delimitation in the Cryptanthus zonatus complex (Bromeliaceae).

– Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 196(1):123-140

Cavallari, M.M. 2004Estrutura genética de populaçôes de Encholirium (Bromeliaceae) e implicaçôes para sua conservação.

– Thesis, Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil
– (92 pages, illustrated).

Cavallari, M.M. 2006Genetic variation in three endangered species of Encholirium (Bromeliaceae) from Cadeia do Espinhaço, Brazil, detected using RAPD markers.

– Biodiversity and Conservation 15:4357-4373

Cáceres González, D.A. 2013Guzmania panamensis (Bromeliaceae) - a new species from Talamanca Mountain in Veraguas province, western Panama.

– Phytokeys 25:69-74

Cáceres González, D.A. & A. Ibáñez 2014Pitcairnia albifolia (Bromeliaceae), a new species from the Talamanca Mountains in Veraguas Province, Panama.

– Phytotaxa 172(1):46-50

Cáceres González, D.A., K. Schulte, M. Schmidt & G. Zizka 2011A synopsis of the Bromeliaceae of Panama, including new records for the country.

– Willdenowia 41:357-369

Cáceres González, D.A., K. Schulte, M. Schmidt & G. Zizka 2013Diversity and levels of endemism of the Bromeliaceae of Costa Rica - an updated checklist.

– PhytoKeys 29:17-62

Cedeño-Maldonado, J.A. 2005Bromeliaceae, In: Monocotyledons and Gymnosperms of Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands.

– Editors: P. Acevedo-Rodríguez & M.T. Strong. Smithsonian Institution, Contributions from the US National Herbarium Vol.52, Washington USA
– (page 199-231; total 413 pages, drawings, 24x17 cm).

Cedervall, E.V. 1884Anatomisk-fysiologiska undersökningar öfver bladet hos Bromeliaceerna.

– Kongliga Svenska Vetenskaps-Akademiens Handlingar 19, Göteborg Sweden
– (56 pages, 5 drawings).

Chac-Pérez, J.M. 2008Efecto del estrés ambiental sobre la fisiologia de Tillandsia heterophylla, epifita endémica del sur de México.

– Thesis, Instituto de Ecología A.C., Xalapa, México

Chedier, L.M. & M.A.C. Kaplan 1996Chemical ecology of three species of Bromeliaceae.

– Thesis, Museu Nacional, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
note: abstract in Bromélia 3(4):25-37 (1996).

Chekanova, V.N. & S.E. Korovin 1989Bromelii : rasteniia proshlogo, nastoiashchego i budushchego.

– Nauchno-populiarnaia literatura (Rossiiskaia akademiia nauk) Nauka, Moscow Russia
– (223 pages, 16 pages of plates with ill.(some color), 20 cm, ISBN 5020044830).

Chevalier, C. 1930Monographie des Bromeliacees-Tillandsiees (Etude Botanico-Horticole).

– Bulletin Mensuel de la Société Nacionale d\'Horticulture de France serie 5 tome 3:337-367

Chevalier, C. 1931Les Bromeliacées-Nidularinées.

– Bulletin de la Société Nationale d’Horticulture de France ser.5 no.4:680-695

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– Bulletin de la Société Nationale d’Horticulture de France ser.5 no.5 (19 pages)

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– Bulletin de la Société Botanique de France 84:502-507

Chevalier, C. & C. Chevalier 1942Catalogue des Broméliacées (exsiccata et plantes vivantes).

– Lejeunia no.2. Collections de botanique systématique de l\'Université de Liège, Belgium
– (126 pages).

Chew, T., E. de Luna & D. Gonzalez 2010Phylogenetic relationships of the pseudobulbous Tillandsia species ....

– Systematic Botany 35:86-95

Chodat, R. & E. Hassler 1903Bromeliaceae, In: Plantae Hasslerianae soit énumeration des plantes récoltées au Paraguay par Dr. E. Hassler de 1885 a 1902 (suite).

– Bulletin de l\'Herbier Boissier ser.2 vol. 3(11):1034-1937

Chodat, R. & W. Vischer 1916Résultats scientifiques d\' une mission botanique Suisse au Paraguay. IV Broméliacées.

– Bulletin de la Société Botanique de Genève ser.2 vol.8:202-264, Switzerland ; reprinted in La végétation du Paraguay, Historia Naturalis Classica 101 by J. Cramer & H.K. Swann, Vaduz Liechtenstein (1977, ISBN 3-7682-1106-1)
– (17 b&w-photos, 39 drawings).

Christianini, A.V., R.C. Forzza & S. Buzato 2013Divergence on floral traits and vertebrate pollinators of two endemic Encholirium bromeliads.

– Plant Biology 15:360-368

Chvastek, J. 1990, 1992Atlas Tilandsií I & II.

– M.Magdonové, Czech Republic
– (I : 4 textpages, 15 pages with drawings ; II : 22 textpages, 15 pages with drawings ; 24 cm).

Coffani-Nunes, J.V. 1997Estudo florístico e fenomorfológico de Tillandsioideae-Bromelioideae (Bromeliaceae) na Serra do Cipó, Minas Gerais.

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– (132 pages).

Coffani-Nunes, J.V. & M.G.L. Wanderley 2009Revisão taxonômica e filogenia de Portea Brongn. ex K. Koch (Bromelioideae - Bromeliaceae).

– Thesis, Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil

Coffani-Nunes, J.V., L.M. Versieux, M.G.L. Wanderley & J. Pirani 2010Flora da Serra do Cipó, Minas Gerais: Bromeliaceae-Tillandsioideae.

– Boletim de Botânica da Universidade de São Paulo 28(1):35-54
– (5 pages with b&w drawings, 1 page with colorphotos).

Cogliatti-Carvalho, L. et al. 1998Phenotypic response of Neoregelia johannis (Bromeliaceae) dependent on light intensity reaching the plant microhabitat.

– Selbyana 19(2):240-244

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– Memorie della Reale Accademia delle Scienze di Torino 31:334-338

Collins, J.L. 1960The pineapple: botany, cultivation and utilization (Ananas).

– Interscience, New York USA 1960; L. Hill, London UK 1968
– (294 pages).

Conzatti, C. 1988Bromeliaceae, In: Flora taxonomica Mexicana Vol.I.

– Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnologia, Ciudad Universitaria México UNAM, México City
– (reprint of a 1939 edition ; page 476-491; total 1064 pages, 28x21 cm, ISBN 968-823-116-9).

Coppens d\'Eeckenbrugge, G. 2014Pineapple taxonomy: species, botanical varieties and cultivars, and their importance in understanding and managing pineapple diversity.

– Pineapple News 21:34-38

Coppens d\'Eeckenbrugge, G. & F. Leal 2003Morphology, anatomy and taxonomy (Ananas), In: The pineapple: botany, production and uses.

– Editors: Bartholomew, D.P., R.E. Paull & K.G. Rohrbach. CABI publishers, Wallingford UK and New York USA
– (page 13-32; total 301 pages, 8 plates with 42 colorphotos, 24x16 cm, ISBN 0-85199-503-9).

Coppens d\'Eeckenbrugge, G. & M.F. Duval 2009The domestication of pineapple: context and hypotheses.

– Pineapple News 16:15-27

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– Phytotaxa 239(3):273-279

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– Rodriguésia 68(1):195-207

Correa, J.E. & H.Y. Bernal 1990Bromeliaceae, In: Especies vegetales promisorias de los paises del Convenio Andrés Bello, Tome 3.

– Editora Guadalupe Ltda., Bogota Colombia
– (plants with economic value, bromeliads page 1-44; total 485 pages, 23 cm, ISBN 958-9206-05-0).

Correa, M.N. 1969Bromeliaceae, In: Flora Patagonica, Parte 2: Monocotyledoneae.

– Coleccion Cientifica del INTA Tomo VIII, Buenos Aires Argentina
– (page 105-108; total 219 pages, 184 drawings, 30x21 cm).

Correll, D.S. & H.B. Correll 1982Bromeliaceae, In: Flora of the Bahama Archipelago.

– J. Cramer Verlag - Gantner Verlag, Vaduz Liechtenstein
– (page 268-285, 5 drawings; total 1692 pages, 715 drawings, 24x17 cm).

Cortés, R., P. Franco & J.O. Rangel 1998Bromeliaceae, In: La flora vascular de de la Sierra de Chiribiquete, Colombia.

– Caldasia 20(2):120-121

Coser, T.S. 2008Bromeliaceae Juss. dos campos rupestres do Parque Estadual do Itacolomi, Minas Gerais, Brasil: florística e aspectos fenológicos.

– Thesis, Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Brazil
– (84 pages).

Coser, T.S. 2013Diversidade e conversação de Bromeliaceae no Espírito Santo.

– Thesis, Museu Nacional, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Coser, T.S., C.C. Paula & T. Wendt 2010Bromeliaceae Juss. dos campos rupestres do Parque Estadual do Itacolomi, Minas Gerais, Brasil.

– Rodriguésia 61(2):261-280
note: see also on this subject C.C. Paula & A. Goldschmidt (2008).

Coser, T.S., L.M. Versieux & T. Wendt 2013Alcantarea galactea (Bromeliaceae), a new giant bromeliad from Brazil, with populations seen from the sky.

– Systematic Botany 38(2):339-343

Costa, A.F. 1993Vriesea Lindley (Bromeliaceae) na Reserva Ecológica de Macaé de Cima, Nova Friburgo, RJ.

– Thesis, Museu Nacional, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
– (134 pages).

Costa, A.F. 2002Revisão taxonômica do complexo Vriesea paraibica Wawra (Bromeliaceae).

– Thesis, Instituto de Biociências, Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil
– (187 pages).

Costa, A.F. & T. Wendt 2007Bromeliaceae na região de Macaé de Cima, Nova Friburga, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.

– Rodriguésia 58(4):905-939
– (distribution, descriptions, annotations, some drawings).

Costa, A.F., H.E. Luther & M.G.L. Wanderley 2004A new species of Vriesea (Bromeliaceae) from the Atlantic Forest, Brazil (V. flava).

– Novon 14(1):36-39

Costa, A.F., J. Gomes-da-Silva & M.G.L. Wanderley 2014Vriesea (Bromeliaceae, Tillandsioideae): taxonomic history and morphology of the Brazilian lineage.

– Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society 141(4):338-352

Costa, A.F., J. Gomes-da-Silva & M.G.L. Wanderley 2015Vriesea (Bromeliaceae, Tillandsioideae): a cladistic anlysis of eastern Brazilian species based on morphological characters.

– Rodriguésia 66(2):429-440

Costa, A.F., P. Rodrigues & M. Wanderley 2009Morphometric analysis and taxonomic revision of the Vriesea paraibica complex (Bromeliaceae).

– Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 159:163-181

Costa, A.F., T. Fontoura & A.M. Amorim 2012Novelties in Bromeliaceae from the northeastern Brazilian Atlantic rainforest.

– Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society 139(1):34-45

Costa, F.R.T. 1995On the Bromeliaceae of the restinga of Barra de Marica in Brazil: environmental influences of Crassulacean Acid Metabolism.

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– Phytotaxa 468(1):143-149

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– Phytotaxa 433(2):167-173

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– Novon 28(4):275-280

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– (page 569-579, ISBN 0 643 06437 0).

Croat, T.B. 1978Bromeliaceae, In: Flora of Barro Colorado Island (Panama).

– Stanford University Press, Stanford California USA
– (page 227-228, 10 b&w-photos; total 943 pages, 553 b&w-photos, 28x19 cm, ISBN 0-8047-0950-5).

Cruz, G.A.S. 2013Filogenia molecular, evulação biogeografia do gênero Cryptanthus Otto & Dietr. (Bromeliaceae).

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– (92 pages).

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– Bonplandia 19(2):153-173

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– (215 pages).

Diego-Escobar, M.V., M. Flores Cruz & S.D. Koch 2013Flora de Guerrero no.56 Tillandsia L. (Bromeliaceae).

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– (122 pages, colorphotos, 28 cm., ISBN 978-607-02-4499-5 ).

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– Brittonia 43(1):11-16

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– Darwiniana 49(2):131-138

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– Thesis, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturalis, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina

Donadío, S., R. Pozner & L. Giussani 2015Phylogenetic reletationships within Tillandsia subgenus Diaphoranthema (Bromeliaceae, Tillandsioideae) based on a comprehensive morphological dataset.

– Plant Systematics and Evolution 301(1):387-410

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– Smithsonian Contributions to Botany no. 100, Smithsonian Inst. Scholarly Press, Washington USA
– (page 30-44; total 303 pages, 26 figures, 316 maps, 4 colorphotopages, ISSN 0081-024X).

Dorr, L.J. et al. 2000Bromeliaceae, In: Catalogue of the vascular plants of Guaramacal National Park, Portuguesa and Trujillo States, Venezuela.

– Smithsonian Institution, Contributions from the US National Herbarium Vol.40, Washington USA
– (page 40-42; total 155 pages, 24x17 cm).

Dove, N.R. 1986A pond in the treetops: the pineapple and its relatives, the bromeliads.

– Art Galleries and Record Service, Leicestershire Museums Publ.no.79, UK
– (ISBN 0850222109).

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– Betrona Verlag, Küsnacht Switzerland
– (page 42-44; total 444 pages, 30x21 cm, ISBN 3-9520244-1-3).

Duque-Thüs, R. 2009Beiträge morphologischer und anatomischer Merkmale, insbesondere der Fruchtknoten und Samenanlagen zur taxonomie und systematik der Bromelioideae (Bromeliaceae).

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Duss, A. 1897Bromeliaceae, In: Flore phanérogamique des Antilles Françaises (Guadeloupe & Martinique).

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– (page 569-577; total 656 pages, not illustrated, 23x15 cm).

Duval, L. 1896Les Bromeliacées.

– Librairie agricole (Editeur: Octave Doin), Paris France
– (148 pages, 46 drawings, 17x11 cm).

Duval, L. 1990The Bromeliads.

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– (154 pages, 46 drawings, 24x17 cm).

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– Monograph in Systematic Botany Vol.17, Missouri Botanical Garden , Saint Louis USA
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– (40 pages, 45 illustrations).

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– (German/English text, 66 pages, 29 colorphotos, 21 drawings, 23x16 cm).

Ehlers, R. 2009Die grünblühenden kleinen grauen Tillandsien Méxicos.

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– (German/English text, 144 pages, 117 colorphotos, 12 drawings, 23x16 cm).

Escobedo-Sarti, J.G. 2007Fenologia floral y biología reproductiva de Tillandsia prodigiosa (Lem.) Baker.

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Escobedo-Sarti, J.G. 2013Evolución de caracteres de historia de vida y tasas de diversificatión de la familia Bromeliaceae.

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– (134 pages).

Escobedo-Sarti, J.G. & D. Mondragón 2016Flowering phenology of Catopsis compacta (Bromeliaceae), a dioecious epiphyte in an oak forest.

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– Consejo Nacional de la Flora de México & Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Iztapalapa, México
– (page 3-50; referencelist with types and distribution, total 73 pages, 27x20 cm, ISBN 968-6144-10-2).

Espejo-Serna, A. & A.R. López-Ferrari 1999Mexican Bromeliaceae: diversity and notes on their conservation.

– Harvard Papers in Botany 4(1):119-128
– (checklist endemic species, distribution per state).

Espejo-Serna, A. & A.R. López-Ferrari 2004Notas sobre la familia Bromeliaceae en el Valle de Mexico.

– Acta Botánica Mexicana 67:49-57

Espejo-Serna, A. & A.R. López-Ferrari 2005Una nueva especie de Tillandsia (Bromeliaceae) del occidente de México (T. macvaughii).

– Acta Botánica Mexicana 72:53-64

Espejo-Serna, A. & A.R. López-Ferrari 2007Una nueva Tillandsia (Bromeliaceae) de la Sierra del Halo, Tecalitlán, Jalisco, México (T. sierrahalensis).

– Acta Botánica Mexicana 80:41-49

Espejo-Serna, A. & A.R. López-Ferrari 2009Tillandsia magnispica (Bromeliaceae: Tillandsioideae), a new species from Oaxaca, Mexico.

– Acta Botánica Mexicana 86:1-7

Espejo-Serna, A. & A.R. López-Ferrari 2010Pitcairnia yocupitziae (Bromeliaceae; Pitcairnioideae), notable nueva especie de Guerrero, México.

– Acta Botánica Mexicana 93:103-110

Espejo-Serna, A. & A.R. López-Ferrari 2015Pitcairnia queroana (Pitcairnioideae, Bromeliaceae), a striking new species from Chiapas state, Mexico.

– Phytotaxa 230(3):287-292

Espejo-Serna, A. & A.R. López-Ferrari 2018La familia Bromeliaceae en México.

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– (distribution and reference list).

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– Acta Botánica Mexicana 78:97-109

Espejo-Serna, A. & A.R. López-Ferrari et al. 2011Una nueva especie de Tillandsia (Bromeliaceae) del Cañón de Escahuasco, Puebla, México (T. escahuascensis).

– Acta Botánica Mexicana 96:73-77

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– Phytotaxa 94(2):41-48

Espejo-Serna, A. & A.R. López-Ferrari et al. 2017Bromeliad Flora of Chiapas state, México: richness and distribution.

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Espejo-Serna, A., A.R. López-Ferrari & I. Ramírez-Morillo 2008Dos nuevas especies de Hechtia (Bromeliaceae, Pitcairnioideae) del centro de México.

– Acta Botánica Mexicana 83:49-61

Espejo-Serna, A., A.R. López-Ferrari & I. Ramírez-Morillo 2010Bromeliaceae, In: Flora del Bajío y de regiones adyacentes, Fascículo 165.

– Editors: J. & G. Rzedowski. Instituto de Ecología A.C., Xalapa Veracruz México
– (145 pages, 20 drawings).

Espejo-Serna, A., A.R. López-Ferrari & M.F. Cruz 1993Neotypificacion of Pitcairnia vallisoletana Lex. (Bromeliaceae).

– Acta Botánica Mexicana 23:53-58

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– Acta Botánica Mexicana 90:11-18

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– Acta Botánica Mexicana 78:85-95

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– Acta Botánica Mexicana 85:45-62

Espejo-Serna, A., N. Martínez-Correa & A.R. López-Ferrari 2010Neotypification of Hechtia podantha (Bromeliaceae).

– Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas 4(1):221-223

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– Boletín del Museo Nacional de Historia Natural de Chile 23:5-14

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– American Journal of Botany 76(10):1478-1485

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– Acta Botanica Brasilica 24(3):765-779

Faria, A.P.G. 2006Revisão taxonômica de filogenia de Aechmea Ruiz & Pavon subgenus Macrochordion (De Vriese) Baker, Bromeliaceae - Bromelioideae.

– Thesis, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Museu Nacional, Brazil
– (199 pages).

Faria, A.P.G., A.C.M. Vieira & T. Wendt 2012Leaf anatomy and its contribution to the systematics of Aechmea subgenus Macrochordion (de Vriese) Baker (Bromeliaceae).

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– Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 91(2):303-319
note: abstract by same authors in Journal of the Bromeliad Society 54(4):147-152 (2004), with 26 small colorphotos of the 86 involved taxa.

Faria, A.P.G., T. Wendt & G.K. Brown 2010A revision of Aechmea subgen Macrochordion (Bromeliaceae) based on phenetic analyses of morphological variation .

– Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 162:1-27

Favoreto, F.C. 2013Florística, similaridade e conservação de Bomeliaceae em um trecho do corredor central da Mata Atlântica no Estado do Espírito Santo, Brasil.

– Thesis, Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora, Minas Gerais, Brazil
– (84 pages, maps and many small colorphotos).

Favoreto, F.C. & A.P.G. Faria 2013First distribution record of V. correia-araujoi E. Pereira & I.A. Penna (Bromeliaceae: Tillandsioideae) for the Espírito Santo state, southeastern Brazil.

– CheckList 9(1):81-82

Ferreira, C.P. 1981Fauna associada as bromélias Canistrum giganteum da restinga do litoral norte do estado de São Paulo.

– Thesis, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, São Paulo Brazil

Ferreira, D.M.C. 2016Delimitação de espécies e filogeografia do complexo Cryptanthus zonatus (Vis.) Vis. (Bromeliaceae).

– Thesis, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Brazil

Ferreira, D.M.C. & R.B. Louzada 2020A new species of Cryptanthus (Bromeliaceae, Bromelioideae) in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest north of the São Francisco river, and its contribution to the taxonomy of the genus.

– Systematic Botany 45(3):460-465

Ferreira, D.M.C. & R.B. Louzada 2022Two new species of Cryptanthus (Bromelioideae, Bromeliaceae) from the Atlantic Forest of northeastern Brazil.

– Phytotaxa 573(1):65-75

Ferreira, D.M.C., E.M. Almeida & R.B. Louzada 2021Two new species of Cryptanthus (Bromelioideae, Bromeliaceae) from northeastern Brazil.

– Phytotaxa 523(1):99-109

Filippon, S. 2009Aspectos da demografia, fenologia e uso tradicional do Caraguatá (Bromelia antiacantha Bertol.) no Planalto Norte Catarinense.

– Thesis, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, Brazil
– (104 pages).

Fiorato, L. 2009O gênero Tillandsia L. (Bromeliaceae) no estado da Bahia, Brasil.

– Thesis, Instituto de Botânico, São Paulo, Brazil
– (123 pages).

Fischer, E.A. 1994Polinização, fenologia e distribuição espacial de Bromeliaceae numa comunidade de Mata Atlântica, litoral sul de São Paulo.

– Thesis, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Campinas Brazil
– (80 pages).

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Flores, E.M. 1975Algunos aspectos de anatomía foliar comparada de dos especies de Bromeliaceae (Aechmea mexicana Baker y Hechtia glomerata Zucc.).

– Revista de Biología Tropical 23(1):29-52

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– Rodriguésia 69(4):2229-2235

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– Phytotaxa 414(2):105-112

Flores-Argüelles, A. et al. 2022Pitcairnia abscondita (Pitcairnioidea, Bromeliaceae), a hidden novelty from north-western Jalisca, Mexico.

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– Phytotaxa 291(4):275-280

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– (186 pages).

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– Selbyana 15(2):79-81

Fontoura, T., A. Costa & T. Wendt 1991Preliminary checklist of the Bromeliaceae of Rio de Janeiro State (Brazil).

– Selbyana 12:5-45

Fontoura, T., V.V. Scudeller & A.F. Costa 2012Floristics and environmental factors determining the geographic distribution of epiphytic bromeliads in the Brazilian Atlantic Rain Forest.

– Flora 207:662-672

Forzza, R.C. 1997Pitcairnioideae (Bromeliaceae) na Serra do Cipó, Minas Gerais.

– Thesis, Instituto de Biociências da Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil

Forzza, R.C. 2001Filogenia da tribo Puyeae e revisão taxonômica do gênero Encholirium Mart.ex Schult. & Schult.f. (Pitcairnioideae - Bromeliaceae).

– Thesis, Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil
– (208 pages).
note: conservation status of Encholirium in R.C. Forzza: Vidalia 1(1):7-20 (2003).

Forzza, R.C. 2005Revisão taxonômica de Encholirium Mart.ex Schult. & Schult.f. (Pitcairnioideae - Bromeliaceae).

– Boletim de Botânica da Universidade de São Paulo 23(1):1-49
– (drawings).

Forzza, R.C. & B.R. Silva 2004A new species of Dyckia (Bromeliaceae) from Rio de Janeiro state, Brazil (D. martinellii).

– Novon 14(2):168-170

Forzza, R.C. & D. Zappi 2011Side by side: two remarkable new species of Encholirium Mart. ex Schult. & Schult. f. (Bromeliaceae) found in the Cadeia do Espinhaço, Minas Gerais, Brazil.

– Kew Bulletin 66(2):1-7

Forzza, R.C. & E.M.C. Leme 2002Two new species of Encholirium (Bromeliaceae) from Brazil.

– Selbyana 23(2):200-203

Forzza, R.C. & E.M.C. Leme 2015Three new species of Encholirium (Bromeliaceae) from eastern Brazil.

– Phytotaxa 227(1):13-24

Forzza, R.C. & M.G.L. Wanderley 1998Flora da Serra do Cipó, Minas Gerais: Bromeliaceae-Pitcairnioideae.

– Boletim de Botânica da Universidade de São Paulo 17:255-270
– (5 pages with b&w drawings).

Forzza, R.C. & M.G.L. Wanderley 2001A new species of Encholirium (Bromeliaceae) from Minas Gerais, Brazil (E. reflexum).

– Novon 11(1):40-42

Forzza, R.C. et al. 2013Bromeliaceae, In: Livro vermelho da flora do Brazil.

– Editors: G. Martinelli & M.A. Moraes. CNC-Flora, Brazil
– (page 315-396, maps, colorphotos).

Forzza, R.C., A.F. Costa, J.A. Siqueira-Filho & G. Martinelli 2010Bromeliaceae, In: Catálogo das plantas e fungos do Brazil vol.1.

– Editor: R.C. Forzza et al. Andrea Jakobsson Estúdio & Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
– (pages 778-816).

Forzza, R.C., E.M.C. Leme & O.B.C. Ribeiro 2012Encholirium pulchrum and E. diamantinum ssp. nov. (Bromeliaceae) from the Espinhaço Range, Minas Gerais, Brazil.

– Nordic Journal of Botany 30:153-158

Forzza, R.C., R.F. Monteiro & D. Zappi 2009Lectotypification of Bromelia poeppigii and B. reversacantha.

– Willdenowia 39:161-164

Foster, M.B. 1943The bromeliads of Brazil.

– Smithsonian Institution, Washington USA
– (14 pages, 20 b&w-photos, 24x15 cm).

Foster, M.B. 1950Puya, the pineapple\'s Andean ancestor.

– National Geographic Magazine 98(4):463-480 USA
– (Puya raimondii, 13 color and 5 b&w-photos).
note: reprint in Journal of the Bromeliad Society 34(4):147-157 and 34(5):205-211 (1984).Also on P. raimondii B. Waite: JBS 28(5):200-208 (1978), R. Müsch: JBS 47(4):178-179 & 47(5):227 (1997) and C. Hornung-Leoni & V. Sosa: JBS 54(1):3-8 (2004).

Foster, M.B. & R.S. Foster 1945Brazil, orchid of the tropics.

– Cattell Press, Lancaster Pennsylvania USA
– (travelreport, 314 pages).
note: excerpts in Journal of the Bromeliad Society 45(6) to 47(2) (1995-1997).

Fournet, J. 1999Bromeliaceae, In: Index floristique des Antilles francaises.

– Museum National d\'Histoire Naturelle, Paris France
– (checklist, page 103-104, ISBN 2-86515-109-3).

Fournet, J. 2002Bromeliaceae, In: Flore illustrée des phanérogames de Guadeloupe et de Martinique.

– Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique, Paris France 1978; 2nd edition (2 Vol.) by CIRAD, Gondwana editions, Montpellier
– (pages Vol.2:1993-2016, 9 drawings; total 2538 pages (Vol.2) and 1324 pages (Vol.1), many drawings, 24x15 cm, ISBN 2-908490-27-7).

Franco-Saldarriaga, A. & M. Bonilla-Gómez 2020Sexual reproductive strategies of Puya nitida (Bromeliaceae) in a Colombian paramo, a tropical high-elevation ecosystem.

– Journal of Tropical Ecology 36(6):258-266

Frank, J.H. 1983Phytotelmata - terrestrial plants as hosts for aquatic communities. Bromeliad phytotelmata and their biota, especially mosquitos.

– Plexus, Medford New Jersey USA
– (28 pages).

Frazão, J.G. dos Santos 2006Contribuição de características citogenéticas e moleculares à sistemática de Bromeliaceae.

– Thesis, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Brazil
– (115 pages).

Freire, R.M., I.M. Barberis & J.L. Vesprini 2018Reproductive traits and floral visitors to Aechmae distichantha plants growing in different habitats of a South American xerophytic forest.

– Rodriguésia 69(2):385-396

Freitas, C.A. & F.R. Scarano 1998Habitat choice in two facultative epiphytes of the genus Nidularium (Bromeliaceae).

– Selbyana 19(2):236-239

Freitas, C.A. et al. 2020Population demography, genetic variation and reproductive biology of two rare and endangered Neoregelia species (Bromeliaceae).

– Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 192(4):787-802

Freschi, L. et al. 2010Specific leaf areas of the tank bromeliad Guzmania monostachia perform distinct functions in respons to water shortage.

– Journal of Plant Physiology 167(7):526-533


Gadelha, P. 1994From \'forest malaria\' to \'bromeliad malaria\' : a case-study of scientific controversy and malaria control.

– Parassitologia 36(1-2):175-195

Gaiotto, D.F., R.C. Tardivo & A.C. Cervi 2010O gênero Billbergia Thunberg (Bromeliaceae) no estado do Paraná, Brasil.

– Fontqueria 56(11):81-100
– (7 pages with drawings).

Galán de Mera, A. et al. 2016Puya cahuachensis (Bromeliaceae, Puyopsis), a new species from Southern Peru.

– Phytotaxa 283(3):286-290

Galetto, L. & L.M. Bernardello 1991Extrafloral nectaries that attract ants in Bromeliaceae: structure and nectar composition.

– Canadian Journal of Botany 70:1101-1106

Galetto, L. & L.M. Bernardello 1992Nectar secretion pattern and removal effects in six Argentinian Pitcairnioideae (Bromeliaceae).

– Botanica Acta 105(4):292-299

García, N. 2001Las Tillandsia\'s de Cundinamarca, Colombia.

– Thesis, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogota Colombia

García, N. & J. Betancur 2002Dos especies nuevas de Tillandsia (Bromeliaceae) de la Cordillera Oriental de Colombia.

– Caldasia 24(1):1-7

García-Franco, J.G. 1985Densidad y patrón especial a traves de un gradiente altitudinal de algunas especies epifitas del Tillandsia en una parta de los Altos de Chiapas.

– Thesis, Facultad de Ciencias UNAM, México City
– (61 pages).

García-Franco, J.G. 1987Las bromelias de México: revisión bibliográfica y de herbario.

– Publicación técnica del INIREB (Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones sobre Recursos Bióticos), Xalapa Veracruz México
– (specieslist, 94 pages, illustrated, 22x16 cm).

García-Franco, J.G. & V. Rico-Gray 1995Population structure and clonal growth in Bromelia pinguin L. (Bromeliaceae) in dry forests of coastal Veracruz, Mexico.

– Tulane Studies in Zoology and Botany 30:27-37

García-Martínez & C.L. Beutelspacher 2017Una nueva especie de Tillandsia L. (Bromeliaceae, Tillandsioideae) de Chiapas, México (T. nayeliana).

– Lacandonia 11(1):19-28

García-Ruiz, I., A. Espejo-Serna & A.R. López-Ferrari 2014Novedades de la familia Bromeliaceae para el noroccidente de Michoacán, México.

– Acta Botánica Mexicana 107:9-18

Gardner, C.S. 1978A new species of Tillandsia L. in Mexico (T. chiapensis).

– Selbyana 2(4):388-389

Gardner, C.S. 1982A systematic study of Tillandsia subgenus Tillandsia.

– Thesis, Texas A&M University. University Microfilms International, Ann Arbor Michigan USA ; reprint UMI Dissertation Services (1999)
– (305 pages, 129 b&w-figures, 8 tables, 24x17 cm).

Gardner, C.S. 1984Natural hybridization in Tillandsia subgenus Tillandsia.

– Selbyana 7(2-4):380-393

Gardner, C.S. 1984New species and nomenclatural changes in Mexican Tillandsias.

– Selbyana 7:361-379

Gardner, C.S. 1986Inferences about pollination in Tillandsia (Bromeliaceae).

– Selbyana 9:76-87

Gardner, C.S. 1986Preliminary classification of Tillandsia based on floral characters.

– Selbyana 9:130-146

Garth, R.E. 1955An ecological study of the Spanish moss (Tillandsia usneoides) with special reference to growth and distribution.

– Thesis, Emory University, Atlanta Georgia USA

Gaudichaud-Beaupré, C. 1841-1866Voyage autour du monde executé pendant les années 1836 et 1837 sur la corvette la Bonite, commandée par M. Vaillant (Botanique).

– Paris France
– Atlas Botanique (150 b&w plates, 19 bromeliads); 3 text volumes.

Gay, C. 1853Historia fisica y politica de Chile Botanica t.6.

– Paris (by author) & Museo de Historia Natural de Santiago, Chile
– ( (Flora Chilena- Bromeliaceae p.6-17).

Gilmartin, A.J. 1965Las Bromeliacias de Honduras.

– Ceiba 11(2):1-81
– (35 b&w-photos).

Gilmartin, A.J. 1968Taxonomic notes on some Bromeliaceae of Ecuador.

– Phytologia 16(2):153-167

Gilmartin, A.J. 1968The Bromeliaceae of Ecuador, an alpha-numerical study.

– Thesis, University of Hawaii. University Microfilms International, Ann Arbor Michigan USA

Gilmartin, A.J. 1971Bromeliaceae, In: Flora of the Galapagos Islands.

– Editors: I.L. Wiggins & D.M. Porter. Stanford University Press, Stanford California USA
– (one species (T. insularis) page 787-788; total 998 pages, 268 drawings, 25x16 cm, ISBN 0-8047-0732-4).

Gilmartin, A.J. 1972The Bromeliaceae of Ecuador. Serie phanerogamarum monographiae Vol.4.

– J. Cramer Verlag, Lehre Germany
– (274 pages, 104 b&w-photos, 6 maps, 24x16 cm, ISBN 3 7682 0725 0).

Gilmartin, A.J. 1973Transandean distribution of Bromeliaceae in Ecuador.

– Ecology 54(6):1389-1393

Gilmartin, A.J. 1977Variation and distribution: a new bromeliad taxon from Ecuador (Tillandsia complanata ssp. latifolia).

– Taxon 26(2-3):223-226

Gilmartin, A.J. 1981A new species of Aechmea (Bromeliaceae) from Ecuador (A. tayoensis).

– Selbyana 5(3-4):308-309

Gilmartin, A.J. 1981Recent collections of Bromeliaceae from Colombia.

– Brittonia 33(2):254-256

Gilmartin, A.J. 1982Key to the species of Tillandsia subgenus Phytarrhiza.

– Journal of the Bromeliad Society 32:247-252

Gilmartin, A.J. 1983Evolution of mesic and xeric habits in Tillandsia and Vriesea.

– Systematic Botany 8(3):233-242

Gilmartin, A.J. 1985A new species of Puya (Bromeliaceae) from Ecuador (P. retrorsa).

– Phytologia 57(7):455

Gilmartin, A.J. & G.K. Brown 1986Cladistic tests of hypotheses concerning evolution of xerophytes and mesophytes within Tillandsia subgen. Phytarrhiza (Bromeliaceae).

– American Journal of Botany 73(3):387-397

Gilmartin, A.J., G.K. Brown, G.S. Varadarajan & M. Neighbours 1989Status of Glomeropitcairnia within evolutionary history of Bromeliaceae.

– Systematic Botany 14(3):339-348

Gitaí, J. 2006Contribuição de características citogenéticas e moleculares a sistemática de Bromeliaceae.

– Thesis, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Recife Brazil
– (88 pages).

Gitaí, J. et al. 2014Chromosome numbers and DNA content in Bromeliaceae: additional data and critical review.

– Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 176(3):349-368

Givnish, T.J. et al. 2011Phylogeny, adaptive radiation and historical biogeography in Bromeliaceae: Insights from an eight-locus plastid phylogeny.

– American Journal of Botany 98:872-895

Givnish, T.J. et al. 2014Adaptive radiation, correlated and contingent evolution, and net species diversication in Bromeliaceae.

– Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 71:55-78

Givnish, T.J., K.C. Millam, P.E. Berry & K.J. Sytsma 2007Phylogeny, adaptive radiation and historical biogeography of Bromeliaceae inferred from ndhF sequence data.

– Aliso 23:3-26, special issue Monocots: Comparative Biology and Evolution - Poales
– (ISBN 978-0-9605808-7-5).
note: includes taxonomical changes in genera Brocchinia, Ayensua and Sequencia and the definition of new subfamilies in Bromeliaceae.

Givnish, T.J., K.J. Sytsma et al. 1998Molecular evolution and adaptive radiation in Brocchinia atop tepuis of the Guayana Shield, In: Molecular evolution and adaptive radiation.

– Cambridge University Press, UK
– (pages 259-311).

Gobara, B.N.K. et al. 2020How does a C3 epiphytic tank bromeliad respond to drought ?

– Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 192(4):855-867

Goetze, M. 2010Filogeografia e diversidade genética de Aechmea caudata (Lindm.) e A. winkleri (Reitz) (Bromeliaceae): implicações taxonômicas.

– Thesis, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil
– (89 pages).

Goetze, M. 2014Especiação e diversidade genética no subgênero Ortgiesia (Aechmea, Bromeliaceae).

– Thesis, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil
– (132 pages).

Goetze, M. et al. 2016East-to-west genetic structure in populations of Aechmea calyculata (Bromeliaceae) from the southern Atlantic rainforest of Brazil.

– Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 181(4):477-490

Goetze, M. et al. 2016Diversication of Bromelioideae (Bromeliaceae) in the Brazilian Atlantic rainforest: a case sudy in Aechmea subgenus Ortgiesia.

– Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 98:346-357

Goetze, M. et al. 2017Incomplete lineage sorting and hybridization in the evolutionary history of closely related, endemic yellow-flowered Aechmea species of subgenus Ortgiesia (Bromeliaceae).

– American Journal of Botany 104(7):1073-1087

Goetze, M. et al. 2018High genetic diversity and demographic stability in Aechmea kertesziae (Bromeliaceae), a species of sandy coastal plains (restinga habitat) in southern Brazil.

– Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 186(3):374-388

Golinski, K. 2000Bromagic and the magical world of bromeliads.

– Palmwoods, Queensland Australia
– (CD-ROM, also on Video-tape in 1997).

Gomes Faria, C. et al. 2021Leaf anatomy of Vriesea (Tillandsioideae - Bromeliaceae).

– Brittonia 73(1):27-52

Gomes, A.C. et al. 2020Adaptive response of extreme epiphyte Tillandsia species (Bromeliaceae) is demonstrated by different sexual reproduction strategies in the Brazilian Chaco.

– Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 192(4):840-854

Gomes, J.M.L. & N.N.F. Silva 2013Bromeliaceae das restingas do estado do Espírito Santo, Brasil.

– Natureza Online 11(2):79-89

Gomes-da-Silva, J. 2013Análise filogenética de Vriesea Lindley ( Bromeliaceae: Tillandsioideae), baseada em dados morfológicos e moleculares.

– Thesis, Museu Nacional, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
– (222 pages).

Gomes-da-Silva, J. & A.F. Costa 2011A taxonomic revision of Vriesea corcovadensis group (Bromeliaceae, Tillandsioideae) with description of two new species.

– Systematic Botany 36(2):291-309

Gomes-da-Silva, J. & A.F. Costa 2014An updated overview of taxonomy and phylogenetic history of Tillandsioideae genera (Bromeliaceae: Poales).

– Global Journal of Botanical Science 2013(1):1-8

Gomes-da-Silva, J. & T.T. Souza-Chies 2018What actually is Vriesea ? A total evidence approach in a polyphyletic genus of Tillandsioideae (Bromeliaceae, Poales).

– Cladistics 34(2):181-199

Gomes-da-Silva, J., A.M. Amorim & R.C. Forzza 2017Distribution of the xeric clade species of Pitcairnioideae (Bromeliaceae) in South America: a perspective based on areas of endemism.

– Journal of Biogeography 44(9):1994-2006

Gomes-da-Silva, J., F. Santos Silva & R.C. Forzza 2019Does nomenclatural stability justify para/polyphylatic taxa ? A phylogenetic classification in the xeric clade Pitcairnioideae (Bromeliaceae).

– Systematics and Biodiversity 0(0):1-24

Gonçalves, C.N. & C.F. Acevêdo-Gonçalves 2017A new hybrid bromeliad from southernmost Brazil, Tillandsia x baptistana.

– Novon 19(3):353-356

Gonçalves-Oliveira, R.C. & M.G.L. Wanderley 2017A new species of Hohenbergia (Bromeliaceae) from the Atlantic forest of northeast Brazil (H. isepponae).

– Phytotaxa 302(3):285-289

Gonçalves-Oliveira, R.C. et al. 2017Population genetic structure of the rock outcrop species Encholirium spectabile (Bromeliaceae): the role of pollination vs. seed dispersal and evolutionary implications.

– American Journal of Botany 104(6):868-878

Gonçalves-Oliveira, R.C. et al. 2020Genome size and chromosome number conservation contrasting with karyotype diversity in Hohenbergia (Bromelioideae, Bromeliaceae).

– Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 192(4):900-909

González-Rocha, E. 2014Las Bromeliaceae del estado de Morelos, México.

– Thesis, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Iztapalapa, México
– (289 pages, colorphotos).

González-Rocha, E. et al. 2014Una nueva especie de Hechtia (Bromeliaceae; Hechtioideae) del estado de Morelos, México.

– Acta Botánica Mexicana 109:45-54

González-Rocha, E. et al. 2015Tillandsia chalcatzingensis, a new species from the state of Morelos, Mexico.

– Phytotaxa 227(2):182-188

González-Rocha, E. et al. 2016Las Bromeliaceae del estado de Morelos.

– Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Iztapalapa, México
– (128 pages, colorphotos, ISBN 978-607-28-0832-4).

González-Rocha, E. et al. 2018A multivariate analysis of the Pitcairnia palmeri group (Bromeliaceae: Pitcairnioideae).

– Phytotaxa 351(3):219-228

González-Salvatierra, C.G. et al. 2021Seasonal changes in photosynthesis for the epiphytic bromeliad Tillandsia brachycaulos in a tropical dry deciduous forest.

– Botanical Sciences 99(4):850-862

Goodwin, Z.A. et al. 2013Bromeliaceae, In: A checklist of the vascular plants of the lowland savannas of Belize, Central America.

– Phytotaxa 101(1):32-33 (article total pages 1-119)

Gortan, G. 1990Narbenformen bei Bromeliaceen.

– Die Bromelie 1990(2):43-46

Gortan, G. 1991Narbenformen bei Bromeliaceen.

– Thesis, Universität Wien, Austria

Gouda, E..J. 1994Disteganthus lateralis (Bromeliaceae), a new combination for the flora of central French Guiana.

– Brittonia 46(2):134-136

Gouda, E.J. 1987Bromeliaceae (subfamily Tillandsioideae), In: Flora of the Guiana\'s Series A: Phanerogams Fascicle 3.

– Költz Scientific Books, Königstein Germany
– (112 pages, 26 colorphotos, 8 drawings, 23x15 cm, ISBN 3-87429-273-8).

Gouda, E.J. 1994Bromeliaceae, In: Inventoire taxonomique des plantes de la Guyane Française IV - Les monocotyledones.

– Editors: G.Cremers & M. Hoff. Muséum National de l\'Histoire Naturelle, Paris France
– (page 60-76; total 252 pages, 30x21 cm, ISBN 2-86515-87-9).

Gouda, E.J. 1999Checklist of Bromeliaceae of the Guianas.

– Selbyana 20(1):30-39

Gouda, E.J. 2009Studies on the flora of the Guianas: the genus Pitcairnia (Bromeliaceae).

– Selbyana 30(1):80-88

Gouda, E.J. 2012Two new species in Tillandsioideae of Machu Picchu, Peru.

– Phytotaxa 46:10-18

Gouda, E.J. & R. Fernández 2012A remarkable new Pitcairnia (Bromeliaceae) species from Peru (P. floresii).

– Phytotaxa 49:29-33

Gouda, E.J., H. Claessen & K. Gouda 2012Encyclopaedia of bromeliads Version 3.

– Dutch-Belgian Bromeliad Society (BCG), Utrecht, The Netherlands
– (CD/DVD, also Internet at BCG, 1650 colorphotos).
note: version 1 in 2006, v2 in 2009, v4 in 2018.

Gouda, E.J., J. Grant, B. Holst, H. Luther & M. Spencer 2007Bromeliaceae, In: Checklist of the plants of the Guiana shield.

– Editors: V. Funk et al. Contributions from the US National Herbarium vol.55, Smithsonian Institution, Washington USA
– (page 73-83; total 584 pages, 28x21 cm).
note: update in C. Feuillet (2009) J. Bot. Res. Inst. Texas 3(2):799-814.

Gouda, E.J., J.M. Manzanares & H. Takizawa 2017A new species of Guzmania (Bromeliaceae) from southern Ecuador (G. densispica).

– Phytotaxa 291(2):163-166

Gouda, E.J., S. Mori, G. Cremers et al. 1997Bromeliaceae, In: Guide to the vascular plants of Central French Guiana Part I.

– Memoirs of the New York Botanical Garden Vol.76 Pt.1, USA
– (page 215-233, 11colorphotos, 7 drawings; total 422 pages - 168 with drawings and 72 with colorphotos, 27 cm, ISBN 0-89327-398-8).

Gómes Romero, S.E. & A. Grau 2009Las especies de Puya (Bromeliaceae) en la Argentina.

– Boletin de la Sociedad Argentina de Botanica 44(1-2):175-208

Gómez Romero, S.E. & L.J. Novara 2010Bromeliaceae Juss., In: Flora del Valle de Lerma vol.9 no.7. Aportes botánicos de Salta - ser. flora.

– Herbario MCNS, Facultad de Ciencias Naturales Universidad Nacional de Salta, Argentina
– (137 pages, 55 colorphotos, 44 drawings).

Gómez Romero, S.E., A.C. Slanis & A. Grau 2015Deuterocohnia meziana susbsp. vallegrandensis (Bromeliaceae), nueva subespecie y primer registro de la especie para Argentina.

– Darwiniana n.ser. 3(2):201-207

Göttinger, T. et al. 2019What do nectarivorous bats like ? Nectar composition in Bromeliaceae with special emphasis on bat-pollinated species.

– Frontiers in Plant Science 10(art.205)

Graf, A. 1992Tropica 4th edition.

– Roehrs Co., USA
– (1125 pages, 7000 colorphotos - 310 of bromeliads, 28x21 cm).

Granados-Mendoza, C. 2005Estudio taxonómico del género Tillandsia L. (Bromeliaceae) en la Sierra de Juárez (Oaxaca, México).

– Thesis, Facultad de Ciencias, UNAM México City
– (131 pages).
note: also C. Granados Mendoza (2007) Taxonomic study of the genus Tillandsia L. (Bromeliaceaea) in Sierra de Juárez, Journal of the Bromeliad Society 57:6-11.

Granados-Mendoza, C. 2008Sistemática del complejo Tillandsia macdougallii (Bromeliaceae).

– Thesis, Instituto de Biologia, UNAM México City
– (75 pages).

Granados-Mendoza, C. et al. 2017Geographic structure in two highly diverse lineages of Tillandsia (Bromeliaceae).

– Botany 45:641-651

Granados-Mendoza, C., G.A. Salazar & M. Flores-Cruz 2016A new species of the Mexican T. erubescens group (Bromeliaceae) (Tillandsia tecolometl).

– Phytotaxa 260(1):57-65

Grant, J.R. 1993New combinations in Mezobromelia and Racinaea (Bromeliaceae, Tillandsioideae).

– Phytologia 74(6):428-430

Grant, J.R. 1993True Tillandsias misplaced in Vriesea (Bromeliaceae, Tillandsioideae).

– Phytologia 75(2):170-175

Grant, J.R. 1994The Tillandsia adpressa assemblage: a review and new combinations in Racinaea (Bromeliaceae: Tillandsioideae).

– Novon 4(4):362-364

Grant, J.R. 1994Three new species of Racinaea (Tillandsioideae: Bromeliaceae) from Ecuador and Peru.

– Phytologia 76(4):284-289

Grant, J.R. 1994The reduction of Platyaechmea under Hoplophytum, and a new name in Tillandsia (Bromeliaceae).

– Phytologia 77(2):99-101

Grant, J.R. 1995The resurrection of Alcantarea and Werauhia, a new genus. Tropische und Subtropische Pflanzenwelt 91.

– Akademie der Wissenschaften und Literatur Mainz, Steiner Verlag, Wiesbaden - Stuttgart Germany
– (57 pages, 10 b&w-photos, 1 map).
note: abstract in Journal of the Bromeliad Society 45(4):166-167 (1995), addendum in Phytologia 78(2):119-123 and 79(3):254-256 (1995). Synopsis of the genus Alcantarea in Bromélia 2(3):24-27 (1995), synopsis of the genus Werauhia in Bromélia 4(1):28-39 (1997).

Grant, J.R. 1997The identity of the West Indian endemic Vriesea macrostachya (Bromeliaceae).

– Nordic Journal of Botany 17(2):157-159

Grant, J.R. 2005New combinations and names in Andean Pitcairnia, Tillandsia and Werauhia (Bromeliaceae).

– Vidalia 2(2):23-25

Grant, J.R. & G. Zijlstra 1998An annotated catalogue of the generic names of the Bromeliaceae.

– Selbyana 19(1):91-121

Grant, J.R. & J.F. Morales 1996Pitcairnia calcicola (Bromeliaceae), a new species from the tropical dry forest of Costa Rica.

– Novon 6(4):366-369

Grau, A., S.E. Gomez Romero & E. Araoz 2010Puyas andinas.

– Ciencia Hoy 20(118):8-15

Grisebach, A.H.R. 1859-1864Bromeliaceae, In: Flora of the British West Indian Islands.

– Lovell Reeve & Co., London UK
– (page 590-599; total 789 pages, not illustrated).

Grisebach, A.H.R. 1864Über die von Fendler in Venezuela gesammelten Bromeliaceen.

– Nachrichten von der Königl. Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften und der G.A. Universität zu Göttingen 1864(1):1-21

Gross, E. 1988Zur morphologie der Bromeliaceen-Samen unter Berücksichtiging systematisch-taxonomischer Aspekte. Tropische und Subtr.Pflanzenwelt 64.

– Akademie der Wissenschaften und Literatur Mainz, Steiner Verlag, Wiesbaden - Stuttgart Germany
– (215 pages).
note: also on this subject E. Gross: Die Samen der Bromeliaceae, Die Bromelie 1992(3) and 1993(1,2) (15 pages) and: Über die Keimung der Bromeliaceen, Beitrage zur Biologie der Pflanzen 63:101-113 (1988).

Gross, E. 1992Schöne Tillandsien.

– Ulmer Verlag, Stuttgart Germany
– (93 pages, 70 colorphotos, 7 drawings, 23x16 cm, ISBN 3-8001-6501-5).
note: second edition in 2001 (ISBN 3-8001-3222-2) titled \"Tillandsien für Zimmer und Wintergarten\".

Gross, E. 1997Neue und wenig bekannte Arten aus Peru und anderen Ländern.Bromelienstudien I, Mitteilung 23, Tropische und Subtropische Pflanzenwelt 95.

– Akademie der Wissenschaften und Literatur Mainz, Steiner Verlag, Wiesbaden - Stuttgart Germany
– (41 pages, 15 b&w-photos).

Gross, E. 1998The type specimens of Bromeliaceae in the herbarium of the Institute of Systematic Botany of the University of Heidelberg, Germany.

– Selbyana 19(2):191-217

Gross, E. 1999Tillandsia lymanii and Mezobromelia lyman-smithii - a tribute to Lyman B. Smith.

– Harvard Papers in Botany 4(1):129-133

Gross, E., P.L. Ibisch, G. Rauer & D. Rudolph 1997On the diversity and biogeography of the genus Fosterella.

– Journal of the Bromeliad Society 47(5):211-217

Guarçoni, E.A.E. 2008Bromeliaceae Juss.no Parque Estadual da Serra do Rola-Moça, Minas Gerais, Brasil: floristica, distribuição e aspectos reprodutivos de Andrea selloana (Baker).

– Thesis, Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Minas Gerais
– (126 pages).

Guarçoni, E.A.E. & M.A. Sartori 2020Checklist of the Bromeliaceae of the Serra do Cabral, Minas Gerais, Brazil, with the description of a new species.

– Phytotaxa 443(1):38-50

Guarçoni, E.A.E. et al. 2018First record of the rare Dyckia racemosa Baker (Bromeliaceae) in Maranhão state (northeastern Brazil), with an update on the species description, geographic distribution, and conservation status.

– Phytotaxa 349(3):273-280

Guarçoni, E.A.E. et al. 2018New records of Tillandsia L. (Bromeliaceae, Tillandsioideae) for Maranhão State, Brazil.

– CheckList 14(6):951-959

Guarçoni, E.A.E., A.A. Azevedo & A.F. Costa 2014Dyckia sulcata (Bromeliaceae), a new species from Minas Gerais, Brazil, with notes on leaf anatomy.

– Phytotaxa 188(3):169-175

Guarçoni, E.A.E., A.A. Azevedo & A.F. Costa 2017The re-establishment of Dyckia oligantha and Dyckia nana (Bromeliaceae, Pitcairnioideae), belonging to the D. macedoi complex.

– Phytotaxa 306(1):49-65

Guarçoni, E.A.E., M.A. Sartori & C.C. Paula 2012Dyckia inflexifolia (Bromeliaceae), a new species from Brazil.

– Annales Botanici Fennici 49:407-411

Guarçoni, E.A.E., R.V.C. Saraiva & T.M. Ferraz 2020Dyckia maranhensis (Bromeliaceae, Pitcairnioideae), a new species from the Cerrado of Maranhão, northeastern Brazil.

– Systematic Botany 45(1):47-52

Guerrero, E.L. 2020The ghost of climatic change in the geographic distribution of Tillandsia aeranthos (Bromeliaceae).

– Rodriguésia 71:-
– (8 pages).

Gugenhan, E. 1983Bromelien.

– Kosmos-Florarium, Stuttgart Germany
– (80 pages, 25 colorphotos, 19x16 cm, ISBN 3-440-51156-00).
note: translation in Dutch by Thieme, Zutphen Netherlands (1984, ISBN 90-03-98190-6).

Guignolini, L. 1988Le Bromeliacee, guida alla loro conoscenze e coltivazione.

– Ed. Il Vantaggio, Firenze Italy
– (150 pages, 39 colorphotos, 80 drawings).


Halbritter, H. 1988Bromeliaceae: pollenmorphologie und systematik.

– Thesis, Universität Wien, Austria

Halbritter, H. 1992Morphologie und systematische Bedeutung des Pollens der Bromeliaceae.

– Grana 31:197-212

Halda, J.J. 2005New descriptions and combinations in Tillandsia L.

– Acta musei Richnoviensis Sect. natur 12(2):57-67

Halda, J.J., P. Hertus & M. Malina 2007Some new Bolivian plants.

– Acta musei Richnoviensis Sect. natur 14(4):105-126

Hall III, J. & M. Anderson 1998Tropical air plants - Tillandsia - From forest of Costa Rica to home (del bosque de Costa Rica a su casa).

– San José, Costa Rica
– (20 pages, color and b&w drawings, 28x20 cm).
note: Nursery Tillandsifolia (D. Lee)

Hall III, J. & M. Anderson 1998Tropical air plants - Tillandsia - From forest of Costa Rica to home (del bosque de Costa Rica a su casa).

– Nursery Tillandsifolia (D. Lee), San José Costa Rica
– (20 pages, color and b&w drawings, 28x20 cm).

Hanson, B. 1970,1991Bromeliads for everyone.

– Capilano River Press, Auckland New Zeeland
– (64 pages, ISBN 0473 01274 X).

Harley R.M. & N.A. Simmons 1986Bromeliaceae, In: Florula of Mucugê, Chapada Diamantina - Bahia (Brazil).

– Royal Botanic Gardens Kew, Richmond UK
– (page 28-29; checklist, total 228 pages).

Harley R.M. & S.J. Mayo 1980Bromeliaceae, In: Towards a checklist of the Flora of Bahia (Brazil).

– Royal Botanic Gardens Kew, Richmond UK
– (page 35-38; total 250 pages).

Harms, H. 1927-1928Bromeliaceae, In: Plantae Tessmannianae peruvianae IV and VI.

– Editor: J. Mildbraed. Notizblatt des Botanischen Gartens und Museums zu Berlin-Dahlem 9:1150-1154 1927 (IV)and 10:177-178 1928 (VI)

Harms, H. 1928-1935Bromeliaceae Novae I-V.

– Notizblatt des Botanischen Gartens und Museums zu Berlin-Dahlem 10:211-221 1928 (I), 10:575-582 1929 (II), 10:784-805 1929 (III), 11:57-61 1930 (IV), 12:525-539 1935 (V)

Harms, H. 1930Bromeliaceae, In: Die natürliche Pflanzenfamilien Ed.2 XVa: Angiospermae (Farinosae, Liliiflorae, Scitamineae).

– Editors: Engler & Prantl. Engelman Verlag, Leipzig Germany
– (page 65-159, 2 b&w-photos, 22 drawings; total volume 707 pages, 26x17 cm).

Harms, H. 1939Bromeliaceae, In: Neue Arten aus Ecuador - II.

– Editor: L. Diels. Notizblatt des Botanischen Gartens und Museums zu Berlin-Dahlem 14:329-330

Harms, H. & J. Mildbraed 1938Eine Bromeliacee aus dem tropischen Westafrika.

– Notizblatt des Botanischen Gartens und Museums zu Berlin-Dahlem 14:118-119

Haslam, R.P. 1999Adaptations of the bromeliad Tillandsia usneoides to the epiphytic niche.

– Thesis, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, UK

Hassler, E. 1919Bromeliacearum paraguariensum conspectus (Paraguay).

– Annuaires du Conservatoire et du Jardin Botaniques de Genève 20:268-341

Hecchavarria, L. 2008Tillandsia rangelensis, sp. nov.

– Selbyana 29(2):180

Heller, S. et al. 2015Elucidating phylogenetic relationships in the Aechmea alliance: AFLP analysis of Portea and the Gravisia complex (Bromeliaceae, Bromelioideae).

– Systematic Botany 40(3):716-725

Hemsley, W.B. 1882-1886Bromeliaceae, In: Biologia Central-Americana or contributions to the knowledge of the fauna and flora of México and Central America, Botany Vol.III.

– Editors: F.D. Godman & O. Salvin. Porter and Dulau & Co., London UK
– (annotated checklist page 313-324, volume total 711 pages; Botany Vol.I-IV are text and Vol.V has 110 plates, some in color, 32x25 cm).

Hernández-Cárdenas, R.A. et al. 2014Tillandsia religiosa, a new species from the state of Morelos, Mexico.

– Phytotaxa 184(1):53-57

Hernández-Cárdenas, R.A. et al. 2020Tillandsia dichromantha (Tillandsioideae; Bromeliaceae) , a new species from the state of Oaxaca, Mexico.

– Phytotaxa 447(2):81-87

Hernández-Cárdenas, R.A. et al. 2020Five new species of Hechtia (Bromeliaceae; Hechtioideae) from Guerrero, Mexico.

– Systematic Botany 45(3):466-477

Hernández-Cárdenas, R.A. et al. 2022Seven new species of Hechtia (Bromeliaceae; Hechtioideae) from Puebla, Mexico.

– Systematic Botany 47(1):190-207

Hernández-Cárdenas, R.A., A. Espejo-Serna & A.R. López-Ferrari 2018Revisión taxonómica del género Viridantha (Tillandsia subgénero Viridantha sensu stricto)

– Revista Mexicana de Biodiversidad 89:1012-1032

Hernández-Cárdenas, R.A., A.R. López-Ferrari & A. Espejo-Serna 2019Two new species of Hechtia (Bromeliaceae: Hechtioideae) from Oaxaca, Mexico.

– Phytotaxa 397(4):280-290

Hernández-Cárdenas, R.A., A.R. López-Ferrari & A. Espejo-Serna 2021Two new species of Viridantha (Tillandsioideae; Bromeliaceae).

– Phytotaxa 520(1):97-105

Herter, G. 1939-1943Flora ilustrada del Uruguay.

– Estudios botanicos en la region Uruguaya XIV (Bromeliaceae drawings p.193-196)

Hiang, S.E. 2014Exotic Tillandsia.

– Partridge, Singapore
– (162 pages, colorphotos, 28x21,5 cm, ISBN 9781482829501).

Hieronymus, G. 1885Abbildungen und Beschreibungen von Pflanzen welche in der Republik Argentina wildwachsend gefunden werden.

– Breslauer Genossenschafts-Buchdruckerei, Germany
– (Bromeliaceae on page 10-19, 1 plate; total 59 pages, 10 plates, 32 cm).
note: special issue in German of Actas de la Academia de Ciencias en Cordoba vol.2: Icones et descriptiones Plantarum quae sponte in Republica Argentina crescunt.

Hietz, P. & U. Hietz 1994Epifitas de Veracruz. An illustrated guide for the regions of Xalapa and Los Tuxtlas, Veracruz.

– México
– (Spanish/English text, total 59 partly col.plates, 56 drawings, 235 pages).

Hietz, P. , J. Ausserer & G. Schindler 2002Growth, maturation and survival of epiphytic bromeliads in a Mexican humid montane forest.

– Journal of Tropical Ecology 18:177-191

Hinrichs, E. 1996Ananas, die königliche Frucht.

– Edition Braus, Heidelberg Germany
– (history/culture, 120 pages, illustrated, 34 cm, ISBN 3-89466-179-8).

Hirsch, L.D. et al. 2020Interspecific gene flow and an intermediate molecular profile of Dyckia julianae (Bromeliaceae), an endemic species from southern Brazil.

– Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 192(4):675-690

Hmeljevski, K.V. et al. 2014Conservation assessment of an extremely restricted bromeliad (Pitcairnia encholirioides) highlights the need for population-based conservation on granitic inselbergs of the Brazilian Atlantic Forest.

– Flora 209:250-259

Hmeljevski, K.V. et al. 2014Patterns of gene flow of Encholirium horridum L.B. Sm., a monocarpic species of Bromeliaceae from Brazil.

– Journal of Heredity 12-2014 (9 pages)

Hmeljevski, K.V. et al. 2017Do plant populations on distinct inselbergs talk to each other ? A case study of genetic connectivity of a bromeliad species in an Ocbil landscape (Encholirium horridum).

– Ecology and Evolution 2007(7):4704-4716

Hodge, W.H. 1954Bromeliaceae, In: Flora of Dominica Pt.1.

– Lloydia 17(2):160-167

Hoehne, F.C. 1910Bromeliaceae, in : Historia Natural, Botanica, parte I Systematica.

– Commissão de Linhas Telegraphicas e Estrategicas de Matto-Grosso ao Amazonas Publ.8 (ann.5):15-17

Hoehne, F.C. 1919Bromeliaceae, in : Historia Natural, Botanica, parte IX Bromeliaceas e Orchidaceas.

– Commissão de Linhas Telegraphicas e Estrategicas de Matto-Grosso ao Amazonas Publ.47 (ann.5):5-14, with 5 photographic plates

Holst, B.K. 1994Checklist of Venezuelan Bromeliaceae with notes on species distribution by state and levels of endemism.

– Selbyana 15:132-149

Holst, B.K. 1997A new species, new combinations, and notes in Brocchinia (Bromeliaceae).

– BioLlania ed. esp. no.6:375-380 (John Wurdack Festschrift)

Holst, B.K. 1997Bromeliaceae, In: Flora of the Venezuelan Guayana Vol.3.

– Editors: P.E. Berry & J.A. Steyermark & K. Yatskievych. Missouri Botanical Garden and Timber Press, USA
– (pages 548-676, 117 drawings; volume total 774 pages, 628 drawings, 26x19 cm, ISBN 0-915279-46-0).

Holst, B.K. 2001A nomenclatural correction in Steyerbromelia, Bromeliaceae.

– Selbyana 22(1):75

Holst, B.K. & Y. Vivas 2008Bromeliaceae, In: Nuevo catálogo de la flora vascular de Venezuela.

– Editors: Hokche, O., P.E. Berry & O. Huber. Fundación Instituto Botánico de Venezuela Dr. Tobías Lasser, Caracas
– (pages 695-712, total 859 pages, illustr., 29 cm, ISBN 9789806355071).
note: comments, additions and corrections in J.C.E. Estrada Sánchez et al. (2014) Pittiera 38:95-103.

Holst, B.K. et al. 2017-2018Bromeliaceae of Belize.

– Rapid color guides #964, #969, #1004 - The Field Museum, Chicago USA

Holst, B.K., L.H. Schwesinger & R.A. Prieto 2002Epiphytic angiosperms of Cuba.

– Selbyana 23(2):224-244
note: contains a checklist of Cuban bromeliads.

Hornung, C.T. 1998Flora de las Bromeliáceas del Estado Mérida.

– Thesis, Universidad de los Andes, Mérida Venezuela
– (377 pages).

Hornung, C.T. & J. Gaviria 1999Novedades para la Flora del Estado Mérida, 1 - Nuevos registros de Bromeliaceae.

– Plantula 2(1-2):87-101

Hornung, C.T. & J. Gaviria 1999Clave y glosario ilustrado para la determinación de las Bromeliaceae del Estado Mérida, Venezuela.

– Plantula 2(3):119-140

Hornung-Leoni, C.T. 2011Bromeliads: traditional plant food in Latin America since prehispanic times.

– Polibotánica 32:219-229

Hornung-Leoni, C.T. & J. Gaviria 2013Sinopsis del género Pitcairnia (Bromeliaceae) para el estado Mérida, Venezuela.

– Acta Botanica Venezuelica 36(1):61-80

Hornung-Leoni, C.T. & V. Sosa 2006Morphological variation in Puya (Bromeliaceae): an allometric study.

– Plant Systematics and Evolution 256:35-53

Hornung-Leoni, C.T. & V. Sosa 2008Morphological phylogenetics of Puya subgenus Puya (Bromeliaceae).

– Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 156:93-110

Hornung-Leoni, C.T. et al. 2013Morphology, nectar characteristics and avian pollinators in five Andean Puya.

– Acta Oecologica 51:54-61

Hornung-Leoni, C.T. et al. 2019The Reserva de la Biosfera Barranca de Metztitlán (Hidalgo): an illustrated checklist of bromeliads and orchids and their high levels of Mexicans endemisms.

– Phytokeys 118:105-123

Horres, R. 1995Untersuchungen zur Blattsukkulenz bei Bromeliaceae.

– Thesis, W. Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt am Main Germany
– (108 pages).
note: abstract in Die Bromelie 1996/2,3 and 1997/1 (total 13 pages).

Horres, R. & J. Schneider 1997Ayensia uaipanensis, eine besondere Bromelie der venezolanischen Tafelberge.

– Der Palmengarten 60:29-31

Horres, R., G. Zizka, G. Kahl & K. Weising 2000Molecular phylogenetics of Bromeliaceae: evidence from trnL (UAA) intron sequences of the chloroplast genome.

– Plant Biology 2:306-315

Horres, R., K. Schulte, K. Weising & G. Zizka 2007Systematics of Bromelioideae (Bromeliaceae) - evidence from molecular and anatomical studies.

– Aliso 23:27-43, special issue Monocots: Comparative Biology and Evolution - Poales
– (ISBN 978-0-9605808-7-5).

Howard, R.A. 1952Bromeliaceae, In: The vegetation of the Grenadines (islands between St.Vincent and Grenada).

– Contributions from the Gray Herbarium 174, Harvard University USA
– (page 75; total 129 pages).

Howard, R.A. 1979Bromeliaceae, In: Flora of the Lesser Antilles (Leeward and Windward Islands), Vol.3 Monocotyledoneae.

– Editor: B. Thompson-Mills. Arnold Arboretum, Harvard University, Massachusetts USA
– (pages 404-426; total 586 pages of which 122 with drawings, 23x15 cm).

Hromadnik, L. 2005Der Verwandtschaftskreis um Tillandsia tectorum (The Tillandsia tectorum complex).

– Die Bromelie Sonderheft 5, Deutsche Bromelien-Gesellschaft
– (German/English text, 120 pages, 84 colorphotos, 16 drawings, 23x16 cm).

Hromadnik, L. & P. Schneider 1985Eine neue Tillandsia aus Mexico (T. jaliscopinicola).

– Haussknechtia 2:43-44

Hromadnik, L. & P. Schneider 1988Eine neue Tillandsia aus Argentinien (T. porongoensis).

– Haussknechtia 4:39-41

Hunter, D.M. 1987An ecological study of three epiphytic bromeliads in Jamaica.

– Thesis, The City University of New York, USA
– (198 pages, 29 cm).

Hutchison, P. 1983Orthophytum gurkenii, sp.nov. (Bromeliaceae).

– Phytologia 52(6):373-375


Ibisch, P.L. 1998Estado de conservación de las especies bolivianas del género Puya (Bromeliaceae) aplicando un nuevo método de evaluación - Valor Nacional de Conservación.

– Revista de la Sociedad Boliviana de Botánica 2(1):89-99

Ibisch, P.L. & E. Gross 1998Puya vasquezii, una nueva especie de Bromeliaceae del departamento de Santa Cruz, Bolivia.

– Revista de la Sociedad Boliviana de Botánica 2(1):26-30

Ibisch, P.L. & R. Vásquez 2000Illustrated catalogue of the Bromeliaceae of Bolivia. Illustrated biodiversity of Bolivia Vol.1.

– Editorial FAN, Bolivia
– (CD-ROM, ISBN 99905-801-4-6).

Ibisch, P.L. et al. 1998Estado de conservacion del genero Puya (conservation status of the Bolivian species of the genus Puya).

– Revista de la Sociedad Boliviana de Botánica 2(1):89-99

Ibisch, P.L. et al. 1999Puya raimondii Harms in Bolivien - ein Fall für den Artenschutz ?

– Die Bromelie Sonderheft 4, Deutsche Bromelien-Gesellschaft
– (32 pages, 16 colorphotos).
note: publications about the status of this species in Peru: C.A. Rivero (1985) Puya raimondii Harms, Boletin de Lima 7(38):58-91 and also on this subject S. Sgorbati et al. (2004) A survey of genetic diversity and reproductive biology of Puya raimondii, Plant Biology 6:222-230.

Ibisch, P.L. et al. 2002Novelties in Bolivian Fosterella.

– Selbyana 23(2):204-219

Ibisch, P.L. et al. 2003Tillandsia dorisdaltoniae (Bromeliaceae) a new species from an isolated dry inter-Andean valley in central Bolivia.

– Revista de la Sociedad Boliviana de Botánica 4(1):45-49

Ibisch, P.L., C. Nowicki & R. Vásquez 2001Towards an understanding of diversity patterns and conservation requirements of Bolivian Bromeliaceae.

– Journal of the Bromeliad Society 51:99-113

Ibisch, P.L., R.W. Read & J. Peters 2008Key to the species of the genus Fosterella (Bromeliaceae).

– Selbyana 29(2):195-198

Innes, C. 1988, 1994Air plants and other bromeliads.

– London UK
– (64 pages, 48 colorphotos, 6 drawings, 22x14 cm, ISBN 0-304-32055-2).
note: this is a revision of B. Wall: Bromeliads, Wisley Handbook.

Innes, C. 1993Notes on the genus Streptocalyx.

– The Plantsman 15:73-81

Innes, C. 1995Cacti, succulents and bromeliads.

– Wisley Gardens (RHS), Cassell Publishers, London UK
– (ISBN 0-304-32076-5).

Irgang, B.E. & M. Sobral 1987Dyckia agudensis (Bromeliaceae), nova espécie do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil.

– Napaea 3:5-7

Isley III, P. 1987Tillandsia - the world\'s most unusual airplants.

– Botanical Press, Gardena California USA
– (256 pages, 250 colorphotos, 150 b&w-photos, 15 drawings, 28x22 cm, ISBN 0-9617675-0-2).
note: brochure on this book by P. Isley (1994) Genus Tillandsia, Rainforest Flora (16 pages, 11 small colorphotos, 14x19 cm).

Isley III, P. 2009Tillandsia II - the world\'s most unusual airplants.

– Botanical Press, Redondo Beach, California USA
– (288 pages, 395 colorphotos, 42 b&w-photos, 10 drawings, 28x22 cm, ISBN 9780981701011).

Izquirdo, L.Y. & D. Pinero 1998Allozyme divergence among four species of Podaechmea s.l. and the status of Ursulaea (Bromeliaceae, Bromelioideae).

– Plant Systematics and Evolution 213:207-215


Jabaily, R.S. & K.J. Sytsma 2010Phylogenetics of Puya (Bromeliaceae): placement, major lineages, and evolution of Chilean species.

Jabaily, R.S. & K.J. Sytsma 2013Historical biogeography and life-history evolution of Andean Puya (Bromeliaceae).

– American Journal of Botany 97(2):337-356

Janeba, Z. 2017A new species of Puya (Bromeliaceae) from coastal Peru (P. hoxeyi).

– Cactus and Succulent Journal 89(4):176-184

Janetzky, W.J. & E. Vareschi 1993Phytotelmata in bromeliads as microhabitats for limnatic organisms, In: Animal plant interactions in tropical environments.

– Editors: W. Barthlot et al. Zoologisches Forschungsinstitut und Museum Alexander Koenig, Bonn Germany
– (pages 199-209).
note: also on this subject W.J. Janetzky & E. Vareschi: Die Bromelie 1998(1 & 2):10 pages and Die Bromelie 1998(3):64-73.

Jiménez, C. 2014Sistemática y filogenia de complejo Hechtia glomerata Zucc. (Hechtioideae : Bromeliaceae).

– Thesis, Centro de Investigación Cientifica de Yucatán, Mérida México
– (148 pages).

Johnson, M.O. 1935The pineapple (Ananas).

– Paradise of the Pacific Press, Honolulu Hawaï

Johnston, I.M. 1949Bromeliaceae, In: The botany of San Jose Island (Gulf of Panama).

– Sargentia VIII, Arnold Arboretum of Harvard University, USA
– (page 93-94; total 300 pages, 2 maps, 20 b&w-photos, 24x17 cm).

Joy of Living series 1976Bromeliads and orchids.

– Consumer Guide, Publications International, Shokie Illinois USA
– (66 pages, 99 colorphotos, 23x15 cm, ISBN 0-671-22411-5).

Jörgensen, P.M. & C.U. Ulloa 1994Bromeliaceae, In: Seed Plants of the High Andes of Ecuador - a checklist. AAU Report 34.

– University of Aarhus Denmark
– (page 145-154; total 443 pages, 20x15 cm, ISBN 87-87600-60-9).

Jörgensen, P.M. & S. Leon-Yanez 1999Bromeliaceae, In: Catalogue of the Vascular Plants of Ecuador.

– Monograph in Systematic Botany Vol.75, Missouri Botanical Press, St. Louis USA
– (page 337-361, total 1181 pages, 28 cm, ISBN 9780915279609).
note: update by C. Ulloa & D. Neill (2005) Cinco anos de adiciones a la flora del Ecuador 1999-2004, Missouri Botanical Garden (75 pages, 28 cm, ISBN 9978-079-578-0) and Adiciones a la flora del Ecuador, segundo suplemento 2005-2010 (2011) Missouri Botanical Garden (202 pages, 28 cm).

Jörgensen, P.M., M.H. Nee & S.G. Beck 2014Catálogo de las plantas vasculares de Bolivia.

– Monograph in Systematic Botany Vol.127, Missouri Botanical Press, St. Louis USA
– (vol.1: 841 pages, vol.2: 900 pages incl. list of Bromeliaceae, 28 cm, ISBN 9781930723719).


Kaletta, K.H. & D.L. Schulz 1989Bromelien.

– Verlag für die Frau, Leipzig Germany

Kartzinel, T.A., D.A. Campbell & D.W. Trapnell 2016Spatial patterns of haplotype variation in the epiphytic bromeliad Catopsis nutans.

– Biotropica 48(2):206-217

Kawollek, W. 1992Tillandsien - Arten und Kultur.

– Naturbuch Verlag, Augsburg Germany
– (112 pages, 90 colorphotos, 16 drawings, 26x21 cm).

Kämpf, A.N. 1982Untersuchungen zu Düngung und Wachstum von zisternenbildenden Bromelien.

– Thesis, Technische Universität München, Germany
– (hydroculture, 158 pages).

Kessler, M. 2002Environmental patterns and ecological correlates of range size among bromeliad communities of Andean forests in Bolivia.

– The Botanical Review 68(1):100-127

Kessler, M., S. Abrahamczyk & T. Krömer 2020The role of hummingbirds in the evolution and diversication of Bromeliaceae: unsupported claims and untested hypotheses.

– Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 192(4):592-608

Kessous, I.M. 2016Taxonomia e filogenia do grupo Vriesea ensiformis (Vell.) Beer (Bromeliaceae, Tillandsioideae).

– Thesis, Museu Nacional, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
– (127 pages).

Kessous, I.M. & A.F. Costa 2017A new name and new status in Vriesea (Bromeliaceae) from Brazil (V. fluviatilis).

– Novon 25(4):434-435

Kessous, I.M. & A.F. Costa 2017Canistropsis e Nidularium (Bromeliaceae: Bromelioideae) no Parque Nacional da Serra dos Orgãos, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.

– Rodriguésia 68(1):233-244

Kessous, I.M. et al. 2018New records of Vriesea agostinia E. Pereira, and Vriesea saltensis Leme & L. Kollmann (Bromeliaceae, Tillandsioideae) from southeastern Brazil.

– CheckList 14(1):37-41

Kessous, I.M. et al. 2019Edmundoa, Neoregelia e Wittrockia (Bromeliaceae: Bromelioideae) no Parque Nacional da Serra dos Orgãos, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.

– Rodriguésia 70:-
– (15 pages).

Kessous, I.M. et al. 2020Historical biogeography of a Brazilian lineage of Tillandsioideae (subtribe Vrieseinae, Bromeliaceae): the Paranaean Sea hypothesized as the main vicariant event.

– Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 192(4):625-641

Kessous, I.M. et al. 2021A 100-year-million gap in the knowledge of the evolutionary history of Bromeliaceae: a brief review of fossil records.

– Feddes Repertorium 132:20-27

Kessous, I.M. et al. 2021Nomenclatural revision and taxonomical notes of Vriesea psittacina, type of genus Vriesea (Bromeliaceae).

– Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society 148(1):44-52

Kessous, I.M., B. Neves & A.F. Costa 2018Vriesea mourae (Bromeliaceae), a new critically endangered species from Cerra da Bocaina, southeastern Brazil.

– Phytotaxa 360(1):45-53

Kessous, I.M., F. Salgueiro & A.F. Costa 2018Nomenclature and epitypification of Vriesea (Bromeliaceae) species described in Vellozo\'s Flora Fluminensis.

– Phytotaxa 350(1):24-32

Kiff, L. 1991A distributional check-list of the genus Tillandsia.

– Botanical Diversions, Encino California USA
– (93 pages, 23x15 cm, ISBN 0-935868-55-0).

Klein Varella, L.F. & J. Klein 2013,2014The bromeliads in the Atlantic forest of the northeast coast of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.

– Die Bromelie 2013(1):8-17, 2013(2):74-81, 2013(3):144-154, 2014(1):36-47, 2014(2):74-85

Klein, R.M. 1990Especies raras ou ameacadas de extincao: estado de Santa Catarina.Vol.1 Mirtaceas e Bromeliaceas.

– Fundacão Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatistica, Rio de Janeiro Brazil
– (total 287 pages, illustrated).

Klotzsch, F. 1847Encholirium augustae, in: R. Schomburgk: Reise-Notiz aus Guiana.

– Verhandlungen des Vereines zur Beförderung des Gartenbaues in den Königlich Preussischen Staaten 18:152-157

Knuth, R. 1928Bromeliaceae, In: Initia Florae Venezuelensis.

– Editor: F. Fedde.Verlag des Repertoriums, Dahlem Berlin Germany
– (page 184-194; total 768 pages, not illustrated, 24x16 cm).

Koch, A.K., A.L. Ilkiu-Borges & R.C. Forzza 2016Aechmea xinguana sp. nov. (Bromeliaceae) from the Xingu region in the Brazilian Amazonia.

– Nordic Journal of Botany 34:129-133

Koch, A.K., R.F. Monteiro & A.L. Ilkiu-Borges 2015Checklist de Bromeliaceae da região da Volta Grande do Xingu, Pará, Brasil.

– Rodriguésia 66(2):455-464

Koch, K. 1858Die Bromeliaceen mit dreitheiliger Kapsel.

– Berliner Allgemeine Gartenzeitung 34:265-269, 35:273-278, 36:281-284, 37:289-292, 38:297-301

Koch, K. 1860Die Lamprococccus-Arten (Aechmeen) der Gärten.

– Wochenschrift des Vereines zur Beförderung des Gartenbaues in den Königl. Preuss. Staaten für Gärtnerei und Pflanzenkunde 3(10-11):73-76, 84-86

Koch, K. 1873Conspectus generum et subgenerum Bromeliacearum.

– C. Feisteri, Berlin Germany
– (summary of genera and subgenera, 7 pages).

Koch, M.A. et al. 2019Living at the dry limits: ecological genetics of Tillandsia landbeckii lomas in the Chilean Atacama Desert.

– Plant Systematics and Evolution 305:1041-1053
– Note: one of 8 (digital) articles (per 2/2022) in this journal by various authors in a collection titled \'Living at its dry limits - Tillandsiales in the Atacama Desert\'.

Kockel, F.(editor) 1995Die Bromelien an Grenzstandorten der neuen Welt.

– Wilhelma Garten Stuttgart Sonderheft, Stehn Verlag, Stuttgart/Bad Canstatt Germany
– (72 pages, 48 colorphotos, 8 b&w-photos, 22x12 cm, ISBN 3-87779-050-X).

Korovin, S.E. & V.N. Chekanova 1984Bromelii v prirode i kulture.

– Izd-vo Nauka, Science Press, Moscow USSR
– (167 pages, 59 photos, 21 cm).

Kowalski, V.K. 2013O grupo Vriesea platynema Gaudich. (Bromeliaceae, Tillandsioideae) no estado do Paraná: aspectos anatômicos e taxonômicos.

– Thesis, Universidade Estadual de Ponta Grossa, Brazil
– (117 pages, colorphotos, drawings).

Kowalski, V.K. & R.C. Tardivo 2015O grupo Vriesea platynema Gaudich. (Bromeliaceae, Tillandsioideae) no estado do Paraná, Brasil.

– Rodriguésia 66(2):465-475

Kramer, J. 1965Bromeliads, the colorful houseplants.

– New York USA
– (113 pages, 18 colorphotos, 31 drawings, 21x13cm).

Kramer, J. 1975Plants that grow on air.

– Simon and Schuster, New York USA
– (96 pages, in part on bromeliads).

Kramer, J. 1981Bromeliads.

– Harper & Row, New York USA
– (179 pages, 77 colorphotos, 120 b&w-photos,10 drawings, 28x21 cm, ISBN 0-06-38006-3).

Kramer, J. 2011Bromeliads for home and garden.

– University Press of Florida, USA
– (176 pages, 107 colorphotos, 22 drawings, 22,5x15 cm, ISBN-13 9780813035444).

Krapp, F. 2009Molekulare Verwandtschaftsanalysen in der Gattung Dyckia (Bromeliaceae).

– Thesis, Institut für Biologie, Universität Kassel, Germany

Krapp, F. 2013The silver ghost of Serra do Lenheiro: Dyckia mezii (Bromeliaceae), nom.nov.

– Annales Botanici Fennici 50:73-74

Krapp, F. 2013Phylogenie und Evolution der Gattung Dyckia (Bromeliaceae).

– Thesis, Institut für Biologie, Universität Kassel, Germany
– (200 pages, small colorphotos, maps).

Krapp. F. et al. 2013A set of variable plastid SSR markers for the genus Cryptanthus (Bromeliaceae).

– Research in Plant Biology 3(2):18-21

Krapp. F. et al. 2014Phylogeny and evolution of Dyckia (Bromeliaceae) inferred from chloroplast and nuclear sequences.

– Plant Systematics and Evolution 300(7):1591-1614

Kremer, D. 2011O gênero Tillandsia L. (Bromeliaceae - Tillandsioideae) no estado do Paraná, Brasil.

– Thesis, Universidade Estadual de Ponta Grossa, Brazil
– (165 pages, colorphotos, maps).

Krieck, C. 2008Ecologia reprodutiva de Dyckia encholirioides (Gaud.) Mez (Bromeliaceae) em côstoes oceânicos em Florianópolis.

– Thesis, Universidad Federal de Santa Catarina, Brazil

Kristek, J. & J. Dusek 1978Bromélie.

– Academia, Prague CSSR
– (106 pages, 81 colorphotos, 8 drawings, 20x14 cm).

Krömer, T. 1997Untersuchungen zur Verbreitung, Ökologie und Nektarzusammensetzung von Bromeliaceen.

– Thesis, Systematisch-Geobotanisch Institut Universität Göttingen, Germany

Krömer, T. et al. 1999Checklist of Bolivian Bromeliaceae with notes on species distribution and levels of endemism.

– Selbyana 20(2):201-223
note: also T. Krömer et al. (2000) Distribution of terrestrial bromeliads along La Paz to Caranavi road. Journal of the Bromeliad Society 50:158-164.

Krömer, T. et al. 2007Werauhia noctiflorens (Bromeliaceae), una nueva especie del sureste de México y Belice.

– Novon 17(3):336-340

Krömer, T. et al. 2012Taxonomic and nomenclatural status of the Mexican species in the Tillandsia viridiflora complex (Bromeliaceae).

– Acta Botánica Mexicana 99:1-20

Krömer, T., M. Kessler & S.K. Herzog 2006Distribution and flowering ecology of bromeliads along two climatically contrasting elevational transects in the Bolivian Andes.

– Biotropica 38(2):183-195

Krügel, P. 1993Biologie und Ökologie der Bromelienfauna von Guzmania weberbaueri im amazonischen Peru ergänzt durch eine umfassende Bibliographie der Bromelien-Phytotelmata.

– W. Morawetz, Biosystematics & Ecology Series 2, Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Vienna Austria
– (93 pages, illustrated, maps, 24 cm).

Kuhn, S.A. et al. 2016Morphoanatomy of the ovary and ovule in Bromeliaceae subfamily Tillandsioideae and its systematic relevance.

– Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 181(3):343-361

Kunth, C.S.in Humboldt, Bonpland & Kunth 1815-1825Bromeliaceae, In: Nova genera et species plantarum.

– Librairie Grecque-Latine-Allemande, Paris France ; reprinted by J. Cramer Verlag, Weinheim Germany (1963)
– (Bromeliaceae vol.1:290-297, 19 species ; total 7 volumes, 2386 pages, 700 plates, 24x16 cm).


Labude, K. 2000Tillandsien.

– Tetra Verlag GmbH, Bissendorf-Wulften Germany
– (64 pages, 78 small colorphotos, 22x16 cm, ISBN 3-89745-174-3).

Lambert, J. 2001Deuterocohnia longipetala (Bromeliaceae).

– Succulenta 80(1):12-14

Larocca, J. & M. Sobral 2002Dyckia delicata (Bromeliaceae), a new species from Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.

– Novon 12(2):234-236

Larson, B. & J.H. Frank 2002Bromeliads and bromeliad weevils of Florida.

– Cooperative Extension Service, University of Florida, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, USA
– (clip-ringed field guide, 14 species and 2 hybrids, colorphotos, 11x8 cm).

Larson, B. & J.H. Frank et al. 2016Florida\'s native bromeliads.

– Document CIR1466, IFAS Extension Service, University of Florida, US Department of Food and Agriculture, USA
– (10 pages, 3rd edition).

Lasso, E. 2001Reproductive constraints in an elfin forest: Bromeliads.

– Thesis, Universidad Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras

Lasso, E. & J.D. Ackerman 2003Flowering fenology of Werauhia sintenesii, a bromeliad from the dwarf montane forest in Puerto Rico: an indicator of climate change ?

– Selbyana 24(1):95-104

Lasso, E. & J.D. Ackerman 2004The flexible breeding system of Werauhia sintenesii, a cloud forest bromeliad from Puerto Rico.

– Biotropica 36(3):414-417

Lawn, G., D. Butcher & E. Gouda 2015Bromeliad Cultivar Register.

– Bromeliad Society International
– Internet at BSI.

Lea, T. 1984The beauty of the bromeliads.

– Taralkon Pty Ltd, Caloundra Queensland Australia
– (34 pages, 62 colorphotos, 24x18 cm).

Leal, B.S.S. et al. 2018Insights into the evolutionary dynamics of Neotropical biomes from the phylogeography and paleodistribution modeling of Bromelia balansae.

– American Journal of Botany 105(10):1725-1734

Leal, F., G.R. Coppens d\'Eeckenbrugge & B.K. Holst 1998Taxonomy of the genera Ananas and Pseudananas, an historical review.

– Selbyana 19(2):227-235

Lehmann, H. 1978, 1986Bestimmungsschlüssel für die Gattung Tillandsia.

– Deutsche Bromelien-Geselschaft, Frankfurt am Main Germany
– (54 pages).

Leiva Gonzalez, S. et al. 2014Diversidad florística de la Lomo Cerro Campana, provincia Trujillo, departamento La Libertad, Perú.

– Arnaldoa 21(1):187-220 (Bromeliaceae p.197, 207-208)

Leme, E.M.C. 1984-1993Novas Bromeliaceas nativas do Brasil I / XIII.

– Revista Brasil Florestal 8(59) 1984 (I), Rev.Bras.de Biologia 45(4) 1985 (II), Bradea 4(33) 1986 (III), 4(39) 1987 (IV), 4(50) 1987 (V), 5(16) 1989 (VI), 5(29) 1990 (VII), 5(42) 1991 (VIII), Pabstia vol.4-8 1993-1997 (IX-XIII)
– (in all 90 pages, 35 drawings).

Leme, E.M.C. 1995-1997Contributions to the study of the genus Alcantarea.

– Bromélia 2(3):15-23, 4(2):29-40 and 4(3):28-32

Leme, E.M.C. 1996-2012Revision of the lithophytic Vriesea species from Minas Gerais State, Brazil.

– Journal of the Bromeliad Society 46(6):244-246 (I), 47(4):168-177 (II), 49(1):3-11 (III), 60(1):17-30 (IV), 61(5):196-209 (V), 62(1):10-19 (VI), 66(3):137-148 (VII)

Leme, E.M.C. 1997Canistrum, Bromeliads of the Atlantic Forest Vol.1.

– Salamandra Consultario Editorial Ltda., Rio de Janeiro Brazil
– (107 pages, 64 colorphotos, 19 b&w-photos, 20 drawings, 30x24 cm, ISBN 85-281-0202-5).

Leme, E.M.C. 1998Canistropsis, Bromeliads of the Atlantic Forest Vol.2.

– GMT Editores Ltda., Rio de Janeiro Brazil
– (143 pages, 96 colorphotos, 4 b&w-photos, 30 drawings, 30x24 cm).
note: includes articles on Leaf structure (M. Sajo et al.), Pollen morphology (H. Hallbritter & W. Till) and Stigma morphology (G. Gortan & W. Till).

Leme, E.M.C. 1999New species of Brazilian Bromeliaceae: a tribute to Lyman B. Smith.

– Harvard Papers in Botany 4(1):135-168

Leme, E.M.C. 2000Nidularium, Bromeliads of the Atlantic Forest Vol.3.

– GMT Editores Ltda., Rio de Janeiro Brazil
– (263 pages, total 183 colorphotos, 38 herbar.photos, 51 drawings, 30x24 cm, ISBN 85-86796-43-3 ; contains also supplements on Vol.1 & 2).
note: includes articles on Hummingbird pollination (Sazima et al.), Molecular data (G. Brown), Pollen fertility (R. Souza & E. Leme) and Cladistics (G. Brown & E. Leme).

Leme, E.M.C. 2004-2010Studies on Orthophytum, an endemic genus of Brazil.

– Journal of the Bromeliad Society 54(1):36-43 (I), 54(2):66-74 (II), 55(4):156-165 (III), 55(4):171-178 (IV), 56(3):105-111(V), 57(4):149-158 (VI), 57(5):204-207 (VII), 58(3):106-117 (VIII), 58(6):257-261 (IX), 60(1):5-13 (X), 60(2):56-70 (XI)

Leme, E.M.C. 2015Two new species of Orthophytum (Bromeliaceae: Bromelioideae) from Minas Gerais, Brazil.

– Phytotaxa 205(4):283-291

Leme, E.M.C. & J.A. Siqueira Filho 2001Studies of Bromeliaceae of northeastern Brazil.

– Selbyana 22(2):146-154

Leme, E.M.C. & L.C. Marigo 1993Bromeliads in the Brazilian wilderness (\"Bromélias na natureza\").

– Marigo Comunicaçâo Visual / Banco de Bahia, Rio de Janeiro Brazil
– (in habitat, 184 pages, 210 colorphotos, 29x23 cm, ISBN 85-85352-04-3).

Leme, E.M.C. & L.J.C. Kollmann 2011New species and a new combination of Brazilian Bromeliaceae.

– Phytotaxa 16(1):1-36

Leme, E.M.C. et al. 1995-2014Miscellaneous new species of Brazilian Bromeliaceae.

– Selbyana 16(1):110-122 (1995), 19(2):183-190 (1998), 30(2):129-146 (2010), Rodriguésia 61(1):21-67 (2010), Phytotaxa 108(1):1-40 (2013), 177(2):61-100 (2014)

Leme, E.M.C. et al. 2019Contribution to the study of the genus Fosterella (Bromeliaceae: Pitcairnioideae) in Brazil.

– Phytotaxa 395(3):137-167

Leme, E.M.C. et al. 2020Miscellaneous new species in the \"Cryptanthoid complex\" (Bromeliaceae: Bromelioideae) from eastern Brazil.

– Phytotaxa 430(3):157-202

Leme, E.M.C. et al. 2020A new species of Werauhia (Bromeliaceae: Tillandsioideae) from the Brazilian \"Hylaea\".

– Phytotaxa 471(1):29-37

Leme, E.M.C. et al. 2021Re-evaluation of the Amazonian Hylaeaicum (Bromeliaceae: Bromeliaideae) based on neglected morphological traits and molecular evidence.

– Phytotaxa 499(1):1-60

Leme, E.M.C. et al. 2022New genera and a new species in the “Cryptanthoid Complex” (Bromeliaceae: Bromelioideae) based on the morphology of recently discovered species, seed anatomy, and improvements in molecular phylogeny.

– Phytotaxa 544(2):1-58

Leme, E.M.C., A.P. Fontana & H. Halbritter 2010Three new Pitcairnia species (Bromeliaceae) from the inselbergs of Espírito Santo, Brazil.

– Systematic Botany 35(3):487-496

Leme, E.M.C., H. Halbritter & M.H.J. Barfuss 2017Waltillia, a new monotypic genus in Tillandsioideae (Bromeliaceae) arises from a rediscovered, allegedly extinct species from Brazil.

– Phytotaxa 299(1):1-35

Leme, E.M.C., O.B.C. Ribeiro & Z.J.G. Miranda 2012New species of Dyckia (Bromeliaceae) from Brazil.

– Phytotaxa 67:9-37

Leme, E.M.C., S. Heller, G. Zizka & H. Halbritter 2017New circumscription of Cryptanthus and new Cryptanthoid genera and subgenera (Bromeliaceae: Bromelioideae) based on neglected morphological traits and molecular phylogeny.

– Phytotaxa 318(1):1-88

Lemée, A. 1955Bromeliceae, In: Flora de la Guyane Française Vol.I (Ptéridophytes à Droséracées).

– Editor: P. Lechevaliers. Paris France
– (page 287-309; total 701 pages, not illustrated, 26x18 cm).
note: supplement in Vol.IV:20 (1956).

Lenz, L.W. 1995A new species of Hechtia (Bromeliaceae, Pitcairnioideae) from the Cape Region, Baja California Sur, México.

– Aliso 14(1):59-61

Leogario, M.M. et al. 2020Tillandsia itatiensis: a new species of Tillandsia L. (Bromeliaceae) from Bahia, Brazil.

– Phytotaxa 456(2):186-194

Leogario, M.M. et al. 2021Unexpected finds in Bahia: first records of five species of Tillandsia L. (Bromeliaceae).

– CheckList 17(1):13-20

Leon, H. 1946Bromeliaceae, In: Flora de Cuba Vol.1 (Gimnospermas, Monocotiledóneas).

– Museo de la Historia Natural del Colegio De La Salle, Havana Cuba
– (14 pages, 8 b&w-photos; volume total 441 pages, 22x14 cm).
note: supplement by A.H. Liogier, Editorial Sucre, Caracas Venezuela (1969, pages 35-37).

Leoni, L. & D. Trindade 2006Bromeliaceae da Zona da Mata Leste do estado de Minas Gerais.

– Pabstia 17(2):1-20

León, B., A. Sagástegui, I. Sánchez & M. Zapata 2006Bromeliaceae endémicas del Perú.

– Revista Peruana de Biología 13(2):708-737

Lexer, C. et al. 2016Gene flow and diversication in a species complex of Alcantarea inselberg bromeliads.

– Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 181(4):505-520

Lima, J.H. & L.H. Soares-Silva 2016Two new records for Bromeliaceae in the central-west region of Brazil: Vriesea friburgensis and Tillandsia polystachia.

– Rodriguésia 67(4):1093-1100

Lima, R. & U. Vidal 1996Bromélias da Reserva Ecológica Río das Pedras.

– Unibanco / Club Med, Brazil
– (fieldguide, 68 pages, 28 colorphotos, 22x15 cm).

Lima, T.T. 2008Bromeliaceae da serra da Mantiquieira: distribuição geográphica e conservação.

– Thesis, Instituto de Botanica da Secretaria do Meio Ambiente, São Paulo Brazil

Lindley, J. 1827Billbergia iridifolia.

– Botanical Register ad t.1068, UK
– (1 page).
note: first synopsis of the genera of the Bromeliaceae.

Lindman, C.A.M. 1890Ueber die Bromeliaceen-Gattungen Karatas, Nidularium und Regelia.

– Öfversigt af Kongliga Svenska Vetenskaps-Akademiens Handlingar Bandet no.10, Stockholm Sweden
– (page 531-543).

Lindman, C.A.M. 1891Bromeliaceae Herbarii Regnelliani, I.Bromelieae.

– Kongliga Svenska Vetenskaps-Akademiens Handlingar Bandet 24 no.8, Stockholm Sweden
– (50 pages, 8 b&w-plates, 45x30 cm).

Linnaeus, C. 1753, 1762Species plantarum, ( ....).Bromeliaceae.

– Holmiae: Impensus Direct, Laurentii Salvii, Stockholm Sweden
– (4 pages, 14 species of bromeliads).

Liogier, A.H. & L.F. Martorell 1982, 2000Bromeliaceae, In: Flora of Puerto Rico and adjacent Islands; a systematic synopsis.

– Universidad de Puerto Rico
– (3 pages; distributional checklist, total 342 pages, 2nd ed.382 pages, 23x15 cm).

Lleras, A.R. & A.P. Cruz 2005Bromeliaceae, In: Flórula del Parque Nacional Natural Amacayacu, Amazonas, Colombia.

– Editor: C.M. Taylor & R. Ortiz. Monograph in Systematic Botany Vol.99, Missouri Botanical Garden Press, Saint Louis USA
– (page 573-578; total 650 pages, 356 drawings, 28x21 cm, ISBN 1-930723-39-3).

Loeschen, V.S. et al. 1993Leaf anatomy and CO2 recycling during Crassulacean Acid Metabolism in twelve epiphytic species of Tillandsia (Bromeliaceae).

– International Journal of Plant Sciences 154(1):100-106

Loh, R. et al. 2015Clonality strongly affects the spacial genetic structure of the nurse species Aechmea nudicaulis (L.) Griseb. (Bromeliaceae).

– Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 178(2):329-341

Loh, R. et al. 2020Fine-scale spatial genetic structure, neighbourhood size and gene dispersal in clonal plants: exploring the best possible estimates.

– Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 192(4):760-772

Lombardo, A. 1984Bromeliaceae, In: Flora Montevidensis, Vol.III Monocotiledoneas.

– Intendencia Municipal de Montevideo, Uruguay
– (page 349-352, 2 drawings; total 465 pages, 175 drawings, 24x17 cm).

Looser, G. 1948Comparacion de las Bromeliaceas de Chile con las de Argentina y Peru.

– -
– (31 pages, 25x15 cm).

Louzada, R.B. 2008Taxonomia e citogenética das espécies de inflorescência séssil do gênero Orthophytum Beer (Bromeliaceae).

– Instituto de Bôtanica da Secretaria do Meio Ambiente, São Paulo Brazil
– (138 pages, 24 illustrations, 30x21 cm).

Louzada, R.B. 2012Revisão taxonômica e filogenia de Orthophytum Beer (Bromeliaceae, Bromelioideae).

– Thesis, Instituto de Biociências da Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil
– (186 pages).

Louzada, R.B. & L.M. Versieux 2010Lapanthus (Bromeliaceae, Bromelioideae): a new genus from he southern Espinhaço Range, Brazil.

– Systematic Botany 35(3):497-503

Louzada, R.B. & M.G.L. Wanderley 2008Uma nova espécie de Orthophytum Beer (Bromeliaceae) relacionada a Orthophytum navioides (L.B. Sm.) L.B. Sm. (O. ophiuroides).

– Hoehnea 35(3):405-410

Louzada, R.B. & M.G.L. Wanderley 2010Revision of Orthophytum (Bromeliaceae): the species with sessile inflorescences.

– Phytotaxa 13:1-26

Louzada, R.B. & M.G.L. Wanderley 2011A new species of Orthophytum (Bromeliaceae) from Chapada Diamantina, Bahia, Brazil (O. argentum).

– Phytotaxa 28:27-30

Louzada, R.B. & M.G.L. Wanderley 2012A new combination in Lapanthus (L. vidaliorum).

– Phytokeys 17:63-68

Louzada, R.B. & M.G.L. Wanderley 2017Re-establishment of Sincoraea (Bromeliaceae).

– Journal of the Bromeliad Society 66:6-19

Louzada, R.B. et al. 2010Chromosome number of Orthophytum species (Bromeliaceae).

– Kew Bulletin 65(1):53-58

Louzada, R.B. et al. 2014Molecular phylogeny of the Brazilian endemic genus Orthophytum (Bromelioideae, Bromeliaceae) and its implications on morphological character evolution.

– Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 77:54-64

Louzada, R.B., M.G.L. Wanderley & A.A. Conceição 2008Brómelias Raio-de-sol.Guia illustrado para identificação das espécies de inflorescência séssil do gênero Orthophytum Beer (Bromeliaceae).

– Instituto de Bôtanica da Secretaria do Meio Ambiente, São Paulo Brazil. Published as appendix to thesis of R.B.Louzada on sessile Orthophytum
– (37 pages, 22 colorphotos, 23x15 cm).

Lozano-C., G. 1981Studia Plantarum Colombiae - II (Guzmania oligantha).

– Mutisia 50:1-3

López-Ferrari, A.R. & A. Espejo-Serna 1998The type specimens of Bromeliaceae in the herbarium Eizi Matuda.

– Selbyana 19(1):66-82

López-Ferrari, A.R. & A. Espejo-Serna 1999Contribution of Lyman B. Smith to the knowledge of Mexican Bromeliaceae.

– Harvard Papers in Botany 4(1):169-174

López-Ferrari, A.R. & A. Espejo-Serna 2007Tillandsia borealis (Bromeliaceae), una nueva especie del norte de México.

– Boletín de la Sociedad Botánica de México 80:63-71

López-Ferrari, A.R. & A. Espejo-Serna 2009Nuevas combinaciones en monocotiledóneas Mexicanas IV (Bromeliaceae, Orchidaceae) (Viridantha curvifolia).

– Acta Botánica Mexicana 89:43-46

López-Ferrari, A.R. & A. Espejo-Serna 2013Hechtia mapimiana (Bromeliaceae; Hechtioideae), una nueva especie del estado de Durango, México.

– Acta Botánica Mexicana 102:89-97

López-Ferrari, A.R. & A. Espejo-Serna 2014Hechtia rubicunda (Bromeliaceae; Hechtioideae), una nueva especie de Oaxaca, México.

– Acta Botánica Mexicana 107:153-164

López-Ferrari, A.R. & A. Espejo-Serna 2014Bromeliaceae, in: Flora del Valle de Tehuacán-Cuicatlán fasc.122.

– Instituto de Biología, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
– (142 pages, 16 drawings, maps, ISBN 968-36-3108-8).

López-Ferrari, A.R. et al. 2011Aechmea aenigmatica (Bromeliaceae; Bromelioideae), una nueva especie del estado de Oaxaca, México.

– Acta Botánica Mexicana 95:1-9

López-Ferrari, A.R., A. Espejo-Serna & N. Martínez-Correa 2009Hechtia caulescens (Bromeliaceae), a new species from Central Mexico.

– Novon 19(2):197-200

Luca, P., S. Sabato & A. Balduzzi 1979Tillandsia tomasellii (Bromeliaceae) a new species from Oaxaca, Mexico.

– Brittonia 31(4):474-477

Luiz-Santos, A. & M.G.L. Wanderley 2012Flora da Serra do Cipó, Minas Gerais: Bromeliaceae-Bromelioideae.

– Boletim de Botânica da Universidade de São Paulo 30(2):89-107
– (4 pages with b&w drawings).

Lukscheiter, A. & O. Lukscheiter 2002Beginning with Tillandsias.

– Ratio, Uvaly Czech Republic
– (Czech/English text, 145 pages, drawings, 80 small colorphotos, 20x15 cm, ISBN 80-86351-0303).

Luna Ercilla, C.A. 1948Estudio e inventario de Bromeliáceas indígenas textiles en el nordeste de Salta.

– Ministerio de Agricultura de la Nación, Dirección General de Agricultura, Dirección de Cultivos Especiales.Buenos Aires, Argentina
– (88 pages, illustrated, maps, 23 cm).

Luteyn, J.L. 1999Bromeliaceae, In: Páramos, a checklist of plant diversity, geographical distribution and botanical literature.

– Memoirs of the New York Botanical Garden Vol.84
– (page 100-101; total 278 pages, 24 colorphotos, 19 b&w-figures, 26x14 cm, ISBN 0-89327-427-5).

Luther, H.E. 1980A new species of Tillandsia (subgenus Allardtia) from Colombia (T. abbreviata).

– Phytologia 46(7):419-420

Luther, H.E. 1981-2007Miscellaneous new taxa of Bromeliaceae I / XVII.

– Selbyana 5(3) 1981 (I), 7(1) 1982 (II), 7 1984 (IV), 10 1987 (V), 11 1989 (VI), 12 1991 (VIII), 16(2) 1995 (X), 18(1) 1997 (XI), 19(1) 1998 (XII), 19(2) 1998 (XIII), 20(1) 1999 (XIV), 21(1-2) 2000 (XV), 23(1) 2002 (XVII), 28(1) 2007 (XVIII)
– Brittonia 54(4) 2002 (XVI), Journal of the Bromeliad Society 33(1) 1983 (III), 40(5,6) 1990 (VII) and Phytologia 74(6) 1993 (IX).
note: (in all 127 pages, 83 drawings).

Luther, H.E. 1985Notes on hybrid Tillandsias in Florida.

– Phytologia 57(3):175-176

Luther, H.E. 1986A new species of Guzmania (Bromeliaceae) from western Ecuador (G. alborosea).

– Selbyana 9:187-188

Luther, H.E. 1988A provisional checklist of the Bromeliaceae of Ecuador.

– Phytologia 67(4):312-330

Luther, H.E. 1991Two new species of Aechmea (Bromeliaceae).

– Phytologia 71(5):382-386

Luther, H.E. 1992Three new species of Bromeliaceae from Ecuador.

– Nordic Journal of Botany 12(2):219-221

Luther, H.E. 1994A new species and two new combinations of Ecuadorian Bromeliaceae (Tillandsioideae).

– Nordic Journal of Botany 14(3):327-329

Luther, H.E. 1994-1995A guide to the species of Tillandsia regulated by Appendix II of CITES.

– Selbyana 15(1):112-131 1994, also in Journal of the Bromeliad Society 44(6) 1994 and 45(1,2) 1995

Luther, H.E. 1995An annotated checklist of the Bromeliaceae of Costa Rica.

– Selbyana 16(2):230-234; reprint in Journal of the Bromeliad Society 46(2):60-63 (1996)

Luther, H.E. 1999Bromeliaceae, In: Catalogue of the vascular plants of Ecuador.

– Editors: P.M. Jorgensen & S. León-Yánez. Monographs in systematic botany from the Missouri Botanical Garden Vol.75, St.Louis Missouri USA
– (page 337-361; total 1181 pages, 28 cm, ISBN 0-915297-60-6).

Luther, H.E. 2003Twenty years of bromeliad research in Ecuador.

– Selbyana 24(1):113-115

Luther, H.E. 2008An alphabetical list of Bromeliad Binomials, 11th edition.

– Bromeliad Society International, USA
– (119 pages).
note: this bi-annual list gives the names and authors of all validly published bromeliads.

Luther, H.E. 2009Pepinia martinellii (Bromeliaceae), an unusual new species from Pará State, Brazil.

– Selbyana 30(1):89-90

Luther, H.E. & D. Benzing 2009Native bromeliads of Florida.

– -
– (126 pages, 23x15 cm).

Luther, H.E. & E. Sieff 1994,1997,2001De Rebus Bromeliacearum I, II and III.

– Selbyana 15(1):9-93, 18(1):103-140 and 22(1):34-67
note: updates on L.B. Smith & R.J. Downs: Flora Neotropica Monograph 14, with reference to newly described species and changes in classification.

Luther, H.E. & G.K. Brown 2000Bromeliaceae, In: Flora of North America north of México, Vol.22 Magnoliophyta.

– Flora of North America Editorial Committee. Oxford University Press, New York USA & Oxford UK
– (page 286-298; total 352 pages, drawings, 28 cm, ISBN 0-19-513729-9).

Luther, H.E. & K.F. Norton 2008Epithytism in Bromeliaceae: a synopsis.

– Selbyana 29(2):215-216

Luther, H.E. & L. Rabinowitz 2010De Rebus Bromeliacearum IV.

– Selbyana 30(2):147-189
note: updates on L.B. Smith & R.J. Downs: Flora Neotropica Monograph 14, with reference to newly described species and changes in classification.

Luther, H.E. & W.J. Kress 1996Two overlooked species of Guzmania (Bromeliaceae) of the species-complex Massangea from Central America.

– Brittonia 48(1):91-95


Mabe, R.E. & L. Cox 1977Bromeliads and orchids.

– Potpourri Press, USA
– (48 pages).

Machado, T.M. 2012A flora de Bromeliaceae no Parque Nacional do Caparaó, MG/ES.

– Thesis, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte Brazil
– (140 pages, 17 pages drawings and colorphotos, 29,5 cm).

Machado, T.M. & L.M. Neto 2010Bromeliaceae de um campo de altitude no sul de Minas Gerais (Brasil).

– Fontqueria 56(13):109-124

Machado, T.M. et al. 2020Systematics of Vriesea (Bromeliaceae): phylogenetic relationships based on nuclear gene and partial plastome sequences.

– Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 192(4):656-674

Machado, T.M., R.C. Forzza & J.R. Stehmann 2016Bromeliaceae from Caparaó National Park, Minas Gerais/Espírito Santo states, Brazil, with notes on distribution and conservation.

– Oecologia Australis 20(2):271-284

Maciel, J.R. & R. Louzada 2014A new species of Hohenbergia (Bromeliaceae) from Bahia, Brazil (H. lativaginata).

– Phytotaxa 156(1):54-58

Maciel, J.R. et al. 2017Paleodistribution of epiphytic bromeliads points to past connections between the Atlantic and Amazon forests.

– Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 183(3):348-359

Maciel, J.R. et al. 2018Polyphyly and morphological convergence in Atlantic Forest species of Aechmea subgenus Chevaliera (Bromeliaceae).

– Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 188(3):281-295

Maciel, J.R. et al. 2019A new genus of Bromeliaceae endemic to Brazilian Atlantic Forest.

– Systematic Botany 44(3):519-535

Maciel, J.R., R. Louzada & M. Alves 2014Aechmea nigribracteata (Bromeliaceae), a new species from southern Bahia, Brazil.

– Phytotaxa 188(4):233-237

Maciel, J.R., R. Louzada & M. Alves 2015Aechmea Ruiz & Pavon from the northern portion of the Atlantic forest.

– Rodriguésia 66(2):477-492

Macías-Rodríguez, M.A. et al. 2007Pitcairnia abundans L.B. Sm. (Bromeliaceae): supplementary description, range extension and conservation status of an endemic Mexican plant.

– Polibotánica 23:93-100

Madriñán, S. 2015Una nueva especie de Puya (Bromeliaceae) de los páramos cercanos a Bogotá, Colombia (P. loca).

– Revista de la Academia Colombiana de Ciencias Ex. Fis. Naturales 39(152):389-398

Magalhães, A.F.P. et al. 2018The relative importance of hummingbirds as pollinaters in two bromeliads with contrasting floral specializations and breeding systems.

– Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 188(3):316-326

Magalhães, R.I. & J.E.A. Mariath 2012Seed morphoanatomy and its systematic relevance to Tillandsioideae (Bromeliaceae).

– Plant Systematics and Evolution 298:1881-1895

Magalhães, R.I., L.M. Versieux & A. Calvente 2014Aechmea muricata (Arruda) L.B. Sm. (Bromeliaceae: Bromelioideae): A new record of a threatened species for Rio Grande do Norte, northeastern Brazil.

– Check List 10(2):434-435

Magaña, P. 1986Aechmea tuitensis (Bromeliaceae: Bromelioideae, Podaechmea), a new species from western Mexico.

– Phytologia 59(4):221-223

Magaña, P. 1986La familia Bromeliaceae en la costa de Jalisco.

– UNAM México City

Mak, H.C. 1996Photo album of air and carnivorous plants in color.

– Hong Kong
– (248 pages, 666 colorphotos - 125 of bromeliads, 25x18 cm, ISBN 957-531-455-7).

Makara, G. 1982Orchideák és Broméliák.

– Mezögazdasági Kiadó, Budapest Hungary
– (366 pages, 107 colorphotos, 55 b&w-photos, 137 drawings, book 25% bromeliads and 75% orchids, 24x17 cm, ISBN 9632313887).

Males, J. 2016Think tank: water relations of Bromeliaceae in their evolutionary context.

– Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 181(3):415-440

Manetti, L.M., R.H.Delaporte & A. Laverde Jr. 2009Metabólitos secundários da família Bromeliaceae.

– Química Nova 32(7):1885-1897

Manhães, V.C. et al. 2016New findings on the distribution of Pitcairnia azouryi (Bromeliaceae), a species restricted to Atlantic Forest inselbergs.

– Phytotaxa 245(1):59-65

Mantovani, A. et al. 2012Leaf anatomy of Quesnelia (Bromeliaceae): implications for the systematics of core bromeliads.

– Plant Systematics and Evolution 298:787-800

Manzanares, J.M. 2000Bromeliaceae, In: Libro rojo de la plantas endémicas del Ecuador 2000.

– Editors: R.Valencia et al. Publicaciones del Herbario QCA, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, Quito
– (page 135-151).

Manzanares, J.M. 2002Bromeliaceae of Ecuador (Jewels of the Jungle).Part I: Bromelioideae.

– Imprenta Mariscal, Quito Ecuador
– (English and Spanish editions, 232 pages, 340 colorphotos, 30x23 cm, ISBN 9978-42-547-0).

Manzanares, J.M. 2005Bromeliaceae of Ecuador (Jewels of the Jungle).Part II: Pitcairnioideae.

– Imprenta Mariscal, Quito Ecuador
– (English and Spanish editions, 304 pages, 370 colorphotos, 35 drawings, 30x23 cm, ISBN 9978-44-022-4).

Manzanares, J.M. & E.J. Gouda 2010Four new species of the genus Racinaea (Bromeliaceae) from Ecuador.

– Phytotaxa 3:1-18

Marcondes, J.P.B.A. et al. 2018O gênero Catopsis (Bromeliaceae: Tillandsioideae) no estado do Paraná: aspectos taxonômicos e anatômicos.

– Rodriguésia 69(2):649-662

Marcusso, G.M. et al. 2020Acanthostachys calcicola (Bromeliaceae, Bromelioideae), a new species from a limestone outcrop in Tocantins State, Brazil.

– Phytotaxa 472(2):201-206

Markgraf, F. 1940Neue Pflanzenarten aus Brasilien.

– Notizblatt des Botanischen Gartens und Museums zu Berlin-Dahlem 15:214-216

Marques, A.R. 2002Ecofisiologia e contribuições para a conservação das bromélias da Serra da Piedade.

– Thesis, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte Brazil
– Note: also A.R. Marques et al. (2012) Diversity and conservation status of bromeliads from Serra da Piedade, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Rodriguésia 63(2):243-255.

Martin, C.E. 1994Physiological ecology of the Bromeliaceae.

– The Botanical Review 60(1):1-82

Martinelli, G. 1983Uma nova variedade de Vriesea atra Mez ( variegata).

– Rodriguésia 35(57):29-30

Martinelli, G. 1994Reproductive biology of Bromeliaceae in the Atlantic rainforest of Southeastern Brazil.

– Thesis, University of St.Andrews, Scotland UK
– (197 pages).

Martinelli, G. 2000The bromeliads of the Atlantic forest.

– Scientific American 2000(3):86-93

Martinelli, G. & C.M. Vieira 2005Aechmea sucreana, a new species of Bromeliaceae from Espírito Santo state, Brazil.

– Novon 15:173-175

Martinelli, G. & M.A. Moraes (ed.) 2013Livro vermelho da flora do Brasil.

– Andrea Jakobsson Estúdio & Instituto de Pesquisas Jardim Botanico Rio de Janeiro
– (Bromeliaceae page 316-397 by many authors; total 1102 pages, colorphotos, 31x21 cm, ISBN 978 85 88742 58 1).

Martinelli, G. & R.C. Forzza 2006Pitcairnia L\'Her. (Bromeliaceae): uma nova espécie, P. azouryi Martinelli & Forzza, e observaçôes sobre P. encholirioides L.B. Sm.

– Revista Brasileira de Botanica 29(4):603-607

Martinelli, G. et al. 2008Bromeliaceae da Mata Atlântica Brasileira: lista de espécies, distribuição e conservação.

– Rodriguésia 59(1):209-258

Martinelli, G. et al. 2009Bromeliaceae, In: Plantas da Floresta Atlântica.

– Editors: J.R. Stehmann et al. Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
– (page 186-204).

Martins, S.E. & M.G.L. Wanderley 2021A new species of Vriesea Lindl. (Bromeliaceae) from the Atlantic Rainforest of São Paulo State, Brazil.

– Hoehnea 48(1)
– (15 pages).

Martínez, R.V. 1997Bromeliaceae, In: Flórula de las Reservas Biológicas de Iquitos, Peru (Allpahuayo-Mishana, Explornapo Camp, Explorama Lodge).

– Missouri Botanical Garden, Saint Louis USA
– (page 777-783, 961; total 1046 pages, 28 cm, ISBN 0-915279-48-7).

Martínez-Castro, J., C. Isaza & J. Betancur 2019Distribución espacial y estructura de la población de Pitcairnia huilensis (Bromeliaceae) en el valle alto del río Magdalena (Huila, Colombia).

– Caldasia 41(1):165-178

Martínez-Correa, N. 2008Sistemática del complejo de especies de Hechtia podantha Mez (Bromeliaceae, Pitcairnioideae).

– Thesis, UNAM México City
– (214 pages).

Martínez-Correa, N. et al. 2010Two novelties in Hechtia (Bromeliaceae, Hechtioideae) from Mexico.

– Systematic Botany 35(4):745-754

Martínez-Correa, N., A. Espejo-Serna & A.R. López-Ferrari 2014Una nueva especie de Catopsis (Bromeliaceae, Tillandsioideae) de México (C. occulta).

– Acta Botánica Mexicana 106:129-147

Martínez-Garcia, E. 1999Estudio ecológico de las bromelias epifitas y sus hospederos en la selva baja caducifolia de la Sierra de Huautla, Morelos.

– Thesis, Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas, UAEM, Cuernavaca, Morelos, México

Martínez-Garcia, E. 2006Dinámica poblacional de Tillandsia makoyana Baker en la selva baja caducifolia de la reserva de la Biósfera Sierra de Huautla, Morelos.

– Thesis, Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas, UNAM, México City

Martínez-Meléndes, N. & J., R. Martínez-Camilo & M.A. Pérez-Farrera 2011Bromeliaceae, In: Las epífitas de la Reserva El Triunfo, Chiapas - Guía illustrada de las especies más notables.

– Collectión Jaguar, Universidad de Ciencias y Artes de Chiapas, México
– (page 72-84, total 208 pages, colorphotos, ISBN 978-607-7510-94-9).

Maruska, J. 2011World of Tillandsias.

– Pozorice, Czech Republic
– (English/Czech text, 96 pages, 430 colorphotos, 29,5x21 cm).

Matallana, G. et al. 2010Breeding systems of Bromeliaceae species: evolution of selfing in the context of sympatric occurrence.

– Plant Systematics and Evolution 289:57-65

Matallana, G. et al. 2016Post-pollination barriers in an assemblage of Bromeliaceae in south-eastern Brazil.

– Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 181(3):521-531

Matiz, A. et al. 2013CAM photosynthesis in bromeliads and agaves: what can we learn from these plants ? (chapter 4 in : Photosynthesis).

– Editor Z. Dubinsky. Intech, Rijeka, Croatia
– (ISBN 978-953-51-1161-0).

Matos, J.Z. et al. 2016Morphological features, nuclear microsatellites and plastid haplotypes reveal hybridisation processes between two sympatric Vriesea species In Brazil (Bromeliaceae) (Vriesea x brueggemannii).

– Phytotaxa 261(1):58-74

Matuda, E. 1952Las Bromeliaceas de Chiapas.

– Sobretiro de los Anales del Instituto de Biologia 23(1-2):85-153, UNAM México City
– (9 b&w-photos, 9 drawings, 23x17 cm).
note: supplement in Beutelspacher (1974) Cactaceas y Suculentas Mexicanas 19(3):64-69.

Matuda, E. 1957Bromeliáceas y Aráceas del Estado de México.

– Gobierno del Estado de México, Dirección de Agricultura y Ganadería.Toluca, México
– (64 pages, 19 b&w-photos, 6 drawings, 22x17 cm).

Matuda, E. 1971-1977Nuevas Tillandsias de México.

– Cactaceas y Suculentas Mexicanas 16:90-91 (1971), 17:113-114 (1972), 17:113-114 (1972), 18:50-52 (1973), 19:24-27 (1974), 20:8-10 (1975), 20:44-46 (1975), 20:96-100 (1975), 22:20-23 (1977)
– Note: variation in titles of articles (e.g. Nuevas Bromeliáceas de México).

Matuda, E. 1973New additions to Tillandsia (Bromeliaceae) from Mexico.

– Cactus and Succulent Journal (U.S.) 45:186-189

Matuda, E. 1979Las Bromeliaceas, In: Flora del Estado de México.

– Editors: M. Martinez & E. Matuda. Biblioteca Enciclopedica del Estado de México
– (page 46-91).

Matuszak-Renger, S. et al. 2018Phylogenetic relationships among Ananas and related taxa (Bromelioideae, Bromeliaceae) based on nuclear, plastid and AFLP data.

– Plant Systematics and Evolution 304(7):841-852

Maury, P. 1888Observations sur le genre ‘Chevaliera’ Gaudichaud, et description d’une espèce nouvelle (C. gigantea).

– Association Française pour l’avancement des sciences (Congres Toulouse, p.551-556)

Mayo, S.J., M.G.L. Wanderley & E. Gouda 1995Bromeliaceae, In: Flora of the Pico Das Almas, Chapada Diamantina - Bahia, Brazil.

– Editor: B.L. Stannard. Royal Botanic Gardens Kew, Richmond UK
– (page 649-659; total 853 pages - 51 with drawings, 24x16 cm, ISBN 0-947643-76-1).

McVaugh, R. 1989Bromeliaceae, In: Flora Novo-Galiciana, a descriptive account of vascular plants of western México.Vol.15.

– Editor: W.R. Anderson. The University of Michigan Herbarium, Ann Arbor USA
– (page 4-79, 10 drawings, 1 colorphoto; volume total 398 pages, 62 drawings, 2 colorplates, 26 cm).

Mee, M., text L.B. Smith. 1969The bromeliads.

– A.S. Barnes and Co., South Brunswick USA
– (32 gouaches).

Mee, M., text by M.G.L. Wanderley 1992Bromélias Brasileiras : Aquarelas de Margaret Mee.

– Instituto de Botanica de São Paulo, Brazil
– (159 pages, 61 gouaches, 30x22 cm, ISBN 85-85131-41-1).

Meisner, K. & G. Zotz 2012Heteroblasty in bromeliads: its frequency in a local flora and the timing of transition from atmospheric to tank form in the field.

– International Journal of Plant Sciences 173(7):780-788

Meisner, K., U. Winkler & G. Zotz 2013Heteroblasty in bromeliads: anatomical, morphological and physiological changes in ontogeny are not related to the change from atmospheric to tank form.

– Functional Plant Biology 40(3):251-262

Mejía-Marín, M.I., E. González-Rocha & A. Espejo-Serna 2020Pitcairnia anarosae (Bromeliaceae; Pitcairnioideae) a new species from the state of Oaxaca, México.

– Phytotaxa 429(2):85-90

Mekers, O. 1986Regulatie van de zijscheutvorming bij Bromeliaceae in vivo en in vitro (regulation of the forming of offshoots).

– Rijksstation voor sierplantenteelt mededeling 52, Melle Belgium
– (148 pages).

Melo, E.A. 2018Diversidade e distribuição de Bromeliaceae em escarpas rochosas da Floresta Atlântica Sul-Brasileira.

– Thesis, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil
– (44 pages).

Mendes, S.P. et al. 2012Androecium development in the bromeliad Dyckia pseudococcinea L.B. Smith (Pitcairnioideae, Bromeliaceae), an endangered species endemic to Brazil: implications for conservation.

– Flora 207:622-627

Mendes, S.P. et al. 2021Endosperm development in Dyckia pseudococcinea.

– Rodriguésia 72:e01682019
– (12 pages).

Mercier, H. 1993Efeitos de fontes nitrogenadas ( ......) cultivadas in vitro.

– Thesis, Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil
– (160 pages).

Mez, C. 1891-1894Bromeliaceae, In: Flora Brasiliensis.

– F. Fleischer, Leipzig Germany; reprint by J. Cramer Verlag, Weinheim Germany (1965 and 2001)
– (Bromeliaceae : 405 species, 816 pages, 75 plates).
note: the complete flora (1840-1906, editor: C.F.Ph. von Martius, later A.W. Eichler and I. Urban) has been published in 40 volumes with 20733 pages and 3811 plates.

Mez, C. 1896Monographiae Phanerogamarum, Vol.9. Bromeliaceae.

– Editors: A. & C. de Candolle. Masson & Cie., Paris France
– (Vol.9 wholly on Bromeliaceae, 990 pages, not illustrated, 24x16 cm).

Mez, C. 1903-1905Additamenta monographica (Bromeliaceae).

– Bulletin de l’Herbier Boissier Ser.2 vol.3:130-146 and 224-228, vol.4:619-634 and 863-878 and 1121-1136, vol.5:100-116 and 232-233

Mez, C. 1904Physiologische Bromeliaceen-Studien I: Die Wasserökonomie der extrem atmosphärischen Tillandsien.

– Jahrbücher für Wissenschaftliche Botanik 40:157-229, Leipzig Germany
– (26 drawings).

Mez, C. 1906, 1913Additamenta monographica (Bromeliaceae).

– Repertorium novarum specierum regni vegetabilis (F. Fedde) 3:4-15 and 33-45 (1906), 12:411-421 (1913)

Mez, C. 1920-1921Flora Domingensis (Bromeliaceae), in I. Urban: Symbolae Antillanae seu fundamenta Florae Indiae Occidentalis vol.8.

– Gebr. Bornträger, Leipzig
– (page 85-93).

Mez, C. 1934-1935Bromeliaceae, In: Das Pflanzenreich, IV (32).

– Editors: A. Engler & L. Diels. Engelman Verlag, Berlin Germany ; reprint by J. Cramer Verlag, Weinheim Germany (1965)
– (667 pages, 2 b&w-photos, 114 drawings, 24x16 cm).

Méndez García, E. et al. 2011El uso de las bromelias en el estado de Oaxaca.

– Instituto Politécnico Nacional, Xoxocotlán, Oaxaca, México
– (55 pages, colorphotos, ISBN 978-607-005-120-3).

Michalak, I. 2013Evolution of Bromeliaceae. Observations on three levels of diversity.

– Thesis, Universität Frankfurt, Germany

Michieli, R. & P. 2016Tillandsia.

– Peruzzo Editoriale, Venezia, Italia
– (384 pages, 587 colorphotos, 29x23 cm, ISBN 978-8899677114).

Middleton, D.A.J. 1992Report of the University of York bromeliad expedition to Ilha do Cardoso, State of São Paulo, Brazil (1990).

– University of York, UK
– (64 pages, 30 cm., spiral bound).

Miller, G.A. 1994Functional significance of inflorescence pubescence in tropical alpine species of Puya, in: P.W. Rundell et al. Tropical alpine environments.

– Cambridge University Press GB
– (page 195-213).

Mills, C. 2000A phytochemical-microbiological survey of the South American Bromeliaceae.

– Thesis, University of Reading, UK

Miquel, F.A.W. 1844Bromeliaceae, In: Symbolae ad floram Surinamensem.

– Linnaea 18:375-379

Miranda Jiménez, M.E. et al. 2007Bases para el manejo comunitario de bromelias ornamentales.

– Colección Manejo Campesino de Recursos Naturales. Grupo Autónomo para la Investigación Ambiental A.C., Oaxaca, México
– (98 pages).

Miranda, Z.J.G. 2001A informação sobre a flora Bromeliaceae no cerrado: na literatura e nos herbários.

– Thesis, Universidade de Brasilia, Brazil

Missouri Botanical Garden. 2015Checklist and floras of Latin-American countries.

– Tropicos, Missouri Botanical Garden
– Internet at Tropicos, see projects.

Miyamoto, S.N.A. & R.C. Tardivo 2014Nota taxonômica em Aechmea Ruiz & Pav. (Bromeliaceae, Bromelioideae) e primeiro registro de Aechmea triangularis L.B. Sm. no estado de Paraná, Brasil.

– Rodriguésia 65(2):555-561

Molina, R.A. 1975Enumeración de las plantas de Honduras.

– Ceiba 19(1):1-118 (list, 2 pages on bromeliads)

Mondragón Chaparro, D.M. et al. 2011La familia Bromeliaceae en México.

– Universidad Autónoma Chapingo, Texcoco, México
– (100 pages, color illustrations, ISBN 978-607-12-0200-0).

Monteiro, R.F. 2009Estudos anatômicos e filogenéticos em Bromelia (Bromeliaceae: Bromelioideae).

– Thesis, Escola Nacional de Botânica Tropical do Instituto de Pesquisas Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
– (73 pages).

Monteiro, R.F. 2020Taxonomy of Fernseea: a Brazilian endemic and endangered genus of Bromeliaceae.

– Brittonia 73(1):53-61

Monteiro, R.F. & R.C. Forzza 2008A família Bromeliaceae no Parque estadual do Ibitipoca, Minas Gerais, Brasil.

– Boletim de Botânica da Universidade de São Paulo 26(1):7-33
– Note: also R.F. Monteiro et al. (2007) Bromélias de Ibitipoca. Rapid color guide #217, The Field Museum, Chicago USA.

Monteiro, R.F. & R.C. Forzza 2015Bromelia gracilisepala, a new species from the northwestern frontier of Brazil.

– Phytotaxa 205(2):111-116

Monteiro, R.F. & R.C. Forzza 2016Flora das cangas da Serra dos Carajás, Pará, Brasil: Bromeliaceae.

– Rodriguésia 67(5):1253-1265

Monteiro, R.F., R.C. Forzza & A. Mantovani 2011Leaf structure of Bromelia and its significance for the evolution of Bromelioideae (Bromeliaceae).

– Plant Systematics and Evolution 293:53-64

Monteiro, R.F., R.C. Forzza & A. Mantovani 2015Morphological phylogenetic analysis of two early-diverging genera of Bromelioideae (Bromeliaceae).

– Rodriguésia 66(2):505-521

Morales, J.F. 1998, 2000Bromelias de Costa Rica / Costa Rica bromeliads.

– Instituto Nacional de Biodiversidad, Santo Domingo de Heredia, Costa Rica
– (Spanish/English text, 184 pages, 80 col.drawings, 18x12 cm, ISBN 9968702390).

Morales, J.F. 1999Seis nuevas especies de Vriesea sect. Xiphion (Bromeliaceae: Tillandsioideae) para Costa Rica.

– Novon 9(3):401-406

Morales, J.F. 2000, 2006Orchids, cacti and bromeliads of the dry forest / Orquideas, cactus y bromelias del bosque seco - Costa Rica.

– Instituto Nacional de Biodiversidad, Santo Domingo de Heredia, Costa Rica
– (Spanish/English text, 184 pages, 75 col.drawings, 18x12 cm, ISBN 9968927082, 2nd edition).

Morales, J.F. 2003Bromeliaceae, In: Manual de Plantas de Costa Rica Vol.2 (Gimnospermas y Monocotiledoneas).

– Editors: B.E. Hammel, M.H. Grayum et al. Missouri Botanical Garden Press, St.Louis (Monograph in Systematic Botany Vol.92), project with Instituto Nacional de Biodiversidad, Santo Domingo de Heredia, Costa Rica
– (annotated checklist, page 297-375, 19 drawings, 8 small colorphotos; total volume 694 pages in Spanish, 8 colorphotos pages, many drawings, 26x19 cm, ISBN 1930723229).
note: there is an earlier list published as Manual de Plantas de Costa Rica, Instituto Nacional de Biodiversidad Costa Rica (1998, page 86-88; total 125 pages, 21x25 cm).

Morales, J.F. 2003New combinations in Werauhia (Bromeliaceae) from Costa Rica.

– Lundiana 4(1):65

Morales, J.F. 2003Nuevas combinaciones y un nuevo nombre en las Bromeliaceae de Costa Rica.

– Polibotánica 15:109-111

Morales, J.F. 2005Una nueva especie de Werauhia (Bromeliaceae) para Costa Rica (W. anitana).

– Novon 15(2):332-334

Morales, J.F. 2009Una nueva combinatión y nuevos registros en las Bromeliaceae de El Salvador.

– Darwiniana 47(2):344-348

Morales, J.F. 2009Novedades y notas misceláneas en las Bromeliaceae de Mesoamérica.

– Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas 3(1):113-116

Morales, J.F. & E. Alfaro 2003Tillandsia guatemalensis, un registro nuevo en la flora de Costa Rica.

– Lankesteriana 8:5-6

Morawetz, W. & W. Till 1981Aechmea itapoana, a new species from Bahia, Brazil: taxonomy and ecology.

– Plant Systematics and Evolution 138:147-151

Moreira, B.A. 2002Nidularium Lemaire (Bromelioideae - Bromeliaceae) do estado de São Paulo, Brasil.

– Thesis, Museu Nacional, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Moreira, B.A. 2007Palinotaxonomia da família Bromeliaceae do estado de São Paulo.

– Thesis, Instituto de Botânica São Paulo, Brazil

Mori, S. et al. 1997,2002Checklist of the Gymnosperms and flowering plants of Central French Guiana.

– (page 37-41; total 218 pages)

Morillo, G. 1986Notas sobre Vriesea Lindl. (Bromeliaceae) en Venezuela.

– Ernstia 39:1-5

Morillo, G., B. Briceño & F. Oliva-Esteva 2009Bromeliaceae de los páramos y subpáramos Andinos Venezolanos.

– Acta Botanica Venezuelica 32(1):179-224
– (floristic treatment, 12 figures with drawings).

Morong, T. & N.L. Britton 1892Bromeliaceae, In: Plants collected in Paraguay by T. Morong.

– Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences VII, USA
– (page 235-238; total 280 pages, not illustrated, 24x14 cm).

Morren, E. 1860Histoire et description des nouveaux Billbergias.

– La Belgique Horticole 10:289-294

Morren, E. 1861Monographie du genre Lamprococcus Beer, et de quelques considérations sur les Broméliacées inférovariées.

– La Belgique Horticole 11:305-318

Morren, E. 1873Catalogue des Broméliacées cultivées au jardin botanique de l\'Université de Liège.

– Imprimerie C. Annoot-Braeckman, Ghent Belgium
– (17 pages).

Morren, E. & A. de Vos 1887Bromeliaceae, In: Index Bibliographique de l\'Hortus Belgicus.

– Fédération des Sociétés d\'horticulture de Belgique
– (page 104-115, not illustrated).
note: list of ornamental plants described, illustrated or introduced in Belgium during 1830-1880.

Morren, E. & H. Fonsny 1881Les Broméliacées Brésiliennes découvertes en 1879 pendant le voyage des princes A. et F. de Saxe-Coburg et décrites par H. Wawra de Fernsée.

– Bulletin de la Fédération des Sociétés d\'Horticulture de Belgique, Liège Belgium
– (29 pages).
note: originally published in Österreichische Bot. Zeitung, Wien Austria (1880).

Morrone, O. & O. Zuloaga 1996Bromeliaceae, In: Catálogo de las Plantas Vasculares de la República Argentina Vol.I.

– Monographs in Systematic Botany Vol.60, Missouri Botanical Garden, Saint Louis USA
– (page 106-121; distributional checklist, total 323 pages, 26 cm, ISBN 0-915279-40-1).

Moscoso, R.M. 1943Bromeliaceae, In: Catalogus Florae Domingensis Part 1.

– Universidad de Santo Domingo, published in New York USA
– (page 69-74; distributional checklist, total 732 pages, 22x15 cm).
note: supplement by J. & J. Jiménez published in Forli, Italy (1966, 278 pages, 11 on bromeliads). Also on this subject G. Kalmbacher: Journal of the Bromeliad Society 24(4):140-143 (1974) for a updated list.

Mosti, S. 1999Il tricoma di Tillandsia L. (Bromeliaceae): Utilità tassonomiche e individuazione di tipi ecologici.

– Thesis, Università degli Studi di Firenze, Italy

Mosti, S., M. Raffaelli & L. Brighigna 2005The Tillandsia trichome (Bromeliaceae) and its use in species identification.

– Webbia 60(2):577-598

Motschenbach, W. 1992Geschichte der Bromelien im Palmengarten.

– Der Palmengarten 56:25-32

Motschenbach, W. & J. Zechel 1983Bromelien; Lebensweise, Anzucht, Pflege und Verwendung.

– Philler Verlag, Minden Germany
– (120 pages, 23 colorphotos, 15 b&w-photos, 14 drawings, 17x12 cm, ISBN 3 7907 0462 8).

Moura, M.N. 2014Hipóteses filogenéticas baseadas em caracteres moleculares e estudos do tamanho do genoma em Dyckia Schult. & Schult. f. e Encholirium Mart. ex Schult. & Schult. f. (Bromeliaceae).

– Thesis, Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Brazil
– (56 pages).

Moura, M.N. et al. 2019Between spines and molecules: a total evidence phylogeny of the Brazilian endemic genus Encholirium (Pitcairnioideae, Bromeliaceae).

– Systematic Botany 44(1):14-25

Moura, M.N., R.C. Forzza & M.P. Cristiano 2018Reconstruction of ancestral genome size in Pitcairnioideae (Bromeliaceae): what can genome size tell us about the evolutionary history of its five genera ?

– Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 186(3):321-323

Moura, R.L. 2011Revisão taxonômica do grupo Vriesea platynema Gaudichaud (Bromeliaceae).

– Thesis, Museu Nacional, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
– (192 pages).

Moura, R.L., A.F. Costa 2014Taxonomic notes on Vriesea section Xyphion (Bromeliaceae) with descriptions of three new species.

– Systematic Botany 39(3):791-803

Moura, R.L., A.F. Costa & D.S.D. Araujo 2007Bromeliaceae das restingas fluminensis: florística e fitogeografia.

– Arquivos do Museu Nacional vol.65 n.2:139-168, Rio de Janeiro Brazil
note: includes checklist with descriptions of species.

Moura, R.L., J.R. Grant & A.F. Costa 2013Taxonomy and lectotypification of Vriesea fenestralis Linden et André (Bromeliaceae).

– Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society 140(3):329-333

Mó, E., R. García-Martínez & J. Monzón 2021Tillandsia atitlanensis (Bromeliaceae: Tillandsioideae), a new Guatemalan species with white flowers.

– Lacandonia 15(1):23-39

Möbus, J. et al. 2021Setting the evolutionary timeline : Tillandsia landbeckii in the Chilean Atacama Desert.

– Plant Systematics and Evolution 307(3, art.39):1-12
– Note: see Note at Koch, M.A. et al. (2019).

Musegante, J.V.R. et al. 2020Geographical distribution of Dyckia walteriana (Bromeliaceae), a recently described and endangered species endemic to the Serra Geral formation, southern Brazil.

– Phytotaxa 438(4):263-275

Müller, F. 1892Die Tillandsia augusta der Flora Fluminensis.

– Berichte der Deutschen Botanischen Gesellschaft 10:447-451

Müller, F. 1893Geradläufige Samenanlagen bei Hohenbergia.

– Berichte der Deutschen Botanischen Gesellschaft 11:76-78

Müller, F. 1893Aechmea henningsiana Wittm. und Billbergia schimperiana Wittm.

– Berichte der Deutschen Botanischen Gesellschaft 11:364-366


Napp-Zinn, K., R. Schmidt & H. Genscher 1978Vergleichend-anatomische Untersuchungen an petaloiden Hochblättern. Bromeliaceen.

– Steiner Verlag, Wiesbaden Germany
– (87 pages, 39 illustrations).

Nelson, E.C. & G. Zizka 1997Fascicularia cultivated and naturalized in Europe.

– The New Plantsman 4:232-239

Neri, J. 2016Hibridação natural e estrutura genética de duas espécies de Vriesea (Bromeliaceae).

– Thesis, Museu Nacional, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
– (164 pages).

Neri, J. et al. 2017Variation in reproductive systems facilitates species boundaries of sympatric Vriesea (Bromeliaceae).

– Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 184:272-279

Neri, J., T. Wendt & C. Palma-Silva 2017Natural hybridization and genetic and morphological variation between two epiphytic bromeliads (Vriesea simplex and V. scalaris)

– AoB Plants 10:plx061 (16 pages)

Neves, B. 2014Revisão taxonômica do complexo Vriesea incurvata Gaudichaud (Tillandsioideae, Bromeliaceae).

– Thesis, Museu Nacional, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
– (79 pages).

Neves, B. et al. 2015Aechmea e gêneros relacionados (Bromelioideae, Bromeliaceae) no Parque Nacional da Serra dos Orgãos, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.

– Rodriguésia 66(2):555-570

Neves, B. et al. 2018Species boundaries in the Vriesea incurvata (Bromeliaceae) complex after a broad morphometric and taxonomic study.

– Systematic Botany 43(4):870-888

Neves, B. et al. 2020Drivers of bromeliad leaf and floral bract variation across a latitudinal gradient in the Atlantic Forest.

– Journal of Biogeography 47:261-274

Nogueira, F.M. et al. 2015Ovary and ovule anatomy in the nidularioid complex and its taxonomic utility (Bromelioideae: Bromeliaceae).

– Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 177(1):66-77

Nunes, C.E.P. et al. 2018Nectar ecology of the endemic epiphytic hummingbird-pollinated bromeliad Vriesea altodaserrae: secretion dynamics and pollination visitation pattern.

– Acta Botânica Brasilica 32(3):479-486

Nunes, J.V.C. 1993Estudo floristico e fenomorfológico de Tillandsioideae - Bromeliaceae na Cerra do Cipó, MG.

– Thesis, Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil

Nunes-Freitas, A.F. 2005Bromeliáceas da Ilha Grande: variação inter-habitats na composição, riqueza e diversidade da comunidade.

– Thesis, Museu Nacional, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
– (195 pages).

Nunes-Freitas, A.F. & T.C. Rocha-Pessôa 2009Bromeliaceae da Ilha Frande, RJ: revisão da lista de espécies.

– Bio Neotropica 9(2):213-219


Oliva-Esteva, F. 1987Garden plants of the tropics (Venezuela).

– Armitano Editores C.A., Caracas Venezuela
– (Also in Spanish (1981), 430 pages, 500 colorphotos with 38 of bromeliads, 27x24 cm, ISBN 980-216-012-1).

Oliva-Esteva, F. 1999Lyman B. Smith and the genus Navia.

– Harvard Papers in Botany 4(1):107-108

Oliva-Esteva, F. 2000Bromeliads.

– Armitano Editores C.A., Caracas Venezuela
– (464 pages, 900 colorphotos, 34x25 cm, ISBN 980-219-177-2).

Oliva-Esteva, F. 2002Bromeliaceae III.

– Producciones Oliva Esteva, Caracas Venezuela
– (English and Spanish editions, 275 pages, 564 colorphotos, 34x24 cm, ISBN 980-07-7310-X).

Oliva-Esteva, F. 2006Mountain plants of Venezuela; the coastal range, the Andes and the tepuis - Bromeliads.

– Caracas Venezuela
– (Also in Spanish (ISBN 958-33-9328-2), 367 pages, 1160 colorphotos (260 of bromeliads), 28 col.drawings, 31x24 cm, ISBN 958-33-9749-0).

Oliva-Esteva, F. & J. Steyermark 1987Bromeliaceae of Venezuela.

– Graficas Armitano, Caracas Venezuela
– (397 pages, 490 colorphotos, 27 drawings, 3 maps, 26x23 cm, ISBN 980-216-020-2).

Oliveira Ceita, G. et al. 2008Cytogenetics of Brazilian species of Bromeliaceae.

– Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 158(1):189-193

Oliveira, F.M.C. & R.C. Tardivo 2017Genus Quesnelia (Bromeliaceae, Bromelioideae) of Paraná State, Brazil.

– Rodriguésia 68(1):195-207

Oliveira, F.M.C. et al. 2018Morphoanatomical characters in the Nidularioid complex (Bromeliaceae: Bromelioideae) from a phylogenetic perspective.

– Flora 239:111-121

Oroczo-Ibarrola, O.A. et al. 2015Are breeding systems and florivory associated with the abundance of Tillandsia species (Bromeliaceae) ?

– Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 177(1):50-65


Padilla, V. 1966Bromeliads in color and their culture (a compilation from the bulletins of the Bromeliad Society).

– Bromeliad Society Inc., USA
– (125 pages, 50 colorphotos, 45 b&w-photos, 6 drawings, 23x15 cm).

Padilla, V. 1973, 1977Bromeliads, a descriptive listing of the various genera and the species most often found in cultivation.

– Crown Publishers, New York USA
– (134 pages, 80 colorphotos, 80 b&w-photos, 28x23 cm, ISBN 0-517-500450).

Padilla, V. 1973, 1986Bromeliads: beautiful, impressive and easy to grow.

– Crown Publishers, New York USA
– (128 pages, 63 colorphotos, 93 b&w-photos, ISBN 0-517-500450).

Padilla, V. 1977A bromeliad glossary.

– Bromeliad Society Inc., USA
– (72 pages, 17 drawings, 23x15 cm).
note: update by P. Koide (1998).

Padilla, V. 1979International checklist of bromeliad hybrids.

– Bromeliad Society Inc., USA

Padilla, V. 1981The colorful bromeliads - their infinite variety.

– Bromeliad Society Inc., USA
– (112 pages, 145 colorphotos, 28x22 cm).

Paggi, G.M. et al. 2010Seed dispersal and population structure in Vriesea gigantea, a bromeliad from the Brazilian Atlantic Rainforest.

– Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 164(3):317-325

Paggi, G.M. et al. 2015Limited pollen flow and high selfing rates toward geographic range limit in an Atlantic Forest bromeliad (Vriesea gigantea).

– Flora 211:1-10

Paggi, G.M. et al. 2015Rediscovering Dyckia excelsa (Bromeliaceae) in Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil: taxonomy, geographic distribution, and notes on leaf anatomy .

– Systematic Botany 40(1):129-135

Paixão-Souza, B. 2012Revisão taxônomica do complexo Tillandsia streptocarpa Baker (Tillandsioideae, Bromeliaceae).

– Thesis, Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Brazil

Paixão-Souza, B. et al. 2021Tillandsia mantiqueirae (Bromeliaceae), a new species from Minas Gerais State, Brazil.

– Phytotaxa 525(3):198-202

Palací, C.A. 1991Enzyme electrophoretic analysis and systematic relationships among four species of Tillandsia subgenus Anoplophytum from NW-Argentina and adjacent Bolivia.

– Thesis, University of Wyoming, Laramie USA

Palací, C.A. 1997A systematic revision of the genus Catopsis (Bromeliaceae).

– Thesis, University of Wyoming, Laramie USA
– (245 pages, illustrated).

Palací, C.A. & A.J. Gilmartin 1989A new species of Tillandsia (Bromeliaceae) from northwest Argentina (T. guasamayensis).

– Systematic Botany 14(2):152-154

Palací, C.A., G.K. Brown & D.E. Tuthill 2004The seeds of Catopsis.

– Systematic Botany 29(3):518-527

Palací, C.A., G.K. Brown & D.E. Tuthill 2004Vegetative morphology and leaf atanomy of Catopsis (Tillandsioideae: Bromeliaceae).

– Selbyana 25(1):138-150

Palma-Silva, C. & M.F. Fay 2020Bromeliaceae as a model group in understanding the evolution of Neotropical biota.

– Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 192(4):569-586

Palma-Silva, C. et al. 2009Range-wide patterns of nuclear and chloroplast DNA diversity in Vriesea gigantea (Bromeliaceae), a neotropical forest species.

– Heredity 2009(103):503-512

Palma-Silva, C. et al. 2011Sympatric bromeliad species (Pitcairnia ssp.) facilitate tests of mechanics involved in species cohesion and reproductive isolation in neotropical inselbergs.

– Molecular Ecology 20(15):3185-3201

Palma-Silva, C. et al. 2015Mating system variation and assortive mating of sympratic bromeliads (Pitcairnia ssp.) endemic to neotropical inselbergs.

– American Journal of Botany 102(5):758-764

Palma-Silva, C. et al. 2016Advances in and perspectives on evolution in Bromeliaceae.

– Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 181(3):305-322

Papini, A. et al. 2010The ultrastructure of the development of Tillandsia (Bromeliaceae) trichome.

– Flora (Jena) 205(2):94-100

Parkhurst, R.W. 2000The book of bromeliads and Hawaiian tropical flowers.

– Pacific Isle Publishing Company, Makawao Hawaii
– (216 pages, 446 colorphotos, 28x21 cm, ISBN 1-56647-326-8).

Paterson, M. & B. 2010Bromelia hybrids - for my own satisfaction, book 1: Neoregelias.

– Veteran, Queensland Australia
– (98 pages, 652 colorphotos, 29x21 cm, ISBN 9780646529899).

Paterson, M. & B. 2012Bromelia hybrids - for my own satisfaction, book 2: Cryptanthus, Tillandsia, Vriesea & others.

– Veteran, Queensland Australia
– (80 pages, 426 colorphotos, 29x21 cm, ISBN 9780646587776).

Patzelt, E. 1985, 1996Flora del Ecuador.

– Banco Central del Ecuador, Quito
– (photobook, not a real flora; Bromeliaceae page 132-139; total 333 pages, 588 colorphotos, 35 b&w-photos, many drawings, 30x22 cm, ISBN 9978-72-276-9).

Paula, C.C. 1998Florística da família Bromeliaceae no Parque Estadual da Serra do Brigadeiro, Minas Gerais, Brasil.

– Thesis, Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho, Rio Claro, São Paulo Brazil
– (238 pages).

Paula, C.C. & A. Goldschmidt 2008Bromeliaceae from Parque Estadual do Itacolomi, Minas Gerais, Brazil.

– Journal of the Bromeliad Society 58:163-168
note: see also on this subject T.S. Coser, C.C. Paula & T. Wendt (2010).

Paula, C.C. & H.M. Peregrino da Silva 2000Cultivo prático de bromélias.

– Editora Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Brazil
– (70 pages, illustrated).

Paula, L.F.A. et al. 2016Sugar Loaf Land in southeastern Brazil: a center of diversity for mat-forming bromeliads on inselbergs.

– Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 181(3):459-476

Paule, J. et al. 2017Ecological range shift in the polyploid members of the South American genus Fosterella (Bromeliaceae).

– Annals of Botany 120:233-243

Paule, J. et al. 2020Phylogenomic insights into the Fascicularia-Ochagavia group (Bromelioideae, Bromeliaceae).

– Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 192(4):642-655

Paule, J. et al. 2020Early diverging and core Bromelioideae (Bromeliaceae) reveal contrasting patterns of genome size evolution and polyploidy.

– Frontiers in Plant Science 11:art.1295
– (13 pages).

Pech-Cárdenas, F. 2015Análisis de la distributión geográphica y del estado de conservación de Hechtia Klotzsch (Hechtioideae: Bromeliaceae) en Megaméxico 3.

– Thesis, Centro de Investigación Cientifica de Yucatán, Mérida México
– (144 pages).

Peña Chocarro, M.C. & J. Egea 2018Bromeliaceae, in: Checklist of the endemic vascular plants of Paraguay.

– Phytotaxa 384(1):53-55

Pereira, A.R. et al. 2010Morphological aspects of seed, germination and storage of Pitcairnia albiflos (Bromeliaceae).

– Seed Science and Technology 38:79-87

Pereira, E. 1971Nova espécie de Bromeliácea Fluminense (Vriesea agostiniana).

– Bradea 1(5):33-34

Pereira, E. 1971-1986Species novae in Brasilia Bromeliacearum 1 / 29.

– Rodriguésia 38 1971 (1); Sellowia 27(26) 1975 (8); Bol.Curitiba 62 1985 (22); Bradea 1(11) 1971 (2), 1(18) 1972 (3), 1(25) 1972 (4), 1(29) 1973 (5), 1(39) 1974 (6), 1(43) 1974 (7), 2(7) 1975 (9), 2(25) 1977 (10),
– 2(36) 1978 (11), 2(40) 1978 (12), 2(47) 1979 (13), 2(49) 1979 (14), 3(2) 1979 (15), 3(7) 1980 (16), 3(12) 1980 (17), 3(27) 1981 (18), 3(32) 1982 (19),
note: 3(38) 1983 (20), 3(43) 1983 (21), 4(1) 1983 (23), 4(11) 1984 (24), 4(18) 1985 (25), 4(19) 1985 (26), 4(22) 1985 (27), 4(25) 1985 (28), 4(34) 1986 (29).(total 237 pages, 128 drawings/photos).

Pereira, E. & E.M.C. Leme 1984,1985Novas Bromeliáceas nativas do Brasil 1,2.

– Brasil Florestal 14(59):39-43 1984 (1), Revista Brasileira de Biologia 45(4):631-636 1985 (2)

Pereira, E. & E.M.C. Leme 1986Contribuição ao estudo do gênero Nidularium (Bromeliaceae) - Parte 1 - subgênero Canistropsis.

– Bradea 4(32):219-254

Pereira, E. Esteves & E.J. Gouda 2014A new Dyckia species (Bromeliaceae, Pitcairnioideae) from the Brazilian northeastern region (D. piauiensis).

– Phytotaxa 164(4):296-300

Pereira, E. Esteves & E.J. Gouda 2018A new Dyckia species (Bromeliaceae, Pitcairnioideae) from Brazilian central-west region, Pantanal Mato-Grossense.

– Phytotaxa 333(1):137-142

Pereira, F.B.L. & Z.G.M. Quirino 2008Fenologia e biologia floral de Neoglaziovia variegata (Bromeliaceae) na caatinga Paraibana.

– Rodriguésia 59(4):835-644

Pereira, T.A.R. et al. 2011Comparative leaf anatomy of four species of Bromelioideae (Bromeliaceae) occurring in the Atlantic Forest, Brazil.

– Botany 89(4):243-253

Pereira, T.S. 1985Bromelioideae (Bromeliaceae) : morfologia do desenvolvimento pós-seminal de algumas espécies.

– Thesis, Museu Nacional, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
– (82 pages, illustrated, 30 cm).

Peters, J. 2009Revision of the genus Fosterella (Bromeliaceae).

– Thesis, Universität Kassel, Germany
– (202 pages, 138 figures ( b&w-photos, col.photos, drawings), 32x21 cm).

Peters, J. et al. 2008Towards a taxonomic revision of the genus Fosterella.

– Selbyana 29(2):182-194

Petit, M. et al. 2014Are ontogenic shifts in foliar structure and resource acquisation spatially conditioned in tank-bromeliads ?

– Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 175(2):299-312

Pérez-López, M. et al. 2020Anti-virulence activities of some Tillandsia species (Bromeliaceae).

– Botanical Sciences 98(1):117-127

Philcox, D. 1974A new Brazilian bromeliad (Aechmea bromeliifolia (Rudge) Baker var. albobracteata Philcox var. nova.

– Ashingtonia 1(8):92

Philcox, D. 1991Notes on South American Bromeliaceae.

– Kew Bulletin 47(2):261-276

Philcox, D. & A. Psomadakis 1982A new species of Tillandsia from Mexico (T. lambrostachya).

– Kew Bulletin 37(3):481-482

Philippi, R.A. 1857,1859,1864Plantarum novarum Chilensium (3 parts).

– Linnaea 29:56-58 , 30:200-203 and 33:245-248

Picado, M.C. 1913Les Bromeliacées epiphytes considerées comme milieu biologique.

– Thesis, Bulletin Scientific de la France et de la Belgique serie 7 tome 47 fasc.3, Paris France
– (146 pages, 15 b&w-photos, 7 drawings (flora), 33 drawings, 24 b&w-plates (fauna)).

Pico, A. 2016Conservación ex situ de Puya loca Madriñán (Bromeliaceae) y registro de una segunda localidad en los páramos de Colombia.

– Revista de la Academia Colombiana de Ciencias Ex. Fis. Naturales 40(157):637-643

Pierce, S. 2007The jeweled armor of Tillandsia-multifaceted or elongated trichomes provide photoprotection.

– Aliso 23:44-52

Piffer, M. 2017Bromélias da mata atlântica - Atlantic forest bromeliads - Bromeliáceas de la mata atlántica.

– Editoria Brasileira, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
– (in habitat, 118 pages, colorphotos, 21 cm, ISBN 978-8593962004).

Pinangé, D.S.B. et al. 2016Molecular phylogenetics, historical biogeography and character evolution in Dyckia (Bromeliaceae, Pitcairnioideae).

– Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 183(1):39-56

Pinangé, D.S.B. et al. 2020Population genetics shed light on species delimitation and life history of the Dyckia pernambucana complex (Bromeliaceae).

– Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 192(4):706-725

Pinto, R. & A. Kirberg 2005Tillandsia del Norte de Chile y del Extremo Sur de Perú.

– R. Pinto, Iquique Chili
– (in habitat, 136 pages, 200 colorphotos, 22 cm, ISBN 956-299-730-8).

Pinto, R. et al. 2006Geographical distribution of Tillandsia lomas in the Atacama Desert (Northern Chile).

– Journal of Arid Environments 65:543-552

Pinzón, J.P. et al. 2011Morphometric analyses within the Tillandsia utriculata L. complex (Bromeliaceae) allow for the recognition of a new species, with notes on its phylogenetic position (T. elusiva).

– Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society 138(4):353-365

Pinzón, J.P. et al. 2016Phylogenetics and evolution of the Tillandsia utriculata complex (Bromeliaceae, Tillandsioideae) inferred from three plastid DNA markers and the ETS of the nuclear ribosomal DNA.

– Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 181(3):362-390
– Note: also J.P. Pinzón et al. (2011) Morphometric analyses within the T. utriculata complex. Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society 138(4):353-365.

Pinzón, J.P. et al. 2017The Tillandsia multicaulis clade (Bromeliaceae: Tillandsioideae): a case of convergent floral evolution.

– Bromeliaceae 51(1):35-48

Pinzón, J.P. et al. 2019Taxonomic treatment of the Tillandsia utriculata complex (Bromeliaceae).

– Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 104(2):262-323

Pinzón, J.P., I.M. Ramírez & G. Carnevali 2012The re-establishment of T. cucaensis (Bromeliaceae), a good species formerly confused with a new species from the Gulf of Honduras.

– Phytotaxa 61:1-16

Pita, P.B. 1997Estudos anatômicos dos órgãos vegetativos de Dyckia Schult.f. e Encholirium Mart.ex Schult.f. (Bromeliaceae) da Cerra do Cipó - MG.

– Thesis, Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil

Pita, P.B. & N.L. Menezes 2002Anatomia da raiz de espécies de Dyckia Schult. f. e Encholirium Mart. ex Schult. & Schult. f. (Bromeliaceae, Pitcairnioideae) da Cerra do Cipó (Minas Gerais, Brasil), com especial referência ao velame.

– Revista Brasileira de Botanica 25(1):25-34

Pittendrigh, C.S. 1948The bromeliad-anopheles-malaria complex in Trinidad.I - The bromeliad flora.

– Evolution 2:58-89, Society for the Study of Evolution, Lancaster Pennsylvania USA
– (4 b&w-photopages, 4 drawingpages, 1 map, 12 tables).

Pittendrigh, C.S. 1956A new bromeliad from the northern range in Trinidad (Aechmea downsiana).

– Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences 48(10):315-316

Plant Life Magazine. 1945, publ.in 1947First Bromeliaceae Edition.

– Editor: H.P. Traub. Plant Life Magazine Vol.1 (2-3), American Plant Life Society, Stanford University, California USA
– (79 pages, 18 b&w-photos, 36 drawings, 23x15 cm).
note: contains articles by L. Smith, M. Foster, D. Barry, L. Cutak.

Plumier, C. 1703Nova plantarum americanarum genera.

– J. Boudot, Paris France
– (12 bromeliad species).

Plumier, C. & J. Burman 1756Plantarum Americanum continens plantas quas olim Carolus Plumierius ... Insulis Antillis.

– Publ. by authors, Amsterdam. Fasc.3, Bromeliaceae p.51-53, 63-64 (with 5 b&w plates)

Poeppig, E.F. 1833Fragmentum synopseos plantarum phanerogamarum.

– Thesis, University Leipzig, Germany
– (Bromeliaceae p. 7-8, total 30 pages, 21 cm).

Poeppig, E.F. & S.L. Endlicher 1835-1845Bromeliaceae, In: Nova Genera ac Species Plantarum quas in Regno Chilensi, Peruviano et in terra Amazonica annis 1827-1832.

– F. Hofmeister, Leipzig ; reprint as Hist. Naturalis Classica 65, J. Cramer Verlag Germany (1968)
– (pages 41-44 and plates 156-159 in Vol.2; total 3 volumes, 300 plates, 236 pages, 42x30 cm, ISBN 3 7682 0549 5).
note: article on Poeppig in Journal of the Bromeliad Society 31(6):249-254 (1981).

Pontes, R.A.S. 2005Bromeliaceae da floresta atlântica no estado do Paraíba, Brasil.

– Thesis, Instituto de Pesquisas Jardim Botânico, Escola Nacional de Botânica Tropical, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
– (80 pages).

Pontes, R.A.S. 2012Tillandsia parabiensis, a new species of Bromeliaceae from northeastern Brazil.

– Rodriguésia 63(3):551-555

Pontes, R.A.S. & L.M. Versieux 2018Rediscovering the rare bromeliad Araeococcus goeldianus L.B. Smith (Bromelioideae) in Brazil and an amendment to its description.

– Phytotaxa 367(2):186-190

Pontes, R.A.S. & M. Agra 2006Flora da Paraíba, Brasil: Tillandsia L. (Bromeliaceae).

– Rodriguésia 57(1):47-61

Pontes, R.A.S. et al. 2019A new species of Araeococcus (Bromeliaceae) from Bahia, Brazil and a comparative morphological and anatomical analysis.

– Systematic Botany 44(4):790-797

Pontes, R.A.S., A. Calvente & L.M. Versieux 2020Morphology and distribution support Pseudaraeococcus (Bromeliaceae, Bromelioideae) as a new genus from the Atlantic Forest of Northeastern Brazil.

– PlantNow 1(2):43-51

Porembski, S. & W. Barthlott 1999Pitcairnia feliciana, the only indigenous African bromeliad.

– Harvard Papers in Botany 4(1):175-184
note: also on this subject H. Jacques-Félix (2000) The discovery of a bromeliad in Africa. Selbyana 21(1,2):118-124.

Presl, K.B. 1830Bromeliaceae, In: Reliquiae Haenkeanae.

– Editor: K.B. Presl. Vol.1:123-125

Proctor, G.R. 1982Bromeliaceae in: Flora of Jamaica.

– Journal of the Arnold Arboretum 63:203-204

Proctor, G.R. 1984Bromeliaceae, In: Flora of the Cayman Islands.

– Kew Bulletin Additional Ser.XI., Her Majesty\'s Stationary Office, London UK
– (page 208-218, 3 drawingpages; total 834 pages of which 256 drawingpages, 24x15 cm, ISBN 0-11-242548-8).
note: second edition in 2012 (RBG Kew and Univ. of Chicago Press, 724 pages, 64 pages with color illustrations, drawings, 23x15 cm, ISBN 9781842464038).

Proctor, G.R. & J.A. Cedeño-Maldonado 1999New Bromeliaceae fromPuerto Rico.

– Harvard Papers in Botany 4(1):111-118

Proctor, G.R. & R.W. Read 1972Bromeliaceae, In: Flowering plants of Jamaica.

– Editor: C.D. Adams. University of the West Indies, Mona Jamaica
– (page 41-53, total 848 pages, not illustrated, 23x15 cm).

Proctor, G.R., E.G.B. Gooding & A.R. Loveless 1965Bromeliaceae, In: Flora of Barbados.

– Ministry of Overseas Development, Research Publ.No.7. Her Majesty\'s Stationary Office, London UK
– (page 92-95; total 486 pages, not illustrated, 24x15 cm).

Proença, S.L. & M.G. Sajo 2004Estrutura foliar de espécies de Aechmea Ruiz & Pav. (Bromeliaceae) do Estado de São Paulo, Brasil.

– Acta Botânica Brasilica 18(2):319-331
– Note: part of a thesis by the first author.

Pulido-Esparza, V.A., A.R. López-Ferrari & A. Espejo 2004Flora bromeliológica del Estado de Guerrero, México: riqueza y distribución.

– Boletín de la Sociedad Botánica de México 75:55-104
– (distribution and reference list).

Pulle, A.A. 1906An enumeration of the vascular plants from Surinam, together with their distribution and synonymy.

– Thesis, Rijksuniversiteit Utrecht, Netherlands
– (555 pages, 4 on bromeliads).

Py, C., J. Lacoeuille & C. Teisson 1989The pineapple, cultivation and uses (Ananas).

– Ed. Maisonneuve & Larose, Paris France
– (English and French editions; 568 pages, 186 photos, 87 drawings, 24 cm, ISBN 2-7068-0948-5).


Queiroz, J.A. et al. 2016Vertebrate mixed pollination system in Encholirium spectabile: a bromeliad pollinated by bats, opossum and hummingbirds in a tropical dry forest.

– Journal of Arid Environments 125(2):21-30

Quezada, I.M. & E. Gianoli 2011Crassulacean acid metabolism photosynthesis in Bromeliaceae: an evolutionary key innovation.

– Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 104:480-486

Quezada, I.M., G. Zotz & E. Gianoli 2014Latidunial variation in the degree of Crassulacean Acid Metabolism in Puya chilensis.

– Plant Biology 16:848-852


Rambo, B. 1967Bromeliaceae Riograndensis.

– Pesquisas Botânica Nr.25:1-27

Ramírez, I.M. 1991Systematic revision of Neoregelia subgenus Hylaeaicum (Bromeliaceae).

– Thesis, University of Missouri, St. Louis USA

Ramírez, I.M. 1994Notes on Neoregelia subgenus Hylaeaicum (Bromeliaceae; Bromelioideae).

– Selbyana 15(2):82-84

Ramírez, I.M. 1996Systematics, phylogeny and chromosome number evolution in Cryptanthus (Bromeliaceae).

– Thesis, University of Missouri, St. Louis USA

Ramírez, I.M. 1998A systematic revision of Cryptanthus.

– Journal of the Bromeliad Society 48(2):55-59

Ramírez, I.M. 1998Five new sp. of Cryptanthus and nomenclatural novelties.

– Harvard Papers in Botany 3(2):215-224

Ramírez, I.M. & G. Carnevali 1999A new species of Tillandsia, some new records, and a checklist of the Bromeliaceae from theYucatan peninsula.

– Harvard Papers in Botany 4(1):185-191

Ramírez, I.M. & G. Carnevali 2003A new species of Tillandsia (Bromeliaceae) from the Mexican Yucatán Peninsula (T. maya).

– Novon 13(2):209-211

Ramírez, I.M. & G. Carnevali 2007New species in the Tillandsia utriculata complex (Bromeliaceae) from Mexico.

– Novon 17(1):72-78 and 17(3):383-385

Ramírez, I.M. & G.K. Brown 2001The origin of the low chromosone number in Cryptanthus (Bromeliaceae).

– Systematic Botany 26(4):722-726

Ramírez, I.M. & M. Bevilacqua 1988Una nueva especie de Tillandsia (Bromeliaceae) para la ciencia (T. amicorum).

– Acta Botanica Venezuelica 15(3-4):150-152

Ramírez, I.M., G.C. Fernandez-Concha & F. Chi May 2004Guía ilustrada de las Bromeliaceae de la porción Mexicana de la Península de Yucatán.

– Centro de Investigación Cientifica de Yucatán, Merida México
– (124 pages, 105 colorphotos, 27x19 cm).

Ramírez-Díaz, C.J. 2019Notes on the Androlepis Alliance, a lineage of Bromelioideae (Bromeliaceae) with high morphological diversity. .

– Journal of the Bromeliad Society 68(3):140-151

Ramírez-Díaz, C.J. et al. 2020A new species of Androlepis (Bromeliaceae; Bromeliodeae), endemic from southern Megamexico (A. najarroi).

– Phytotaxa 430(4):277-286

Ramírez-Morillo, I.M. 2008A new Hechtia (Bromeliaceae) from the states of Querétaro and Hidalgo, México.

– Acta Botánica Mexicana 85:63-74

Ramírez-Morillo, I.M. & C.F.Jiménez Nah 2012A new species of Hechtia (Hechtioideae, Bromeliaceae) from Puebla, Mexico (H. pueblensis).

– Phytotaxa 42:1-8
– Note: new name: Hechtia aquamarina, publ. in Phytotaxa 48:33.

Ramírez-Morillo, I.M. et al. 2009It takes two to tango: self incompatibility in the bromeliad Tillandsia streptophylla (Bromeliaceae) in Mexico.

– Revista de Biología Tropical 57(3):761-770

Ramírez-Morillo, I.M. et al. 2012Recircumscription and epitypification of Hechtia schottii Baker and H. stenopetala Klotzsch (Hechtioidea: Bromeliaceae).

– Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society 139(3):248-259

Ramírez-Morillo, I.M. et al. 2014Three new species and growth patterns in Hechtia (Bromeliaceae: Hechtioideae).

– Phytotaxa 178(2):113-127

Ramírez-Morillo, I.M. et al. 2015A new species of Hechtia (Bromeliaceae: Hechtioideae) from Hidalgo, Mexico (H. deceptrix).

– Phytotaxa 221(2):157-165

Ramírez-Morillo, I.M. et al. 2016An addition to genus Hechtia (Bromeliaceae: Hechtioideae) from Jalisco, Mexico (H. santanae).

– Phytotaxa 266(4):261-270

Ramírez-Morillo, I.M. et al. 2018Phylogenetic relationships of Hechtia (Hechtioideae; Bromeliaceae).

– Phytotaxa 376(6):227-253

Ramírez-Morillo, I.M. et al. 2018The re-establishment of Bakerantha, and a new genus in Hechtioideae (Bromeliaceae) in Megamexico: Mesoamerantha.

– Harvard Papers in Botany 23(2):301-312

Ramírez-Morillo, I.M. et al. 2021In disentangling two species limits of Hechtia (Bromeliaceae: Hechtioideae) from Sierra Madre Occidental, a new species is discovered from Durango, Mexico.

– Phytotaxa 523(1):55-72

Ramírez-Morillo, I.M., A. Espejo-Serna & A.R. López-Ferrari 2011A new species of Hechtia (Bromeliaceae) from Chihuahua, Mexico (H. edulis).

– Novon 21(3):362-367

Ramírez-Morillo, I.M., C.F.Jiménez Nah & J.T. Carreón 2013A new species of Hechtia (Hechtioideae, Bromeliaceae) from southwestern Tamaulipas, Mexico (H. hernandez-sandovalii).

– Phytotaxa 112(2):33-42

Ramírez-Morillo, I.M., G. Carnevali & W. Cetzal-Ix 2010Hohenbergia mesoamericana (Bromeliaceae), first record of the genus for Mesoamerica.

– Revista Mexicana de Biodiversidad 81:21-26

Rauh, W. 1970, 1973Bromelien für Zimmer und Gewächshaus Vol.1 Die Tillandsioideen, Vol.2 Die Bromelioideen und Pitcairnioideen.

– Ulmer Verlag, Stuttgart Germany
– (Vol.1.: 360 pages, 63 colorphotos, 174 b&w-photos, 48 drawings; Vol.2.: 248 pages, 71 colorphotos, 141 b&w-photos, 44 drawings; 22x15 cm ).
note: this is the first edition of the book \"Bromelien\", in two volumes.

Rauh, W. 1973-1991Neue und wenig bekannte Arten aus Peru und anderen Ländern, Bromelienstudien I, Mitteilungen 1-22, Tropische und Subtropische Pflanzenwelt.

– Akademie der Wissenschaften und Literatur Mainz, Steiner Verlag, Wiesbaden - Stuttgart Germany
– (totals over 1000 pages and 550 mostly b&w-photo illustrations).
note: dedicated to one genus are: Mitt.5 Mezobromelia, Mitt.11 Acanthostachys (co-author W. Barthlott), Mitt.14 Androlepis.

Rauh, W. 1979Bromeliads for home, garden and greenhouse.

– Translated by P. Temple & H.L. Kendall. Blandford Press, Poole Dorset UK
– (560 pages, 130 colorphotos, 315 b&w-photos, 90 drawings, ISBN 0-7137-0845-X).
note: this is a translation (combined volume) of \"Bromelien für Zimmer und Gewächshaus\" (1970, 1973).

Rauh, W. 1981, 1990Bromelien.

– Ulmer Verlag, Stuttgart Germany
– (3rd edition (1990): 458 pages, 168 colorphotos, 386 b&w-photos, 88 drawings, 24x18 cm, ISBN 3-8001-6371-3).

Rauh, W. 1983The bromeliad vegetation of the Dominican Republic.

– Journal of the Bromeliad Society 33(3):108-117 and 33(4):143-150

Rauh, W. 1985Chile and its bromeliads.

– Journal of the Bromeliad Society 35:159-166, 208-214

Rauh, W. 1991The bromeliad lexicon.

– Translated by P. Temple & H.L. Kendall. Blandford Press, Poole Dorset UK
note: this is the English version of the third edition of \"Bromelien\" (1990).

Rauh, W. & K. von Bismarck 1996Über präkolumbische Darstellungen von Bromelien in Peru. Tropische und Subtropische Pflanzenwelt 94.

– Akademie der Wissenschaften und Literatur Mainz, Steiner Verlag, Wiesbaden - Stuttgart Germany
– (46 pages, 46 b&w-photos and drawings, 2 maps).

Ravenna, P. 2000A new Puya species from Central Chile (Bromeliaceae) (P. pumila).

– Onira Botanical Leaflets 4(15):57-61

Read, R.W. 1968A new combination in Vriesea (Bromeliaceae) (V. incurva).

– Phytologia 16(6):457-458

Read, R.W. 1970Preliminary studies of Pitcairnia in the eastern Caribbean.

– Phytologia 19(4):270-280

Read, R.W. 1974Tillandsia adamsii, a new Jamaican species.

– Phytologia 28(1):21-23

Read, R.W. 1984The evolution of a new genus, Lymania.

– Journal of the Bromeliad Society 34(5):199-201,212-216

Read, R.W. & H.E. Luther 1991The Aechmea / Gravisia complex (Bromeliaceae).

– Selbyana 12:54-67

Read, R.W. & H.U. Baensch 1994Ursulaea; a new genus of Mexican bromeliads.

– Journal of the Bromeliad Society 44(5):205-211
note: about the status of Ursulaea: L.Y. Izquierdo & D. Pinero (1998) Plant Systematics & Evolution 213:207-215.

Regel, E. 1887Aechmea hökeli Rgl. n. sp.

– Dr. Neubert\'s Deutsches Garten-Magazin 40:140-142

Reinert, F. & S.T. Meirelles 1993Water acquisition strategy shifts in the heterophylous saxiculous bromeliad Vriesea geniculata (Wawra) Wawra.

– Selbyana 14:80-88

Reitz, R. 1950Notas sôbre o gênero Canistrum de Santa Catarina.

– Anais Botánicos do Herbario Barboso Rodriguez 2:35-38

Reitz, R. 1950-1951Bromeliáceas de Santa Catarina - II-III.

– Anais Botánicos do Herbario Barboso Rodriguez 2:39-55 1950 (II), 3:93-123 1951 (III)

Reitz, R. 1952Species, varietates, combinationes novae et criticae Bromeliacearum Catharinensium (Brasilia) - I.

– Sellowia 4:7-40

Reitz, R. 1953Uma Aechmea de flores-noturnas, etc.

– Anais Botánicos do Herbario Barboso Rodriguez 5:253-256

Reitz, R. 1961Bromeliaceae, In: Vegetação da zona marítima de Santa Catarina.

– Sellowia (Anais Botánicos do H.B.R.) 13:79-81

Reitz, R. 1962De Catharinensibus Bromeliaceis Novis.

– Sellowia 14:99-108

Reitz, R. 1965De novitatibus in Bromeliaceis.

– Sellowia 17:41-44

Reitz, R. 1975Encontro e reencontro de bromélias - I, II.

– Sellowia 26:27-62, 26:63-67

Reitz, R. 1981De variationibus in Bromeliaceis.

– Sellowia 33:55-56

Reitz, R. 1983Bromeliaceas e a malaria-bromelia endemica, In: Flora Ilustrada Catarinense.

– Itajai Santa Catarina Brazil
– (559 pages, 118 colorplates, 106 maps, 23x16 cm).

Reitz, R. 1984Canistrum lindenii var. pehnkii n. var.

– Sellowia 36:63

Renger, S.M. et al. 2018Phylogenetic relationships among Ananas and related taxa (Bromelioideae, Bromeliaceae) based on nuclear, plastid and AFLP data.

– Plant Systematics and Evolution 304:841-851

Renner, S., H. Balslev & L.B. Holm-Nielsen 1990Bromeliaceae, In: Flowering plants of Amazonian Ecuador - a checklist. AAU Report 24.

– University of Aarhus, Denmark
– (page 70-72; total 241 pages, 20x15 cm, ISBN 87-87600-31-5).

Rex, M. 2001Molekulare analyse von Verwandtschaftsbeziehungen in ausgewählten Gattungen der Pitcairnioideae.

– Thesis, Universität Kassel, Germany

Rex, M. 2007Molekulare Untersuchungen zur Phylogenie der Gattung Fosterella (Bromeliaceae).

– Thesis, Universität Kassel, Germany

Rex, M. et al. 2007AFLP analysis of genetic relationships in the genus Fosterella L.B. Smith (Pitcairnioideae, Bromeliaceae).

– Genome 50(1):90-105

Rex, M. et al. 2009Phylogenetic analysis of Fosterella L.B. Smith (Pitcairnioideae, Bromeliaceae) based on four chloroplast DNA regions.

– Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 51:472-485

Reyes-García, C. & H. Griffiths 2009Ecophysiological studies of perennials of the Bromeliaceae family in a dry forest : strategies for survival. In E. Barrera & W.K. Smith: Perspectives in biophysical plant ecophysiology.

– UNAM México
– (pages 121-151).

Reynders, M. et al. 2015Bromelia\'s - Broméliacées - Bromeliads.

– Botanic Garden Meise, Belgium
– (61 pages with photos by M. Strack van Schijndel, 21x21 cm, ISBN 978908235566).

Ribeiro, J.E.L.S. et al. 1999Bromeliaceae, In: Flora da Reserva Ducke, Amazonia Central.

– INPA-DFID, Manaus Brazil
– (page 706-709, total 800 pages, some small colorphotos, 24x18 cm).

Ribeiro, O.B.C. & C.C. Paula 2009Bromeliads in the extreme south of the Espinhaço Range, Minas Gerais, Brazil.

– Selbyana 30(1):107-113

Ribeiro, O.B.C. & C.C. Paula 2010A new species of Orhtophytum (Bromeliaceae, Bromelioideae) from Minas Gerais, Brazil (O. vidaliorum).

– Brittonia 62(2):145-148

Richter, P. 1891Die Bromeliaceen vergleichend anatomisch betrachtet : ein Beitrag zur Physiologie der Gewebe.

– Thesis, Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Berlin. Commissions-Verlag von F. Winckler, Lübben Germany
– (23 pages, 1 leaf of plates, 23 cm).

Richter, W. 1950Anzucht und Kultur der Bromeliaceen.

– Ulmer Verlag, Stuttgart Germany
– (84 pages, 34 b&w-photos, 1 drawing, 21x15 cm).

Richter, W. 1960 (1st ed.), 1978 (4th ed.)Zimmerpflanzen von heute und morgen: Bromeliaceen.

– Neumann Verlag, Radebeul German Democratic Republic
– (378 pages, 70 colorphotos, 370 b&w-photos, 35 drawings, 24x17 cm).

Richter, W. 1977Bromeliads. Excerpts from \"Zimmerpflanzen von heute und morgen: Bromeliaceen\".

– Bromeliad Society Inc., USA
– (92 pages, 4 colorphotos, 12 b&w-photos, 23x15 cm).

Rios, R. & B. Kahn 1998List of ethnobotanical use of Bromeliaceae.

– Journal of the Bromeliad Society 48(2):75-87

Rittershausen, S. & M. Pilcher 2000A gardener\'s guide to orchids and bromeliads.

– Merehurst Press, London UK
– (96 pages, colorphotos, ISBN 1853918628).

Rivera-Martínez, R. et al. 2022Spational phylogenetics in Hechioideae (Bromeliaceae) reveals recent diversification and dispersal.

– Botanical Sciences 100(3):692-709

Robinson, H. 1969A monograph on foliar anatomy of the genera Connellia, Cottendorfia and Navia.

– Smithsonian Contributions to Botany 2, Washington USA
– (25 textpages,16 pages with drawings, 26x20 cm).

Robinson, H. & D.C. Taylor 1999The status of the Pitcairnioid genera of the Bromeliaceae .

– Harvard Papers in Botany 4(1):195-202

Rocha, M.A.C. 2010Multiplicação e conservação de Bromeliaceae ornamentais.

– Thesis, Universidade Federal do Recôncavo da Bahia, Cruz das Almas, Brazil

Rodrigues Pereira, T.A. et al. 2013Leaf morpho-anatomical variations in Billbergia elegans and Neoregelia mucugensis (Bromeliaceae) exposed to low and high solar radiation.

– Botany 91(6):327-334

Rodrigues, A.R.P., R.C. Forzza & A.C.S. Andrade 2014Physiological characteristics underpinning succesful cryopreservation of endemic and endangered species of Bromeliaceae from the Brazilian Atlantic Forest.

– Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 176(4):567-578

Rodriguez, A. 1995Airplants: a survey of the genus Tillandsia.

– The New Plantsman 1995(6):72-88 and 1995(9):162-181
– (with drawings and some colorplates).

Rogalski, J.M. et al. 2009Biologia reprodutiva da reofyta Dyckia brevifolia Baker (Bromeliaceae), no Rio Itajai-Acu, Santa Catarina, Brasil.

– Revista Brasileira de Botanica 32(4):691-702

Roguenant, A. 2001Les Tillandsia et les Racinaea.

– Editions Belin, Paris France
– (816 pages, 500 colorphotos, 160 drawings and sketches, 28x19 cm, ISBN 2-7011-2821-8).

Roguenant, A., J. Parisot, C. Roguenant & G. Chiron 2002La culture des Orchidées et des Broméliacées.

– Belin-Herscher, Paris France
– (128 pages, illustrated, 24x16 cm, ISBN 2-7011-3055-7).

Roguenant, A., M. Lecoufle & A. Raynal Roques 2016Les Broméliacées.

– Editions Belin, Paris France
– (651 pages, 860 colorphotos, 175 old colorplates, 80 b&w drawings, 28x19 cm, ISBN 978 2701164731).

Rohweder, O. 1953Neue Bromeliaceen und Commelinaceen aus El Salvador (Zentral-Amerika).

– Senckenbergiana 34(1-3):109-115

Rohweder, O. 1956Bromeliaceae, In: Die Farinosae in der Vegetation von El Salvador.

– Thesis, Universität Hamburg 1954. Cram, De Gruyter & Co., Hamburg Germany
– (page 13-90; total 191 pages, 20 drawings, 16 b&w-photos).

Rojas-Zárate, J. 2008Las bromelias epifitas del distrito de Zaachila, Oaxaca.

– Memorias de Residencia, ITVO, Oaxaca, México
– (85 pages)

Romahn, V. 2008Enciclopédia Ilustrada 2200 Plantas e Flores Volume 4: Orquídeas e Bromélias.

– Biblioteca Natureza, Editora Europa, Brazil
– (176 pages, 728 colorphotos, 28x21 cm, ISBN 978-85-86878-26-8).
note: 2nd edition in 2009.

Romero, G.Q. et al. 2016Bromeliad-living spiders improve host plant nutrition and growth.

– Ecology 87(4):803-808

Romero-Soler, K.J. 2017Sistemática y filogenia de los complejos Hechtia guatemalensis Mez y Hechtia tillandsioides (André) L.B. Smith (Hechtioideae : Bromeliaceae).

– Thesis, Centro de Investigación Cientifica de Yucatán, Mérida México
– (159 pages).

Romero-Soler, K.J. et al. 2022Phylogenetic relationships within the Mexican genus Bakerantha (Hechtioideae, Bromeliaceae) based on plastid and nuclear DNA: implications for taxonomy.

– Journal of Systematics and Evolution 60(1):55-72 [e-publ. 2020]

Romero-Soler, K.J. et al. 2022Historical biography and comparative phylogeography of the Mexican genus Bakerantha (Bromeliaceae): insights into evolution and diversification.

– Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 199(1):109-127 [e-publ. 2021]

Rosa, A.E.M. & R. Monteiro 2012Brazil, Bromeliaceae na APA Santuário Ecológico da Pedra Branca, Caldas, Minas Gerais.

– Boletim de Botânica da Universidade de São Paulo 30(1):5-21

Rossado, A.J. et al. 2018Novedades del genero Tillandsia (Bromeliaceae, Tillandsioideae) para Uruguay.

– Boletin de la Sociedad Argentina de Botanica 53(4):641-651

Rossado, A.J., S. Donadío & J.M. Bonifacino 2018Tillandsia uruguayensis (Tillandsioideae, Bromeliaceae), a new epilithic species from Uruguay.

– Phytotaxa 345(2):133-142

Rossado, A.J., S. Donadío & J.M. Bonifacino 2019Tillandsia bandensis (Bromeliaceae): its lectotypification and a new subspecies from Uruguay.

– Phytotaxa 405(1):15-26

Rousse, A. 1992Bromelias, manual practico de cultivo.

– Fondo Editorial Tropykos, Caracas Venezuela
– (72 pages, 38 colorphotos, 21x15 cm, ISBN 980-325-005-1).

Royal Gardens Kew 1897Bromeliaceae, In: Hand-list of tender monocotyledons, excluding Orchideae, cultivated in the Royal Gardens, Kew.

– Hand-list p.43-75

Röth, J. & W. Weber 1978Eine neue Vriesea (Bromeliaceae) aus Brasilien (V. bleheri).

– Bradea 2(38):261-264

Röth, J. & W. Weber 1991Tillandsien, Blüten der Lüfte.

– Neumann Verlag, Radebeul Germany
– (216 pages, 61 colorphotos, 66 drawings, 22x15 cm, ISBN 3-7402-0086-3).

Ruas, R.D.B. et al. 2020Strong genetic structure in Dyckia excelsa (Bromeliaceae), an endangered species found on ironstone outcrops in Pantanal, Brazil.

– Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 192(4):691-705

Ruiz, H. & J.A. Pavón 1798-1802Bromeliaceae, In: Flora Peruviana et Chilensis Vol.3.

– Serie Historiae naturalis classica t.43, Madrid Spain. Reprint of first 3 volumes by J. Cramer Verlag, Germany (1965, with notes by F.A. Stafleu)
– (Vol.3: page 32-43 text, plates 255-271; total 3 volumes with 249 textpages and 325 plates).
note: Vol.4 en 5 with 170 plates were published in Anales del Instituto Botanico A.J. Cavanilles (1954-1959).

Ruiz, R.J. 2009Ecologia y distribución de bromelias epifitas en bosques de Santa Maria Tlahuitoltepec Mixe, Oaxaca.

– Thesis, Instituto Tecnológico del Valle de Oaxaca, Xoxocotlán, México

Rundel, P.R. & M.O. Dillon 1998Ecological patterns in the Bromeliaceae of the lomas formations of coastal Chile and Peru.

– Plant Systematics and Evolution 212:261-278
– (16 b&w-photos).

Russo Godoy, F.M. et al. 2018High genetic diversity and moderate genetic structure in the self-incompatible, clonal Bromelia hieronymii (Bromeliaceae).

– Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 187(4):672-688


Sagástegui, A., M.Z. Cruz & M.O. Dillon 2004Una nueva especie de Puya (Bromeliaceae) del norte de Perú (P. tyleriana).

– Arnaldoa 11(2)

Sagra, R. de la 1850Bromeliaceae, in: Historia fisica, politica y natural de la isla de Cuba.

– Libreria Arthus Bertrand, Paris.Part 2 Historia Natural, vol.11 Botanica (page 262-268)

Sajo, M.G., P.J. Rudall & C.J. Prychid 2004Floral anatomy of Bromeliaceae, with particular reference to the evolution of epigyny and septal nectaries in commelinid monocots.

– Plant Systematics and Evolution 247:215-231

Sajo, M.G., P.J. Rudall & C.J. Prychid 2004Structure and development of the ovule in Bromeliaceae.

– Kew Bulletin 59(2):261-267

Salazar Castillo, J. et al. 2012Distribución geográfica y situación actual de Puya raimondii Harms en la región de Arequipa, Peru 10-2009 3-2011.

– Quaderni di Botanica ambientale e applicata 23:31-39

Salazar Castillo, J. et al. 2012Puya raimondii - La regina della Ande.

– Cactus & Co. 15(4):28-51

Salinas, L., C. Arena & M. Suni 2007El néctar de especies de Puya como recurso para picaflores Altoandinos de Ancash, Peru.

– Revista Peruviana de Biologia 14(1):129-134

Sampaio, J.A.T. et al. 2012Inbreeding depression in Vriesea gigantea, a perennial bromeliad from southern Brazil.

– Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 169(2):312-319

Sampaio, M.C. 1999Crescimento de moitas e o crescimento clonal de duas espécies de Bromeliaceae na restinga de Maricá - R.J.Rio de Janeiro.

– Thesis, Museu Nacional, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Samyn, G. 199730 years of bromeliad breeding at The Research Station of Ornamental Plant Growing.

– Journal of the Bromeliad Society 47(3):120-124

Samyn, G. & F. Thomas 1994-1995The Belgians and the bromeliads.

– Bromélia 1(1):3-8 1994 and 2(2):12-20 1995, reprint in Journal of the Bromeliad Society 44(5):200-204 1994 and 46(1):11-15 1996

Sanchez-Sanchez, O. 1968Bromeliaceae, In: La Flora del Valle de México.

– Editorial Herrero S.A., México
– (page 78-80; total 519 pages, 368 drawings, 21x14 cm).

Santos, A.L. 2009Bromelioideae (Bromeliaceae) na Serra do Cipó, Minas Gerais Brasil.

– Thesis, Instituto de Botanica da Secretaria do Meio Ambiente, São Paulo Brazil

Santos, C.G.M. 2000Distribuição espacial, fenologia e polinização de Bromeliaceae na Mata Atlântica do Alto da Serra de Paranapiacaba, SP.

– Thesis, Universidade Estadual de Campinas SP, Brazil
– (98 pages).

Santos, V.C., C.B.N. Costa & J.A.S. Costa 2022Bromeliaceae from a forest fragment in the Atlantic Forest central corridor, southern Bahia ctate, northeastern Brazil.

– Rodriguésia 73:e02022020
– (16 pages).

Santos-Silva, F. 2015Delimitação específica dos táxons reófitos de Dyckia (Pitcairnioideae, Bromeliaceae).

– Thesis, Instituto de Pesquisas, Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Santos-Silva, F. et al. 2013Invasion of the South American dry diagonal: What can the leaf anatomy of Pitcairnioideae (Bromeliaceae) tell us about it ?

– Flora 208:508-521

Santos-Silva, F. et al. 2015Capsule structure in three species of Dyckia (Bromeliaceae): ontogenic and taxonomic issues.

– Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society 142(3):249-257

Santos-Silva, F. et al. 2017Nested in chaos: insights on the relations of the Nidularioid complex and the evolutionary history of Neoregelia (Bromelioideae- Bromeliaceae).

– Brittonia 2017:1-15

Saraiva, D.P. 2013Filogenia morfológica de Pitcairnia L\'Hér. (Pitcairnioideae, Bromeliaceae).

– Thesis, Instituto de Pesquisas Jardim Botânico de Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
– (79 pages).

Saraiva, D.P. & R.C. Forzza 2012Pitcairnia frequens (Bromeliaceae), a neglected new species from Morro dos Seis Lagos, Amazonas, Brazil.

– Phytotaxa 69:57-63

Saraiva, D.P. et al. 2015Insights into the evolution of Pitcairnia (Pitcairnioideae, Bromeliaceae), based on morphological evidence.

– Systematic Botany 40(3):726-736

Sass, C. 2011Diversication of the core Bromelioids with a focus on the genus Aechmea: phylogeny, morphology and climate tolerance.

– Thesis, University of California, Berkeley USA

Sass, C. & C.D. Specht 2010Phylogenetic estimation of the core Bromelioids with an emphasis on the genus Aechmea (Bromeliaceae).

– Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 55(2):559-571
– (203 pages).
note: part of thesis C. Sass 2011.

Sastre, C. 1999Notules Antillaises (le genre Aechmea Ruiz et Pavon).

– Biogeographica 75(1):43-46

Saunders, C.R. 1964A comparative study of the position of specialized cell-layers in the leaves of the Bromeliaceae.

– Thesis, Drake University, Des Moines Iowa USA

Sáenz, M.S. 1997Bromeliaceae, In: Catalogo preliminar comentado de la flora del medio Caquetá.

– Estudios en la Amazonica Colombiana Tomo XII. Tropenbos, Colombia
– (page 109-112; total 557 pages, 24x16 cm, ISBN 958-9365-04-3).

Sánchez, I.E. et al. 2019Identifications of areas of endemism in the Mexican cloud forests based on the distribution of endemic epiphytic bromeliads and orchids.

– Phytotaxa 397(2):129-145

Scarano, F.R. et al. 2002Acclimation or stress symptom ? An integrated study of intraspecific variation in the clonal plant Aechmea bromeliifolia, a widespread CAM tank-bromeliad.

– Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 140(4):391-401

Scharf, U. & E.J. Gouda 2008Bringing Bromeliaceae back to homeland botany.

– Journal of the Bromeliad Society 58(3):123-128

Schimper, A.F.W. 1888Die epiphytische vegetation Amerikas.

– Botanische Mittheilungen aus den Tropen Heft 2, G. Fischer, Jena, Germany
– (162 pages, 6 b&w plates, 15 cm).

Schinini, A. 2008Nueva cita para Paraguay - Tillandsia mereliana Schinini, nov. spec.

– Rojasiana 8(1):73-76

Schinini, A. et al. 2008Catálogo de las Plantas Vasculares del Cono Sur, Volume 1 (Pteridophyta, Gymnospermae, Monocotyledoneae).

– Editors: O. Zuloaga, O. Morrone & M. Belgrano. Monograph in Systematic Botany vol.107, Missouri Botanical Garden Press, Saint Louis USA
– (Bromeliaceae page 245-292; total 983 pages, A4 format, ISBN 978-1-930723-74-0)
note: Bromeliaceae treated by A. Schinini, M. Wanderley, T. Strehl, Z. Martins & B. Moreira.

Schlechtendahl, D.F.D. 1844Plantae Leiboldianae - Monocotyleae Reliquae.

– Linnaea 18:410-439

Schlechtendahl, D.F.D. & A. Chamisso 1831Bromeliaceae, In: Plantarum Mexicanarum a cel viris Schiede et Deppe collectarum.

– Linnaea 6:52-55

Schmid, S. et al. 2011Bimodal pollination system of the bromeliad Aechmea nudicaulis involving hummingbirds and bees.

– Plant Biology 13(suppl.1):41-50

Schneider, J. 1994Brocchinia reducta - eine fleischfressende Bromelie aus dem Guayana-Hochland Venezuelas.

– Der Palmengarten 58 (4 pages)

Schröder, C.N., P. Sack & M.A. Koch 2015Some notes on original material and locus classicus of Deuterocohnia meziana Kuntze ex Mez var. carmineo-viridiflora Rauh (Bromeliaceae).

– Plant Diversity and Evolution 131(4):1-15

Schulmeyer, K.H. 2008Alcantarea imperialis - eine Riesenbromelie in Tropicarium.

– Der Palmengarten 72(1):30-31

Schulte, K. & G. Zizka 2008Multi locus plastid phylogeny of Bromelioideae (Bromeliaceae) and the taxonomic utility of petal appendages and pollen characters.

– Candollea 63:209-255

Schulte, K., M.H.J. Barfuss & G. Zizka 2009Phylogeny of Bromelioideae (Bromeliaceae) inferred from nuclear and plastid DNA loci reveals the evolution of the tank habit within the subfamily.

– Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 51:327-339

Schulte, K., R. Horres & G. Zizka 2005Molecular phylogeny of Bromelioideae and its implications on biogeography and the evolution of CAM in the family.

– Senckenbergiana Biologica 15:113-125

Schultes, J.A. & J.H. 1830Bromeliaceae, In: Caroli a Linné equitis systema vegetabilium secundem classes, ordines, genera, species Vol.7(2).

– J.G. Cottae, Stuttgart Germany
– (page 1193-1287; 7 volumes in 8 books, 23x13 cm).

Schultze-Motel, W. 1975Über Abromeitiella brevifolia und A. chlorantha (Bromeliaceae).

– Botanische Jahrbücher 96:423-426

Schütz, N. 2012Systematics and evolution of the genus Deuterocohnia Mez (Bromeliaceae).

– Thesis, Universität Kassel, Germany
– (292 pages, illustrated).

Schütz, N. 2014Deuterocohnia meziana (Bromeliaceae): subspecies classification and the description of the new subspecies D. meziana subsp. vogtii from northern Paraguay.

– Phytotaxa 162(1):18-30

Schütz, N. et al. 2016Phylogenetics of Pitcairnioideae s.s. (Bromeliaceae): evidence from nuclear and plastid DNA sequence data.

– Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 181(3):323-342

Schwartz, B. & W. 2001Bromelien, Orchideen und Farne in Tropenterrarium.

– Terrarien-Bibliothek, Natur und Tierverlag, Münster Germany
– (127 pages, 145 colorphotos).

Schwesinger, L.H. 2008The type specimens of Bromeliaceae in the Herbarium Academia de Ciencias Onaney Muñiz (HAC), Cuba.

– Selbyana 29(2):177-181

Scrok, G.J. & I.G. Varassin 2011Reproductive biology and pollination of Aechmea distichantha Lem. (Bromeliaceae).

– Acta Botanica Brasilica 25(3):568-573

Seaborn, B. 1976Bromeliads, tropical airplants.

– Gick Publishing, Laguna Hills California USA
– (41 pages, 237 colorphotos, 1 drawing, 28x22 cm).

Segecin, S. & V.L. Scatena 2004Anatomia de escapos de Tillandsia L. (Bromeliaceae) dos Campos Gerais do Paraná, Brasil.

– Revista Brasileira de Botanica 27(3):515-525
– Note: part of a thesis, Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho, Rio Claro, São Paulo Brazil.

Sengo, Z. 2014Air plants: the curious world of Tillandsias.

– Timber Press Inc., Oregon USA
– (224 pages, 195 colorphotos, 25x19,5 cm, ISBN 9781604694895).

Seymour, F.C. 1980Bromeliaceae, In: A checklist of the vascular plants of Nicaragua.

– Phytologia Memoirs 1:85-90. H.N. & A.L. Moldenke, Plainfield New Jersey, USA

Sgorbati, S. et al. 2004A survey of genetic diversity and reproductive biology of Puya raimondii (Bromeliaceae), the endangered queen of the Andes.

– Plant Biology 2004(6):222-230

Shestak, V.I. 1989Bromelievye : biologiia, introduktsiia, agrotekhnika.

– Editor: K.F. Dvorianinova. Akademiia nauk Moldavskoi SSR. Kishinev: Shtintsa, Moldova USSR
– (61 pages, 9 colorphotos, 17 cm).

Shimizu, H. 1992Tillandsia Handbook.

– Japan Cactus Planning Company Press, Shizuoka Japan
– (photobooklet, 36 pages, 144 colorphotos, 25x18 cm).

Shimizu, H. & H. Takizawa 1998New Tillandsia Handbook.

– Japan
– (photobook, 134 pages, 380 colorphotos, 25x18 cm).

Silva, B.N.F. 2014Revisião taxonômica do complexo Vriesea incurvata Gaudichaud (Bromeliaceae: Tillandsioideae).

– Thesis, Museu Nacional, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
– (79 pages).

Silva, B.R. 2003Comparação entre espécies amazônicas de Aechmea subgenus Chevaliera (Gaudich.ex Beer) Baker e gêneros relacionados (Bromeliaceae).

– Thesis, Museu Nacional, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
– (98 pages).

Silva, B.R. 2003Contributions to the understanding of Andean and Amazonian Aechmea subgenus Chevaliera (Bromeliaceae).

– Selbyana 24(1):46-63

Silva, H.M.L. et al. 2016Chromosomal features of Fosterella species (Bromeliaceae, Pitcairnioideae).

– Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 181(3):532-541

Silva, K.R., L.M. Versieux & A. Oriani 2018Anatomy of the vegetative organs, inflorescence axis and pedicel in the Neoregelia bahiana (Bromeliaceae) complex: taxonomic and ecological importance.

– Nordic Journal of Botany 36(7)

Silva, K.R., L.M. Versieux & A. Oriani 2020Morhological and anatomical variations of roots, leaves, peduncles, and peduncle bracts in the Vriesea oligantha complex (Bromeliaceae): perspectives fortaxonomy .

– Systematic Botany 45(4):779-793

Silva, K.R., T. Stützel & A. Oriani 2020Seed development and its relationship to fruit structure in species of Bromelioideae (Bromeliaceae) with fleshy fruits.

– Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 192(4):868-886

Silva, M.C. 1999A beleza exótica das orquídeas e bromélias de Roberto Kautsky.

– M&M Publicidade e Promoções, Vitória Brazil, also published by Editora Gráfica Ipiranga, Brasilia
– (text English, Spanish and Portuguese, 196 pages, colorphotos, 31x22 cm).

Silva, N.N.F. & J.M.L. Gomes 2003Bromeliaceae do Sítio Morro do Céu, Serra (ES).

– Natureza Online 1(2):2-11

Silva, T.S. et al. 2015Bromeliaceae and Orchidaceae on rocky outcrops in the Agreste Mesoregion of the Paraíba state, Brazil.

– Hoehnea 42(2):345-365

Silveira, A.A. 1931Bromeliaceae, In: Floralia Montium Vol.2.

– Brazil
– (with drawings, 22x14 cm).

Silvestro, D., G. Zizka & K. Schulte 2014Disentangling the effects of key innovations on the diversication of Bromelioideae (Bromeliaceae).

– Evolution 68(1):163-175

Siqueira Filho, J.A. 1998Biologia da polinização de Bromeliaceae em remanescente da floresta Atlântica, Pernambuco.

– Thesis, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Recife Brazil

Siqueira Filho, J.A. 1998Bromeliaceae da Floresta Atlântica de Pernambuco, Nordeste do Brasil. In: Congresso Nacional de Botânica, Salvador Bahia, Brazil.

– (49 pages)

Siqueira Filho, J.A. 2003Fenologia da floração, ecologia da polinização e conservação de Bromeliaceae na floresta Atlântica Nordestina.

– Thesis, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Recife Brazil
– (144 pages).

Siqueira Filho, J.A. & E.M.C. Leme 2006Fragmentos de Mata Atlântica do Nordeste. Biodiversidade, conservação e suas bromélias.

– English edition (publ. 2007): Fragments of the Atlantic Forest of northeast Brazil.Biodiversity, conservation and the bromeliads. Andrea Jakobsson Estúdio Editorial, Rio de Janeiro Brazil.
note: (415 pages, 350 colorphotos incl.24 new sp., 30x23 cm, ISBN 85-88742-19-5).

Sklenár, P. et al. 2005Bromeliaceae, In: Flora Genérica de los Páramos: guiá illustrada de las plantas vasculares.

– Memoirs of the New York Botanical Garden Vol.92, USA
– (page 201-207; total 500 pages, many drawings, 22x15 cm, ISBN 0-89327-468-2).

Smith, B. 1984Manuscript of bromeliad hybrids and cultivars.

– Plano Texas USA

Smith, J.A.C. 1989Epiphytic bromeliads, In: Vascular plants as epiphytes, evolution and ecophysiology.

– Editor: U. Lüttge. Springer Verlag, Berlin Germany
– (page 109-138).

Smith, L.B. +++ For a list of all publications by L.B.Smith (author: J. Grant)

– see Harvard Papers in Botany 4(1) 1999

Smith, L.B. 1930The Bromeliaceae of British Guiana, In: Studies in the Bromeliaceae I.

– Contributions from the Gray Herbarium of Harvard University 89:46-86

Smith, L.B. 1930-1954Studies in the Bromeliaceae I-XVII.

– Contributions from the Gray Herbarium of Harvard University (I-XIV, 1930-1946) and the United States National Herbarium (XV-XVII, 1949-1954); reprinted in Contributions from the Reed Herbarium XXVIII (1977)
– (550 pages, 36 pages with small drawingpages, 94 drawings, 25x18 cm).

Smith, L.B. 1931Bromeliaceae, In: Botanical results of the Tyler-Duida-Expedition.

– Editor: H.A. Gleason. Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club 58(5):337-341

Smith, L.B. 1934Geographical evidence on the lines of evolution in the Bromeliaceae.

– Engler\'s Botanisches Jahrbuch 66:446-468, Germany

Smith, L.B. 1936Bromeliaceae, In: Flora of Peru Part 1 No.3.(J.F.MacBride).

– Editor: B.E. Dahlgren. Field Museum of Natural History Botanical Series Vol.13, Chicago Illinois USA
– (page 495-592; total 768 pages, not illustrated, 22x15 cm).

Smith, L.B. 1938Bromeliaceae, In: A contribution to the flora of Honduras (T.G. Yuncker).

– Editor: B.E. Dahlgren. Field Museum of National History Bot.Series XVII(4), Chicago Illinois USA
– (page 318-322; total 407 pages, 19 b&w-photos, 24x16 cm).

Smith, L.B. 1938Bromeliaceae, In: North American Flora, Vol.19 Pt.2.

– New York Botanical Garden, USA
– (page 61-228; not illustrated, 27x18 cm).

Smith, L.B. 1939Notes on the taxonomy of Ananas and Pseudananas.

– Botanical Museum Leaflets of Harvard University 7(5):73-81

Smith, L.B. 1940-1941Notas sobre Bromeliaceas del Paraguay.

– Revista Argentina de Agronomía 7:162-164 (1940) and 8:192-195 (1941)

Smith, L.B. 1941,1943Bromeliaceae, In: Contributions toward a Flora of Panama.

– Editors:. R.E. Woodson & R.W. Schery. Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 28:411-414, 30:83-85

Smith, L.B. 1941-1952Bromeliaceas novas ou interessantes do Brasil, In: Arquivos de Botânica do Estado de São Paulo Vol.1 & Vol.2.

– Secretaria de agricultura, industria e comercio de São Paulo, Brazil
– (Vol.1: pages 53-60, 101-122 with plates 64-80, 101-134; total 138 textpages and 153 plates (17 in color);
note: Vol.2: pages 118-120, 195-198 with plates 48-51, 62-63; total 204 textpages and 63 plates (18 in color); 31x22 cm).

Smith, L.B. 1942-1948Bromeliaceas notables de Colombia, I - IV.

– Caldasia 1(4):13-18 1942 (I), 1(5):5-10 1942 (II), 3(13):237-246 1945 (III), 5(21):1-15 1948 (IV)

Smith, L.B. 1943Bromeliaceas notables de la Argentina.

– Lilloa 9:199-202
note: 15

Smith, L.B. 1944Bromeliaceae, In: Flora of Panama.

– Editors: R.E. Woodson & R.W. Schery. Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 31:477-541

Smith, L.B. 1944Bromeliaceae, In: Flora of Texas.

– Editor: C.L. Lundell. Flora of Texas 3(4):200-207

Smith, L.B. 1944A new bromeliad (Navia schultesiana) from Colombia.

– Caldasia 3 (1 page)

Smith, L.B. 1946,1954Bromeliaceae, In: Plantae Austro-Americanae III, IX.

– Editor: R.E. Schultes. Botanical Museum Leaflets of Harvard University 12(4):118-122 and 16(8):192-198

Smith, L.B. 1948Bromeliaceas notables de Bolivia.

– Lilloa 14:93-99

Smith, L.B. 1948Bromeliaceae, in: B. Maguire et al. Plant explorations in Guiana in 1944, chiefly to the Tafelberg and the Kaieteur Plateau II.

– Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club 75(2):205-208

Smith, L.B. 1948Notes on Ecuadorian Bromaliaceae.

– Lloydia 11(4):303-308

Smith, L.B. 1950Bromeliaceae, In: A report on the plants of the Phelps Cerro Yaví expedition of 1947.

– Editors: T. Lasser & B. Maguire. Brittonia 7(2):78

Smith, L.B. 1950Notas sôbre Bromeliáceas de Santa Catarina, Chaves para as Bromeliáceas de Santa Catarina .

– Anais Botánicos do Herbario Barboso Rodriguez 2:13-15, 2:17-33

Smith, L.B. 1950A new Puya from Bolivia (P. fosteriana).

– Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences 40(7):216-217

Smith, L.B. 1950,1957Bromeliaceas notaveis do herbario do Jardim Botanico do Rio de Janeiro I and II.

– Arquivos do Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro 10:141-148 and 15:329-331

Smith, L.B. 1951Bromeliáceas notáveis do herbário do Museu Nacional - Rio de Janeiro.

– Boletim do Museu Nacional Rio de Janeiro n.ser. 15:1-7

Smith, L.B. 1951Bromeliaceae, In: Plantae Austro-Americanae VII.

– Editor: R.E. Schultes. Botanical Museum Leaflets of Harvard University 15(2):40-41

Smith, L.B. 1951A new Tillandsia from Honduras (T. cryptopoda).

– Ceiba 1:229-231

Smith, L.B. 1951,1957Bromeliaceae, In: Contributions to the flora of Venezuela - Botanical exploration in Venezuela.

– Editor J.A. Steyermark. Fieldiana Botany 28(1):135-151 1951 and 28(4):828-831 1957

Smith, L.B. 1952A new Guzmania from Colombia (G. geniculata).

– Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences 42(9):282-283

Smith, L.B. 1952Variação em Vriesea friburgensis Mez.

– Anais Botánicos do Herbario Barboso Rodriguez 4:67-68

Smith, L.B. 1952Plants collected in Ecuador by W.H. Camp - Bromeliaceae, Cannaceae etc.

– Memoirs of the New York Botanical Garden 8(1):25-31

Smith, L.B. 1953Some new combinations in Guatemalan Bromeliaceae.

– Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences 43(3):68-69

Smith, L.B. 1953-1971Notes on Bromeliaceae I-XXXIII.

– Phytologia 1953-1971; reprinted in Contributions from the Reed Herbarium XX (1971)
– (669 pages, 69 drawingpages, 25x18 cm).
note: notes XXXIV-XLI were published in Phytologia 24(5) (1972), 28(1) and 28(4) (1974), 30(5) (1975), 33(7) (1976), 38(2) (1977), 41(5) (1979) and 52(1) (1982).

Smith, L.B. 1955Bromeliaceae, In: Plantae Colombianae XIII.

– Editor: R.E. Schultes. Botanical Museum Leaflets of Harvard University 17(3):67-77

Smith, L.B. 1955The Bromeliaceae of Brazil.

– Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections Vol.126(1), Smithsonian Institution, Washington USA; reprinted in Contributions from the Reed Herbarium XXVI, Baltimore (1977)
– (290 pages, 128 drawings , 24x16 cm).

Smith, L.B. 1956Bromeliaceae of Suriname.

– Acta Botanica Neerlandica 5(1):90-93

Smith, L.B. 1957The Machris Brazilian expedition, Botany: Phanerogamae, Bromeliaceae and other smaller families.

– Contributions in Science of the Los Angeles County Museum no.17:1-7

Smith, L.B. 1957Bromeliaceae, In: Flora of Suriname, Vol.1 Pt.2.

– Editors: A.A. Pulle & J. Lanjouw. Royal Tropical Institute, Amsterdam. Reprinted with additions, E.J. Brill, Leiden Netherlands (1968)
– (page 94-148; total 292 pages, not illustrated, 22x16 cm ; reprint total 441 pages).

Smith, L.B. 1957The Bromeliaceae of Columbia.

– Contributions from the US National Herbarium Vol.33, USA; reprinted in Contributions from the Reed Herbarium XXVII, Baltimore (1977)
– (310 pages, 88 drawings, 23x15 cm).

Smith, L.B. 1957Bromeliaceae, In: Botany of the Chimanta Massif - Part I.

– Editors: B. Maguire et al. Memoirs of the New York Botanical Garden 9(3):414-422

Smith, L.B. 1957-1969Bromeliaceae, In: The Botany of the Guayana Highland - Part II, IV, V and VIII.

– Editors: B. Maguire et al. Memoirs of the New York Botanical Garden 9(3):283-318 (II,1957), 10(2):16-22 (IV, 1960), 10(5):37-41 (V, 1964) and 18(2):29-32 (VIII, 1969)

Smith, L.B. 1958Bromeliaceae, In: Flora of Guatemala.

– Editors: P.C. Standley & J.A. Steyermark. Fieldiana (Botany) Vol.24 Part 1, Chicago Natural History Museum, Illinois USA
– (page 380-476, 57 drawings; total 478 pages, 23x15 cm).

Smith, L.B. 1958Bromeliaceae do Herbário do Dr. Adolpho Lutz.

– Memórias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz 56(1):35-37

Smith, L.B. 1958Tres Bromeliáceas novas do Museo Paraense Emilio Goeldi

– Boletim do Museo Paraense Emilio Goeldi n.ser. 1:1-4

Smith, L.B. 1960Notable Bromeliaceae of the Lundell Herbarium.

– Wrightia 2(2):64-65

Smith, L.B. 1961Uma nova bromelia do Estado do Amazonas (Bromelia epiphytica).

– Boletim do Museo Paraense Emilio Goeldi n.ser. 12:1-3

Smith, L.B. 1962Tres nuevas Bromeliaceas del Peru.

– Museo de Historia Natural Javier Prado Ser.B (Botanica) no.13:1-5

Smith, L.B. 1963Bromeliaceas nuevas o criticas del Peru - I.

– Museo de Historia Natural Javier Prado Ser.B (Botanica) no.16:1-6

Smith, L.B. 1963Bromeliaceae, In: Plantae Austro-Americanae XI.

– Editor: R.E. Schultes. Rhodora v.65 n.761:7-9

Smith, L.B. 1967Bromeliaceae, In: Flora del Auyan-tepui.

– Editor: J.A. Steyermark. Acta Botanica Venezuelica 2(5-8):155-163

Smith, L.B. 1967The Bromeliaceae of the Guayana Highland.

– Memoirs of the New York Botanical Garden Vol.14(3):15-68

Smith, L.B. 1969The Bromeliaceae of Bolivia.

– Rhodora 71(1):35-57 and 71(2):220-279

Smith, L.B. 1971Flora de Venezuela, Vol.12 Pt.1.: Bromeliaceae.

– Edicion Especial Instituto Botanico, Caracas Venezuela
– (361 pages, 25 drawings, 23x16 cm).

Smith, L.B. 1972Flora del Uruguay Vol.IV.: Bromeliaceae.

– Montevideo Uruguay
– (31 pages, 7 drawings, 26x18 cm).

Smith, L.B. 1972-1991Notes on Bromeliaceae XXXIV-XLII.

– Phytologia 24(5):419-453 1972 (XXXIV), 28(1):24-42 1974 (XXXV), 28(4):319-333 1974 (XXXVI), 30(5):290-303 1975 (XXXVII), 33(7):429-443 1976 (XXXVIII), 38(2):135-148 1977 (XXXIX), 41(5):329-347 1979 (XL), 52(1):49-60 1982 (XLI), 71(1):66-83 1991 (XLII)
– Note: co-author R.W. Read for notes XXXVII-XLI.

Smith, L.B. 1976Bromeliaceae, In: La vegetacion de la Cima del Macizo de Jaua.

– Editor: J.A. Steyermark. Boletin de la Sociedad Venezolana de Ciencias Naturales 32:287-311

Smith, L.B. 1983A new Pitcairnia from Venezuela (P. steyermarkii).

– Phytologia 53(3):177-178

Smith, L.B. 1983New sp. for Venezuela: Bromeliaceae.

– Ernstia 17:9-10

Smith, L.B. 1984Bromeliaceae, In: Nuevos taxa de la Guayana Venezolana.

– Editor: J.A. Steyermark et al. Acta Botanica Venezuelica 14(3):8-15, 30-39

Smith, L.B. 1986Revision of the Guayana Highland Bromeliaceae.

– Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 73:689-721

Smith, L.B. 1988New key to the genera of the Bromeliaceae.

– Beiträge zur Biologie der Pflanzen 63:403-411

Smith, L.B. 1989Thank you ! Don José (Colombian Puya).

– Revista de la Academia Colombiana de Ciencias 17(65):231-235

Smith, L.B. 1991A new Pitcairnia (Bromeliaceae) from Peru (P. cerrateana).

– Phytologia 70(1):52-57

Smith, L.B. & C.E. Wood 1975The genera of the Bromeliaceae in the Southeastern United States.

– Journal of the Arnold Arboretum 56:375-397

Smith, L.B. & C.S. Pittendrigh 1953Realignments in the Bromeliaceae subfamily Tillandsioideae.

– Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences 43(12):401-404

Smith, L.B. & G. Looser 1935Los especies Chilenas del genera Puya.

– Imp.W. Gnadt, Santiago de Chile; reprinted from Revista Universitaria, Universidad Católica de Chile 20(3):241-279
– (16 b&w-photos, 23x15 cm).

Smith, L.B. & J.A. Steyermark 1967Dos especies Bromeliaceae nuevas para la ciencia.

– Acta Botanica Venezuelica 2(5-8):380-382

Smith, L.B. & J.A. Steyermark 1989Bromeliaceae, in: Venezuelan Guayana Flora VII.

– Editors: J.A. Steyermark et al. Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 76(4):951-956

Smith, L.B. & M. Spencer 1992A revision of the genus Deuterocohnia Mez (Pitcairnioideae).

– Bradea VI(16):141-146

Smith, L.B. & M. Spencer 1992Reduction of Streptocalyx (Bromeliaceae, Bromelioideae).

– Phytologia 72(2):96-98
note: abstract in Journal of the Bromeliad Society 43(4):157-159 (1993).

Smith, L.B. & P.C. Standley 1937Bromeliaceae, In: Flora of Costa Rica Part 1.

– Editor: B.E. Dahlgren. Field Museum of Natural History Botanical Series Vol.18, Chicago Illinois USA
– (page 148-162; total 398 pages, not illustrated, 22x15 cm).

Smith, L.B. & R.J. Downs 1974Flora Neotropica Monograph 14 Bromeliaceae Vol.1 Pitcairnioideae.

– Hafner Press, New York USA
– (660 pages, 212 drawings, 24x16 cm).
note: includes articles on Anatomy and physiology (pages 2-27, R.J. Downs), Pollen morphology (pages 28-39, G. Erdtman & J. Praglowski), Evolutionary ecology (pages 40-55, E.L. McWilliams) and Hybridization and Fossils (pages 55-56, L.B. Smith).

Smith, L.B. & R.J. Downs 1977Flora Neotropica Monograph 14 Bromeliaceae Vol.2 Tillandsioideae.

– Hafner Press, New York USA
– (831 pages, 255 drawings, 24x16 cm).

Smith, L.B. & R.J. Downs 1979Flora Neotropica Monograph 14 Bromeliaceae Vol.3 Bromelioideae.

– New York Botanical Garden, USA
– (650 pages, 263 drawings, 24x16 cm).

Smith, L.B. & R.W. Read 1990Flora Neotropica Monograph 14 Bromeliaceae (1), supplement 2 Encholirium.

– Bradea 5(29):296-303

Smith, L.B. & R.W. Read 1992Flora Neotropica Monograph 14 Bromeliaceae (1), supplement 3 Fosterella.

– Bradea 6(15):134-140

Smith, L.B. & W. Till 1987Some remarks on Tillandsia confinis (Bromeliaceae).

– Phytologia 63(6):439-440

Smith, L.B. & W. Till 1998Bromeliaceae, In: The family and Genera of Vascular Plants, IV Monocotyledons (Alismatanae and Commelinanae).

– Editor: K. Kubitzki. Springer Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg Germany
– (page 74-99; volume 511 pages, 26x20 cm, ISBN 3-540-64061-4).

Smith, L.B. & W.J. Kress 1989, 1990New or restored genera of Bromeliaceae (Aechmea).

– Phytologia 66:70-79 1989 and 69:271-274 1990
note: also on this subject J.R. Grant (1994) Phytologia 77(2):99-101 (Platyaechmea); comments by other taxonomists in Journal of the Bromeliad Society 43(4):154-156 (1993).

Sociedad Venezolana de Ciencias Naturales 1993Bromelias para aficionados.

– Caracas Venezuela
– (59 pages, 31 colorphotos, 6 drawings, 22 cm).
note: 4th edition in 2015 (150 pages).

Solederer, H. & F.J. Meyer 1929Bromeliaceae, In: Systematische Anatomie der Monokotyledonen, part 4 Farinosae.

– Verlag Gebrüder Borntraeger, Berlin Germany
– (page 80-129; volume total 176 pages).

Soltis, D.E. et al. 1987Genetic variation in the epiphytes Tillandsia ionantha and T. recurvata (Bromeliaceae).

– American Journal of Botany 74(4):531-537

Sousa Soares, L.E. de 2013Diversidade genética de Vriesea reitzii (Leme & Costa): relevâncias no contexto de paisagem e comparação genética com espécies relacionadas.

– Thesis, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
– (63 pages).

Sousa, G.M. 1996Estudos taxonômicos do gênero Aechmea em Pernambuco.

– Thesis, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Recife Brazil
– Note: also G.M. Sousa et al. (1997) Morfologia polínica de espécies de Aechmea Ruiz & Pav. (Bromeliaceae) de Pernambuco, Brasil. Bol. Bot. Univ. São Paulo 16:21-30.

Sousa, G.M. 2004Revisão taxonômica de Aechmea Ruiz & Pavon subgenus Chevaliera (Gaudichaud ex Beer) Baker, Bromelioideae - Bromeliaceae.

– Thesis, Universidade de Sâo Paulo, Brazil
– (185 pages).

Sousa, G.M. & M.G.L. Wanderley 2000Aechmea Ruiz & Pavon do estado de Pernambuco, Brazil.

– Acta Botânica Brasilica 14(1):77-97

Sousa, G.M. & M.G.L. Wanderley 2007Aechmea rodriguesiana (L.B. Smith) L.B. Smith (Bromeliaceae), uma espécie endêmica da Amazônia brasilieira.

– Acta Amazonica 37(4):517-520

Sousa, G.M. & M.G.L. Wanderley 2014A new species of Aechmea Ruiz & Pavon (Bromelioideae - Bromeliaceae) from the Brazilian Atlantic rain forest (A. prasinata).

– Feddes Repertorium 125:39-42

Sousa, G.M., M.G.L. Wanderley & M. Alves 2009Inflorescence architecture in Brazilian species of Aechmea subgenus Chevaliera (Bromeliaceae - Bromelioideae).

– Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 158(4):584-592

Sousa, G.M., M.G.L. Wanderley & M.A.V. Cruz-Barros 1997Morfologia polínica de espécies de Aechmea Ruiz & Pavon (Bromeliaceae) de Pernambuco, Brasil.

– Boletim de Botânica da Universidade de São Paulo 16:21-30

Sousa, L.O.F. 2004Revisão taxonômica e filogenia do gênero Lymania Read (Bromeliaceae - Bromelioideae).

– Thesis, Museu Nacional, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
– (102 pages).
note: parts published in L.O.F. de Sousa et al. (2007) Monophyly and Phylogenetic relationships in Lymania (Bromeliaceae: Bromelioideae) based on morphology and chloroplast DNA sequences, Systematic Botany 32(2):264-270 and in L.O.F. de Sousa & T. Wendt (2008) Taxonomy and conservation of the genus Lymania (Bromeliaceae) in the southern Bahian Atlantic Forest of Brazil, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 157:47.

Sousa, L.O.F. & T. Wendt 2008Taxonomy and conservation of the genus Lymania (Bromeliaceae) in the southern Bahian Atlantic Forest of Brazil.

– Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 157(1):47-66

Sousa, L.O.F. & T. Wendt 2011Revisão taxonômica e filogenia de Aechmea Ruiz & Pavon subgênero Lamprococcus (Beer) Baker (Bromelioideae - Bromeliaceae).

– Thesis, Museu Nacional, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
– (160 pages).

Sousa, L.O.F. et al. 2007Monophyly and phylogenetic relationships in Lymania (Bromeliaceae: Bromelioideae) based on morphology and chloroplast DNA sequences.

– Systematic Botany 32(2):264-270

Southern Exposure 1993,1994Catalog of earth stars (Cryptanthus) and tropical collections.

– Beaumont Texas USA
– (93 pages, 141 small colorphotos, 93 b&w-photos, 12 drawings, 21x14 cm).

Souza, E.H. & E.M.C. Leme 2021New Cryptanthus species (Bromeliaceae: Bromelioideae) from the State of Bahia, Brazil.

– Phytotaxa 523(2):179-191

Souza, E.H. et al. 2017Interspecific and intergeneric hybridization in Bromeliaceae and their relationships to breeding systems.

– Scientia Horticulturae 223:53-61

Souza, E.H. et al. 2021Lymania involucrata (Bromeliaceae, Bromelioideae), a new ornamental species from Bahia, Brazil.

– Phytotaxa 489(2):209-215

Souza, E.H. et al. 2021Rediscovering natural populations of Hohenbergia correia-araujoi Pereira & Moutinho, a rare yet-widely used ornamental bromeliad.

– Cactus and Succulent Journal 93(3):210-214

Souza, E.H. et al. 2021Tillandsia oliveirae (Bromeliaceae), a new species from an inselberg in Bahia, Brazil.

– Phytotaxa 527(1):60-66

Souza, E.H. et al. 2022Where has Hohenbergia burle-marxii been ? Taxonomy, ecology and geographic range of a rare endemic bromeliad from Bahia, Brazil.

– Nordic Journal of Botany 2022(3)

Souza, E.H. et al. 2022Two new species of Tillandsia (Bromeliaceae: Tillandsioideae) from Brazil.

– Phytotaxa 560(1):93-103

Souza, E.H. et al. 2022Hohenbergia amargosensis (Bromeliaceae:Bromelioideae), a new ornamental species from Bahia, Brazil.

– Phytotaxa 567(1):86-92

Souza, R.C.O.S.de & L. Neves 1995Leaf anatomy of four Tillandsia species.

– Thesis, Museu Nacional, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
– (71 pages).
note: summary in Bromélia 3(2):28-39 (1996).

Spellman, D.L., J.D. Dwyer & G. Davidse 1975Bromeliaceae, In: A list of the monocotyledoneae of Belize.

– Rhodora 77:117-118

Spencer, M. & L.B. Smith 1991A new species of Pitcairnia (Bromeliaceae, Pitcairnioideae) (P. ramosii).

– Phytologia 71(2):104-108

Spencer, M. & L.B. Smith 1993Racinaea, a new genus of Bromeliaceae (Tillandsioideae).

– Phytologia 74(2):151-160
note: abstract in Journal of the Bromeliad Society 44(4):156-158 (1994) and in Die Bromelie 1998(3):80-82.

Standley, P.C. 1936Bromeliaceae, In: Studies of American plants - VI.

– Field Museum of Natural History - Botanical Series 11(5):147

Standley, P.C. & L. Williams 1953Tillandsia orogenes Standl. & L. Wms. sp. nov., In: Plantae Centrali-Americanae V.

– Ceiba 3(3):188-189

Standley, P.C. & S. Calderón 1925Bromeliaceae, In: Lista preliminar de las Plantas de El Salvador.

– El Salvador A.C., San Salvador
– (page 45-47; total 274 pages, not illustrated, 24x16 cm).

Standley, P.C. & S.J. Record 1936Bromeliaceae, In: The forests and flora of British Honduras.

– Editor: B.E. Dahlgren. Field Museum of National History Bot.Series XII, Chicago Illinois USA
– (page 90-91; total 432 pages, 16 b&w-photos, 24x16 cm).

Stauffer, F.W. et al. 2007Bromeliaceae, In: Tipos de Monocotyledones depositados en el Herbario Nacional de Venezuela.

– Acta Botanica Venezuelica 30(1):55-63

Steckler, V. 1987Handbook for judges, exhibitors and affiliates.

– Bromeliad Society Inc., USA
– (143 pages).

Steens, A. 2003Bromeliads for the contemporary garden.

– Timber Press Inc., Oregon USA and Cambridge UK
– (198 pages, 300 colorphotos, 25,5x21,5 cm, ISBN 0-88192-604-3).
note: revised edition in 2010 published by Florilegium, Queensland Australia (400 pages, 500 colorphotos).

Steens, A. 2007Bromeliads - The coinnosseur\'s guide.

– Auckland, New Zealand
– (350 pages, 500 colorphotos, 28x21 cm).

Stergios, B. et al. 2015A new species of Puya from the Venezuelan Andes (P. guaramacalana).

– Acta Botanica Venezuelica 38(2):159-168

Steyermark, J.A. 1951,1957Bromeliaceae, In: Contributions to the flora of Venezuela.

– Fieldiana (Botany) 28(1):135-151 and 28(4):828-831

Steyermark, J.A. 1987Brocchinia oliva-estevae sp. nov., in: Flora of the Venezuelan Guayan - II.

– Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 74(1):85-87

Steyermark, J.A. & B.K. Holst 1986Una nueva especie de Navia (Bromeliaceae) de Venezuela (N. grafii).

– Ernstia 38:44-46

Steyermark, J.A. & O. Huber 1978Bromeliaceae, In: Flora del Avila.

– Sociedad Venezolana de Ciencias Naturalis, Caracas Venezuela
– (page 272-291, 32 drawings; total 971 pages, 16 pages colorphotos, many drawings, 24x17 cm, ISBN 84-85389-03-4).
note: supplement in W. Meier (1998) Flora und Vegetation des Avila-Nationalparks, J.Cramer Berlin - Stuttgart, ISBN 3-443-64209-X (page 297-298; total 485 pages, 88 b&w-ill., 23x14 cm).

Steyermark, J.A. et al. 1981New taxa from the Venezuelan Guayana.

– Brittonia 33(1):28-36

Strehl, T. 1998Flórula fanerogâmica da Reserva Biológica do Ibicuí-Mirim, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil: Bromeliaceae.

– Iheringia Série Botânica 51(1):17-37
– (17 b&w-photos).

Strehl, T. 2000Novos táxons de Tillandsia subgênero Anoplophytum (Bromeliaceae) do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil.

– Iheringia Série Botânica 54:19-44

Strehl, T. 2004Contribuição ao conhecimento da diversidade de Bromeliaceae no Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil.

– Divulgações do Museo de Ciências e Tecnologia 9:25-32 (Porto Alegre, Brazil)

Strehl, T. 2008New bromeliads, genus Dyckia, from Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.

– Bromeliaceae 42(5):8-19

Strehl, T. & R.C.P. Beheregaray 2006Morfologia de sementes do gênero Dyckia, subfamília Pitcairnioideae (Bromeliaceae).

– Pesquisas Botânica no.57:103-120

Strehl, T. & S. Winkler 1982Vergleichende Untersuchungen über die Trichome der Bromeliaceen.

– Beiträge zur Biologie der Pflanzen 56:415-438

Strehl, T. & S. Winkler 1983Vergleichende Studien zum Bau der Bromeliaceenwurzeln.

– Beiträge zur Biologie der Pflanzen 58:219-235

Subils, R. 2009Bromeliaceae, in: Flora de San Juan: República Argentina vol.4, Monocotiledónias (Ed. R. Kiesling et al.).

– Zeta Editores, Mendoza Argentina
– (Bromeliaceae pag.340-363, total 435 pages, ISBN 978-9879126592).

Sucre, D. & R. Braga 1975Tillandsia grazielae (Bromeliaceae) - Espécie nova do Estado do Rio de Janeiro.

– Boletim do Museo Botânico Municipal Curitiba 22:1-3

Suessenguth, K. 1942Neue Pflanzen aus Costa Rica, insbesondere vom Chirripo grande 3837 m.

– Botanische Jahrbücher 72:270-302 (Bromeliaceae p.290-293)

Swartz, O. 1797Flora Indiae Occidentalis vol.1.

– J.J. Palmii, Erlangen Germany
– (Bromeliaceae p.578-596).


Takizawa, H. & R. Ninomiya 2000Tillandsia, the airplant mystic.

– Japan
– (CD-ROM).

Tamaki, V. et al. 2021Armazenamento de sementes colhidas de diferentes posiçôes do escapo floral para obtenção de plantas da bromélia imperial - Alcantarea imperialis.

– Rodriguésia 71:-
– (11 pages).

Tangerini, A.R. 1999A tribute to Lyman B. Smith - 4 drawings of Lymania species.

– Harvard Papers in Botany 4(1):99-102

Tardivo, R.C. 1995Os gêneros Nidularium Lemaire e Canistrum E. Morren no Estado do Parana.

– Thesis, Universidade Federal do Parana, Brazil
– (160 pages).

Tardivo, R.C. 2002Revisão taxonômica de Tillandsia L. subgenus Anoplophytum (Beer) Baker, Bromeliaceae.

– Thesis, Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil
– (243 pages).

Tardivo, R.C. 2014Bromeliaceae, In: Plantas vasculares do Paraná.

– Editors: M. Kaehler et al. Universidade Federal do Paraná, Curitiba Brazil
– (page 92-93; total 198 pages, ISBN 978-85-67809-00-7).

Tardivo, R.C. & A.C. Cervi 2001Bromeliads of the state park of Vila Velha, Ponta Grossa, Paraná, Brazil.

– Selbyana 22(1):68-74

Tatagiba, F.C.P. 2003Revisão do complexo Pitcairnia flammea Lindley (Bromeliaceae).

– Thesis, Museu Nacional, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Tatagiba, F.C.P. et al. 2004Two new white-flowered species of Pitcairnia from Brazil.

– Selbyana 25(1):27-32

Taylor, D.C. & H. Robinson 1999A rejection of Pepinia (Bromeliaceae: Pitcairnioideae) and taxonomic revisions.

– Harvard Papers in Botany 4(1):203-217

Terreros-Olivares, L. 2012Revisión sistemática del complejo de especies de Tillandsia juncea (Ruiz & Pavon) Poir. Bromeliaceae.

– Thesis, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Iztapalapa, México
– (153 pages, colorphotos).

Till, W. 1984Sippendifferenzierung innerhalb Tillandsia subgenus Diaphoranthema in Südamerika.

– Thesis, Botanisches Institut Universität Wien, Austria

Till, W. 1992A new species of Puya from Central Peru (P. lutheri).

– Novon 2:443-444

Till, W. 1992Systematics and evolution of the tropical and subtropical Tillandsia subgenus Diaphoranthema (Bromeliaceae).

– Selbyana 13:88-94
note: also on this subject W. Till: Die Bromelie 1989(2,3), 1991(1) and 1992(1) (total 20 pages).

Till, W. 1994The type specimens of Bromeliaceae in the herbarium of the Museum of Natural History in Vienna.

– Selbyana 15:94-111

Till, W. 1995Some unremembered type specimens of Bromeliaceae in East German herbaria.

– Linzer Biologische Beiträge 27(1):413-421

Till, W. 1998Die Familie der Bromeliaceen in Jamaica.

– Die Bromelie 1998(1):6-12

Till, W. 1999Tillandsia boryana Gand. and Tillandsia smithiana Carabia (Bromeliaceae): a mystery resolved and a correction in synonymy.

– Harvard Papers in Botany 4(1):219-224

Till, W. & E. Vitek 1985Tillandsia marconae W. Till & E. Vitek, spec. nova.

– Plant Systematics and Evolution 149:144-147

Till, W. & H. Hromadnik 1983Tillandsia mollis (Bromeliaceae) - eine neue Art aus Südbolivien.

– Plant Systematics and Evolution 142:123-128

Till, W. & H. Hromadnik 1984Neue taxa von Tillandsia.

– Plant Systematics and Evolution 147:280-288

Till, W. & M.H.J. Barfuss 2007Progress towards a new classification of Tillandsioideae.

– Journal of the Bromeliad Society 56(6):253-259

Till, W. & S. Schatzl 1981Eine neue Tillandsia-Art aus Südmexico: T. kolbii (Bromeliaceae).

– Plant Systematics and Evolution 138:259-262

Till, W. & S. Till 1995Tillandsia ramellae W. Till & S. Till (Bromeliaceae) a new endemic species from northwestern Paraguay.

– Candollea 50(2):453-456

Till, W., H. Halbritter & G. Gortan 1997Notes on the genus Glomeropitcairnia.

– Journal of the Bromeliad Society 47(2):65-72

Tomaz, E.C. & L.M. Versieux 2019Bromeliaceae from Rio Grande do Norte State, northeastern Brazil.

– Phytotaxa 422(2):113-143

Tomlinson, P.B. 1969Bromeliaceae, In: Anatomy of the Monocotyledons Vol.III.

– Editor: C.R. Metcalfe. At the Clarendon Press, Oxford UK
– (page 193-294, 27 drawings; volume total 446 pages, 32x24 cm).

Treviño, I.F., V. Quipuscoa & E.J. Gouda 2019Puya colcaensis (Bromeliaceae) a new species from southern Peru.

– Phytotaxa 406(4):237-242

Tumi, S. et al. 2022Genetic diversity and genetic structure of Puya raimondii (Bromeliaceae) for its conservation in the Peruvian Andes.

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– (12 pages).


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– Berichte der Deutschen Botanischen Gesellschaft 14:407-422 and 16:346-362

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– Berichte der Deutschen Botanischen Gesellschaft 18(7):318-327

Ule, E. 1907Bromeliaceae, In: II. Beiträge zur Flora der Hylaea nach den Sammlungen von Ule\'s Amazonas-Expedition.

– Verhandlungen des Botanischen Vereins der Provinz Brandenburg 48:130-150

Ule, E. 1909Bromeliaceae, In: Beitrage zur flora van Bahia - I.

– Editor A. Engler. Botanische Jahrbücher für Systematik, Pflanzengeschichte und Pflanzengeographie 42:191-199 (Leipzig)
– (81 pages, 5 b&w-photos, 12 drawings, 25x17 cm).

Uribbe, F.P. 2014Revisão taxonômica do complexo Vriesea procera (Mart. ex Schult. & Schult. f.) Wittm. ( Bromeliaceae, Tillandsioideae).

– Thesis, Museu Nacional, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
– (85 pages).

Uribbe, F.P. et al. 2020Morphological variation in the Vriesea procera complex (Bromeliaceae, Tillandsioideae) in the Brazilian Atlantic Rain Forest, with recognition of new taxa.

– Systematic Botany 45(1):53-68

Utley, J.F. 1978A new combination in Guzmania (Bromeliaceae) (G. spectabilis).

– Phytologia 40(1):55-57

Utley, J.F. 1978A revision of the Costa Rican thecophylloid Vrieseas (Bromeliaceae).

– Thesis, Duke University, Durham North Carolina USA

Utley, J.F. 1981Two new montane Vrieseas (Bromeliaceae) from Costa Rica.

– Brittonia 33(4):581-586

Utley, J.F. 1983A revision of Middle American thecophylloid Vrieseas.

– Tulane Studies in Zoology and Botany 24(1), University New Orleans, USA
– (81 pages, 5 b&w-photos, 12 drawings, 25x17 cm).

Utley, J.F. 1986Bromeliaceae, In: Flora de Chiapas.

– Editor: D.E. Breedlove. Institutode Biologia UNAM, México City

Utley, J.F. 1994Bromeliaceae, In: Flora Mesoamericana.Vol.6.

– Editors: G. Davidse, M. Sousa & A.O. Chater. UNAM, México City
– (page 89-156, total 543 pages, not illustrated, 28x21 cm).

Utley, J.F. & H.E. Luther 1991Studies in Middle American Bromeliacea - II.

– Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 78(1):270

Utley, J.F. & K. Burt-Utley 1977Biologia de las Bromeliaceas (Phytogeography, physiological ecology and the Costa Rican genera of Bromeliaceae).

– Departamento de Historia Natural Museo National de Costa Rica, San Jose
– (page 9-29).
note: contains also a reprint of the thesis from M.C. Picado (1913). Also on this subject J.F. Utley: Journal of the Bromeliad Society 30(3):99-110 and 30(4):158-170 (1980).

Utley, J.F. & K. Burt-Utley 1983Bromeliads, In: Costa Rican natural history.

– Editor: D.H. Janzen. University of Chicago Press, Illinois USA

Utley, J.F. & K. Burt-Utley 1987Contributions toward a revision of Hechtia (Bromeliaceae).

– Brittonia 39(1):37-41

Utley, J.F. & K. Burt-Utley 1988New and noteworthy species of Hechtia (Bromeliaceae) from Guerrero, Mexico.

– Systematic Botany 13(2):276-282

Utley, J.F. & K. Burt-Utley 1991Studies in Middle American Bromeliacea - I.

– Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 78(1):266-269

Utley, J.F. & K. Burt-Utley 1993Two new species of Hechtia (Bromeliaceae) from western Mexico.

– Brittonia 45(3):219-225

Utley, J.F. & K. Burt-Utley 1998Pitcairnia mirandae (Bromeliaceae) - a new species from Chiapas, Mexico.

– Novon 8(3):304-306

Utley, J.F. & K.Burt-Utley 2001Bromeliaceae, In: Flora de Nicaragua.Monograph in Systematic Botany Vol.85 Tomo 1.

– Editor W.D. Stevens et al. Missouri Botanical Garden Press, St.Louis USA
– (page 460-495, total 943 pages, not illustrated, 25x17 cm ; total 3 volumes, ISBN 0-915279-95-9).

Utley, J.F., K.Burt-Utley & A. García-Mendoza 2011,2012Contributions towards a revision of Hechtia (Bromeliaceae, Pitcairnioideae).

– Phytoneuron 2011-59:1-17, 2012-69:1-14


Valentim, R. & R. Louzada 2020A new record of Tillandsia candida (Bromeliaceae, Tillandsioideae) and notes on its taxonomy.

– Hoehnea 47

Varadarajan, G.S. 1986Taxonomy and evolution of the Pitcairnioideae.

– Thesis, Washington State University - Pullman. University Microfilms International, Ann Arbor Michigan USA

Varadarajan, G.S. 1990Patterns of geographic distribution and their implications on the phylogeny of Puya.

– Journal of the Arnold Arboretum 71:527-552

Varadarajan, G.S. & A.J. Gilmartin 1987Foliar scales of the subfamily Pitcairnioideae (Bromeliaceae).

– Systematic Botany 12(4):562-571

Varadarajan, G.S. & A.J. Gilmartin 1988Phylogenetic relationships of groups of genera within the subfamily Pitcairnioideae.

– Systematic Botany 13(2):283-293

Varadarajan, G.S. & A.J. Gilmartin 1988Taxonomic realignments within the subfamily Pitcairnioideae (Pepinia).

– Systematic Botany 13(2):294-299
note: see also D.C. Taylor & H.D. Robinson (1999).

Varadarajan, G.S. & E. Forero 1987Genus Pitcairnia (Bromeliaceae): new taxa from Colombia, nomenclatural changes, and species complexes.

– Systematic Botany 12(3):410-415

Varadarajan, G.S. & G.K. Brown 1988Morphological variation of some floral features of the subfamily Pitcairnioideae and their significance in pollination biology.

– Botanical Gazette 149(1):82-91

Varassin, I.G. 2002Estrutura espacial e temporal de uma comunidade de Bromeliaceae e seus polinizadores em Floresta Atlântica no sudeste do Brasil.

– Thesis, Universidade Estadual de Campinas SP, Brazil
– (96 pages).

Varassin, I.G. & M. Sazima 2000Recursos de Bromeliaceae utilizados por beija-flores e borboletas em Mata Atlântica no sudeste do Brasil.

– Boletim do Museu de Biologia Mello Leitão (nser.) 11/12:57-70

Vargens, F.A.C. 2008Anatomia foliar de espécies de Billbergia Thunberg (Bromeliaceae, Bromelioideae).

– Thesis, Museu Nacional, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Vásquez Martínes, R. & R. Rojas Gonzáles 2010Bromeliaceae, In: Flora del Río Cenepa, Amazonas, Peru Vol.2.

– Editors: R. Vásquez, R. Rojas & H. van der Werff. Missouri Botanical Garden Press, St. Louis USA
– (page 460-478, total 1568 pages in 2 volumes, 26x18 cm, ISBN 9781930723921).

Vásquez, R. & P.L. Ibisch 2003The genus Bromelia (Bromeliaceae) in Bolivia with the description of two new species from the Santa Cruz department.

– Revista de la Sociedad Boliviana de Botánica 4(1):51-65

Vásquez, R. & P.L. Ibisch 2009Pitcairnia vargasii (Bromeliaceae), sp. nov. de Bolivia.

– Revista de la Sociedad Boliviana de Botánica 4(2):211-216

Velden, J.M. v.d. 1987In vitro teelt van bromelia\'s (micropropagation).

– Thesis, Universiteit Wageningen, Netherlands
– (40 pages).

Vellozo, J.M. 1827Bromeliaceae, In: Florae Fluminensis.

– Paris France
– (23 b&w-plates of Bromeliaceae in Vol.3; total 352 textpages and 1640 b&w-plates in 11 volumes).

Versieux, L.M. 2005Bromeliáceas de Minas Gerais: catálogo distribuição geográphica e conservação.

– Thesis, Museu Nacional, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Versieux, L.M. 2008Checklist and one new species of Bromeliaceae from Pico do Itambé, Minas Gerais, Brasil.

– Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 158:709-715

Versieux, L.M. 2009Sistemática, filogenia e morfologia de Alcantarea (Bromeliácea).

– Thesis, Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil
– (241 pages).

Versieux, L.M. 2011Brazilian plants urgently needing conservation: the case of Vriesea minarum (Bromeliaceae).

– Phytotaxa 28:35-49

Versieux, L.M. & C. Pérez dos Santos 2022One new highly ornamental giant bromeliad from Espírito Santo State, Brazil.

– PlantNow 2(1):15-17

Versieux, L.M. & E.M.C. Leme 2007A new lithophytic Orthophytum (Bromeliaceae) from the Espinhaço Range, Minas Gerais, Brazil (O. itambense).

– Novon 17(1):130-134

Versieux, L.M. & M.G.L. Wanderley 2007A new species of Alcantarea (E. Morren ex Mez) Harms, Bromeliaceae (A. patriae).

– Hoehnea 34(3):409-413

Versieux, L.M. & M.G.L. Wanderley 2007Two new species of Alcantarea (Bromeliaceae, Tillandsioideae) from Brazil (A. turgida, A. tortuosa).

– Brittonia 59(1):57-64

Versieux, L.M. & M.G.L. Wanderley 2008A new species of Vriesea L. (Bromeliaceae, Tillandsioideae) from serra da Canastra, Minas Gerais State, Brazil (V. sanfranciscana).

– Acta Botânica Brasilica 22(1):71-74

Versieux, L.M. & M.G.L. Wanderley 2009Vriesea piscatrix (Bromeliaceae): uma nova epífita da Cerra do Cipó, Minas Gerais, Brasil.

– Hoehnea 36(3):455-458

Versieux, L.M. & M.G.L. Wanderley 2009A new species of Alcantarea (Bromeliaceae, Tillandsioideae) from Serra dos Órgãos, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (A. martinellii).

– Brittonia 61(4):336-340

Versieux, L.M. & M.G.L. Wanderley 2010Delimitation of the Alcantarea extensa complex (Bromeliaceae) and a new species from Espírito Santo, Brazil.

– Rodriguésia 61(3):421-429

Versieux, L.M. & M.G.L. Wanderley 2010Flora da Bahia: Bromeliaceae - Alcantarea.

– Sitientibus série Ciências Biológicas 10(1):147-151

Versieux, L.M. & M.G.L. Wanderley 2015Brómelias-gigantes do Brasil (Alcantarea.)

– Capim Macio & Offset, Natal, Brazil
– (200 pages of which 32 with small colorphotos, 28 large linedrawings, 8 maps, 21x15,5 cm, ISBN 978-85-5508-003-6).

Versieux, L.M. & T. Wendt 2006Checklist of Bromeliaceae of Minas Gerais, Brazil with notes on taxonomy and endemism.

– Selbyana 27(2):107-146

Versieux, L.M. & T. Wendt 2007Bromeliaceae diversity and conservation in Minas Gerais State, Brazil.

– Biodiversity and Conservation 16:2989-3009

Versieux, L.M. & T.M. Machado 2012A new ornithophylus yellow-flowered Vriesea (Bromeliaceae) from Cerro do Caraça, Minas Gerais, Brazil (Vriesea marceloi).

– Phytotaxa 71:36-41

Versieux, L.M. & T.M. Machado 2018Vriesea roberto-seidelii (Bromeliaceae): taxonomy, distribution and conservation based on new records from the Atlantic Forest of Bahia, Espírito Santo,and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

– Phytotaxa 367(2):179-185

Versieux, L.M. et al. 2008Bromeliaceae da Cadeia do Espinhaço.

– Megadiversidade 4(1-2):99-110

Versieux, L.M. et al. 2010Alcantarea (Bromeliaceae) leaf anatomical characterization and its systematic implecations.

– Nordic Journal of Botany 28(4):385-397

Versieux, L.M. et al. 2010An illustrated checklist of Bromeliaceae from Parque Estadual do Rio Preto, Minas Gerais, Brazil, with notes on phytogeography and one new species of Cryptanthus.

– Phytotaxa 10:1-16

Versieux, L.M. et al. 2012Molecular phylogenetics of the Brazilian giant bromeliads (Alcantarea, Bromeliaceae): implications for morphological evolution and biogeography.

– Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 64:177-189

Versieux, L.M. et al. 2012Alcantarea pataxoana (Bromeliaceae), a new species from Bahia, Brazil.

– Systematic Botany 37(3):636-640

Versieux, L.M. et al. 2013Extension of the Cryptanthus range in northeastern Brazil (Cryptanthus zonatus complex).

– Phytotaxa 109(1):54-60

Versieux, L.M. et al. 2013A new yellow-flowered ornithophylous Vriesea and an illustrated collection of the the bromeliads from Pico Alto, Serra do Baturité, Ceará State, northeastern Brazil ( V. baturitensis).

– Phytotaxa 117(2):42-50

Versieux, L.M. et al. 2013New genus and species records of Bromeliaceae in the caatinga of Rio Grande do Norte state, northeastern Brazil: Orthophytum disjunctum and Tillandsia paraibensis.

– Check List 9(3):663-665

Versieux, L.M. et al. 2018Checklist of Bromeliaceae from Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil.

– Iheringia 73(suppl.):163-168

Versieux, L.M. et al. 2021Alcantarea: The giant bromeliads from Brazil.

– Capim Macio & Offset, Natal, Brazil
– (2nd edition of 2015 book, 348 pages, 52 plates with pictures, 16x21 cm.).

Versieux, L.M., M.G.C. Nogueira & A.A. Conceição 2014The rediscovery. after one century, of Vriesea maculosa (Bromeliaceae, Tillandsioideae) with an amendment to its description.

– Phytotaxa 188(4):198-208

Versieux, L.M., M.G.C. Nogueira & A.A. Conceição 2014Synonymy and notes on a rare species of Vriesea (Bromeliaceae) from the Atlantic Forest hotspot of Bahia and Minas Gerais, Brazil (V. noblickii).

– Phytotaxa 371(1):70-72

Versieux, L.M., N. Vasconcellos & G. Martinelli 2013Tillandsia bonita (Bromeliaceae), a new species from Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil, with notes on leaf anatomy.

– Systematic Botany 38(1):75-81

Vervaeke, I. et al. 2003Flower biology of six cultivars of the Bromeliaceae.

– Selbyana 24(1):78-94

Véliz, M. 2010Guía de reconocimiento del género Tillandsia de Guatemala.

– Consejo Nacional de Areas Protegidas (CONAP), Guatemala
– (118 pages, color illustrations).

Véliz, M. & U. Feldhoff 2013Tillandsia carrilloi (Bromeliaceae), a new species from Guatemala.

– Cactus Adventures International 98:2-9

Victoria H., A. 1990, 2001Bromeliaceae, In: Flora Fanerogámica del Valle de México, Vol.3 Monocotyledoneae.

– Editors: J. & G. Rzedowski. Instituto de Ecologia, Centro Regional del Bajio, Pátzcuaro Michoacán México
– (page 250-260; total 494 pages, 22x15 cm, ISBN 968-7213-12-4).
note: corrections and additions in A. Serna & A.R. López-Ferrari (2004) Notas sobre la familia Bromeliaceae en el Valle de México, Acta Botánica Mexicana 67:49-57.

Vidal, U. A. 1995A família Bromeliaceae na Reserva Ecológica Rio das Pedras, Mangaratiba, Rio de Janeiro.

– Thesis, Museu Nacional, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
– (156 pages).

Vieira, C.M. 1999Quesnelia Gaudichaud (Bromelioideae: Bromeliaceae) do estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.

– Thesis, Museu Nacional, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
– (141 pages).

Vieira, C.M. 1999Uma nova espécie de Quesnelia (Bromelioideae: Bromeliaceae) para o Brasil (Q. kautskyi).

– Bradea 8(23):131-134

Vieira, C.M. 2006Quesnelia Gaudichaud (Bromelioideae: Bromeliaceae) do estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.

– Pesquisas (Botânica) n.57:7-102, Instituto Anchietano de Pesquisas, Brazil

Villa Guzmán, D.M. 2007Estudio etnobotánico de las bromelias epífitas en el municipio de Santa Catarina Ixtepeji en la sierra norte de Oaxaca.

– Thesis, Instituto Politécnico Nacional, Unidad Oaxaca, México
– (119 pages).

Villalón, M. 1996Contribución al estudio del género Guzmania Ruiz et Pavón (Bromeliaceae) en Cuba.

– Thesis, Instituto de Ecología y Systemática, Universidad La Habana, Cuba

Villaseñor, J.L. 2016Bromeliaceae, In: Checklist of the native vascular plants of México.

– Revista Mexicana de Biodiversidad 87(3):559-902
– (Bromeliaceae p. 675-680).

Visiani, R. 1855Di due piante nueve dell\'ordine delle Bromeliaceae.

– Memorie dell\' I.R. Instituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti 5:338-343

Vivas, Y. & B.K. Holst 2013A new species of Guzmania Ruiz & Pav. (Bromeliaceae) from Venezuela (G. loeflingiana).

– Selbyana 31(1):60-63

Vosgueritchian, S.B. & S. Buzato 2006Reprodução sexuada de Dyckia tuberosa (Vell.) Beer (Bromeliaceae, Pitcairnioideae) e interação planta-animal.

– Revista Brasileira de Botanica 29(3):433-442


Wagner, N.D. 2013Phylogeographie und Populationsgenetik der Arten der Gattung Fosterella (Bromeliaceae) in den südamerikanischen Anden.

– Thesis, Universität Kassel, Germany
– (193 pages, illustrated).
note: also N. Wagner et al. (2013) Spatio-temporal evolution of Fosterella (Bromeliaceae) in the Central Andean biodiversity hotspot, Journal of Biogeography 40(5):869-880.

Wagner, N.D. et al. 2015Reproduction biology and chloroplast inheritance in Bromeliaceae: a case study in Fosterella (Pitcairnioideae).

– Plant Systematics and Evolution 301(9):2231-2246

Wall, B. 1988Bromeliads.

– Wisley handbook (Royal Horticultural Society), Cassell Educational Ltd, London UK
– (64 pages, 44 colorphotos, 6 drawings, 22x14 cm, ISBN 0-304-32197-4).
note: also published in French: Les Broméliacées, ed. Bornemann Paris (1991, 63 pages, ISBN 9782851824318).

Wanderley, M.G.L. 1984Contribuiçâo à palinotaxonomia da família Bromeliaceae.

– Thesis, Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil

Wanderley, M.G.L. 1990Diversidade e distribuição geográfica das especies de Orthophytum (Bromeliaceae).

– Acta Botânica Brasilica 4(1):169-175

Wanderley, M.G.L. 2008Nova espécie de Canistrum E. Morren (Bromeliaceae) do Brasil (C. flavipetalum).

– Hoehnea 35(4):537-541

Wanderley, M.G.L. & A.A. Conceição 2006Notas taxonômicas e uma nova espécie do gênero Orthophytum Beer (Bromeliaceae) da Chapada Diamantina, Bahia, Brazil (O. mucugense).

– Sitientibus Série Ciências Biologicas 6(1):3-8

Wanderley, M.G.L. & B.A. Moreira 2000Bromeliaceae, In: Flora Fanerogâmica da Reserva do Parque Estadual das Fontes do Ipiranga No.178 (São Paulo, Brazil).

– Hoehnea 27(3):259-278

Wanderley, M.G.L. & G.M. Sousa & M. Alves 2014Dyckia tubifilamentosa (Pitcairnioideae - Bromeliaceae): a new species from northeastern Brazil.

– Hoehnea 41(2):315-319

Wanderley, M.G.L. & L. Mollo 1992Bromeliaceae, In: Flora Fanerogâmica da Ilha do Cardoso Vol.3.

– Instituto de Botânica, São Paulo, Brazil
– (page 90-140, 2 drawingpages; total 200 pages, 20x13 cm, ISBN 85.85131.52.7).

Wanderley, M.G.L. & R.B. Louzada 2009Delimitação morfológica e reconhecimento de Orthophytum amoenum (Ule) L.B. Sm. (Bromeliaceae).

– Sitientibus Série Ciências Biologicas 9(1):30-34

Wanderley, M.G.L. & R.C. Forzza 2003Bromeliaceae, In: Flora de Grão Mogol, Minas Gerais.

– Boletim de Botânica da Universidade de São Paulo 21(1):131-139

Wanderley, M.G.L. & S.E. Martins 2007Bromeliaceae, In M.G.L. Wanderley et al.: Flora Fanerogâmica do Estado de São Paulo Vol.5.

– Instituto de Botânica, Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo, Brazil
– (page 39-161, 29 b&w drawings, 30x21 cm, ISBN 978-85-7523-020-6)

Wanderley, M.G.L. & S.L. Proença 2006Nova espécie de Quesnelia Gaudich. (Bromeliaceae) do Estado de São Paulo, Brazil (Q. violacea).

– Hoehnea 33(1):111-113

Wanderley, M.G.L. et al. 2011Bromeliaceae, In: Checklist das Spermatophyta do Estado de São Paulo, Brasil.

– Bio Neotropica 11(1a):235-239 (total checklist p. 193-390)

Wawra von Fernsee, H. 1866Botanische Ergebnisse der Reise seiner Majestät des Kaisers van México Maximilian I nach Brazilien (1859-1860).

– C. Gerold\'s Sohn, Wien Austria
– (234 textpages, 32 colorplates (4 bromeliads), 72 b&w-plates (2 bromeliads), 48x32 cm).

Wawra von Fernsee, H. 1883, 1888Itinera principum S.Coburgi.Die botanische Ausbeute von den Reisen ihrer Hoheiten der Prinzen von Sachsen-Coburg-Gotha.Vol.1 & Vol.2.

– Vol.1: Reise der Prinzen Philipp und August um die Welt (1872-1873), Vol.2: Reise der Prinzen August und Ferdinand nach Brazilien (1879); C. Gerold\'s Sohn, Wien Austria
– (Vol.1: 182 textpages, 39 colorplates (20 of bromeliads), 34x27 cm; Vol.2: 205 textpages, 18 colorplates).
note: originally published in Öster. Bot. Zeitung (1880, 1881); more information in Journal of the Bromeliad Society 43(4-6) (1993).

Weber, A. 2001An introductory field guide to the flowering plants of the Golfo Dulce rainforests, Costa Rica: Corcovado N.P. and Piedras Blancas N.P.

– Catalogue of Oberoestereichises Landesmuseum, new ser.nr.172, Austria
– (9 pages text on bromeliads, 27 cm, ISBN 3-854747-072-7).

Weber, W. 1971Bestimmungsschlüssel Tillandsia.

– Waldsteinberg Germany (DDR)
– (54 pages).

Weber, W. 1979-1986Species novae Bromeliacearum II/V.

– Bradea 3(4) 1979 (II), Feddes Repertorium 93(5) 1982 (III), 94(9) 1983 (IV), 97(3) 1986 (V)
– (total of 84 pages, 46 drawings).

Weber, W. 1984Bromeliaceae, In: Catalogus Herbarii Lipsiensis, Plantae Peruvianae II.

– Editors: Müller, Gutte, Müller & Schultz. Leipzig Germany (DDR)
– (pages 40-44, 8 drawings).

Weber, W. 1984Die Bromeliaceae im Herbarium D.F.L. von Schlechtendals.

– Feddes Repertorium 95(9-10):573-600

Webster, G.L. & R.M. Rhode 2001Bromeliaceae, In: Plant diversity of an Andean cloud forest, checklist of the vascular flora of Maquipucuna, Ecuador.

– Publications in Botany Vol.82, University of California Press, Berkeley; Los Angeles USA and London UK
– (pages 162-165; total 220 pages, 17 b&w-photos, ISBN 0-520-09830-7).

Weiss, H.E. & J. Gauthé 1965Etude caryologique et cyto-taxinomique de quelques Broméliacées (H.E. Weiss) & Contribution à l\'étude caryologique des Tillandsiées (J. Gauthé).

– Extracted from Mémoires du Muséum national d\'histoire naturelle. Nouvelle séries, sér.B, Botanique, t.16, fasc.1 (Contribution à la caryologie de quelques végétaux cultivés dans les serres du Museúm. Essais de caryo-taxinomie). Editions du Muséum, Paris France
– (pages 9-38, 2 plates & pages 39-60, 3 plates, 28 cm).

Wendt, T. 1991Pitcairnia l\'Héritier (Bromeliaceae): Taxonomia das espécies Fluminenses.

– Thesis, Universidade Santa Ursula, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Wendt, T. 1993Taxonomia das espécies Brazileiras de Aechmea Ruiz & Pavon subgênero Pothuava.

– Thesis, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Wendt, T. 1994Pitcairnia L\'Héritier (Bromeliaceae) of Rio de Janeiro state Brazil.

– Selbyana 15:66-78

Wendt, T. 1997A review of subgenus Pothuava in Brazil.

– Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 125:245-271

Wendt, T. et al. 2000Recognition of Pitcairnia corcovadensis (Bromeliaceae) at the species level.

– Systematic Botany 25(3):389-398

Wendt, T. et al. 2000A morphometric analysis of a putative hybrid between Pitcairnia albiflos and P. staminea (Bromeliaceae).

– Selbyana 21(1,2):132-136

Wendt, T. et al. 2008An apparent lack of prezygotic reproductive isolation among 42 sympatric species of Bromeliaceae in southeastern Brazil.

– Plant Systematics and Evolution 275:31-41

Wendt, T. et al. 2010Bromeliaceae do município de Santa Teresa, Espírito Santo: lista de espécies, distribuiçâo, conservaçâo e comentários taxonômicos .

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Version 2, April 19, 2023 — Access from February 2023: